Parents of five adopt seven siblings who lost their mom and dad in a car crash

The seven siblings who went through trauma after losing their parents are now starting a new life thanks to this incredible couple who opened the doors to their home and their hearts for them.


Those people who open the doors to their hearts and their homes for children in need are the greatest of all.

Pam and Gary are an incredible couple who have been registered as foster parents and have taken care for many children during the years. They have five children on their own, but that never stopped them from welcoming more kids in their life and providing them with love and security.

However, now that their biological kids are all grown up, Pam and Gary did something truly amazing. They adopted seven siblings who were left orphans recently.

The story of the children, Adelino, the oldest of the seven, Azaura, 11, Aleecia and Antonio, 6, Aubrey, 4, Angel, 3, and Alexander, 2, is heartbreaking. They, along with their parents, were involved in a car accident in which their mom and dad lost their lives.

After that life-changing incident, the siblings were taken to a foster family but were in search for a forever family. Finding someone who would be willing to give permanent home to all seven of them seemed like a mission impossible, although it was everything those kids ever wanted.

Azaura told CBS8 News in 2018, “I’m happy that all of us are together and that we’re all alive,” adding, “I want a family that’s fun, joyful, and who takes you out places.”

Little did she know at the time that her wish would soon turn into reality all thanks to the Willis family.

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Adoption Day Part One! . As promised, I have so much to share about everything that we’ve been celebrating over here! 🎉 . Adoption day was one week ago today and although it was nothing like any of us had envisioned from the beginning, we made it happen and we made it special! 💜 . Covid shut downs hit San Diego the week of our original court hearing in March. We got a call just 3 days before court that they were closing down and postponing all hearings until further notice. Man, was that a hard day! 😪 . We still celebrated that weekend because it was the one year anniversary of the day we’d met,🥰 but inside, we all just wanted it to be official. Waiting amidst the Covid outbreak craziness was pretty challenging. 😷 . We didn’t know if we were going to have to do a video hearing, if the courts would open up again, how long we’d have to wait…. so many uncertainties. I don’t like uncertainties. 😵 . In June the courts called and asked if I wanted to schedule a video hearing. I just wasn’t ready to give up my vision of the day in court that I felt these kiddos deserved. So I said “no”. I asked them to call back when the courts were opening… somehow thinking that was gonna happen soon 🤷🏼‍♀️ . My youngest bio child is 19. He was getting ready to leave for missionary work that had already been postponed. His departure date was August 11th, so open courts or not, that became our deadline. . No courts opened. Covid didn’t disappear like I told it to. So I started planning…. and crying… and planning… and trying to be creative… and crying some more (ok, that’s about my breakdown, we’ll talk about that another day 🙈) . It was SO important to me to make this day special, and SO important to me that all 12 of my children be together for the occasion. 🙏 . Do you know how hard it is to get 5 adult children – two from out of state, all of whom have lives and jobs and stuff, one of which JUST had a baby 4 weeks ago – all in the same place for pictures on adoption day? . Hard. 🤯 . But we did it!! And even though we didn’t get to go inside, we still took pictures outside of the courthouse because that’s where we were SUPPOSED to be 💜

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Speaking of their decision to adopt the children, Pam said how she simply knew those kids belonged in their family the moment they came across their story on Facebook.

“I saw how much these kids needed someone to love them because they had no one else to go to. I called the adoption service every week to show them how much I wanted to help these children,” Pam told Metro News.

“From the moment we first met them it was instant love. I looked at Gary and we both could see they are really great kids and knew we were doing the right thing.”

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Our quarantine circle ❤ These are the faces I’ve spent every day with for the last 51 days straight. All day. All night. Rarely a trip out for my husband or I because, let’s be 100% real… ain’t no way I wanna take care of 7 sick children all at once if Covid hits our house 🙈 . I don’t know how all of this will end. I don’t have the magic answers. I’m just trying to stay healthy and keep my kids safe. 🤗 . We’re still waiting on our day in court to fully finalize the adoption. The boys desperately need haircuts…we’re still waiting for the day we can chill at the beach or visit my grandbabies, or go to Rosssssss….. cause I NEED Ross to spend my tax return $ 🙃🤷🏼‍♀️ . But we’ll wait. We have each other, and we’re pretty entertaining, so I feel kinda blessed for that. 💙 . We’re testing positive for faith, social distancing from doubt, and isolating from fear. Trusting God to guide us through. 🙏 . . . . #fostercarejourney #fostertoadopt #fostermom #gettooattached #secondchanceseven #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #raisingseven #weareadopting #adoptionislove #fostermomlife #traumarecovery #childhoodtrauma #fosteryourheartout #liveintentionally #wearethevillage #covid #quarantine #bigfam #bigfamilylife #bigfamilymom

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The siblings are very satisfied with their new life. They have a great relationship with Willis’ biological children and all of them make one huge and happy family.

Pam and Gary even have 8 great children, so when the whole family gathers together it is definitely crowded, but they all love being by each other’s side and sharing precious moments together.

“I have noticed how incredibly happy they are and that makes me so happy too, because that’s all we ask for. The oldest of the seven, Adelino, said to me recently ‘thank you for giving us this life’ and there is no other feeling like that. The kids are great kids and we love having them around,” said Pam.

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I have this thing about nutrition… 🍩 . Whenever I have taken foster children into my home, I’ve felt an immense pressure to give them the best possible foods during the time they are with me. I’ve always looked at it as possibly their only opportunity in life to get good solid nutrition and brain/body growth. 🥦🍅🍗🍓🍒🍎🥑🥩🥬 . I’ve watched, even my new seven, go from pale skin and thin stringy hair, to nice, rosy cheeks, thick full hair and, healthy body physiques.❤ . I’m a nutrition nazi of sorts, but when you take a kiddo through the bank drive through and they ask if they’re getting fries… or when FedEx comes and gives you a package and the child yells “pizza!”… it just makes you feel like you’ve gotta feed them well! 🍕🍔🍫🍭🧁🍪🍿 . Why the donuts today then? 🍩 Cause I have to loosen up now. I’ve got these guys forever! They eat mounds of broccoli, carrots and spinach now (well, all except for the teenagers who choke a few bites down here and there to oblige me) 🙃 . These five littles are the best fruit and veggie eaters I’ve ever had ❤ So sometimes, I just gotta give ’em a fat, gooey donut and let ’em enjoy! 🍩 . Balance…. . Donuts and balance! 🍩🙃❤🤷🏼‍♀️ . . . . #fostercarejourney #fostertoadopt #gettooattached #secondchanceseven #adoptionjourney #adoptionrocks #raisingseven #adoptionislove #fostermomlife #fosteryourheartout #liveintentionally #wearethevillage #bigfamily #bigfamilylove #bigfam #nutrition #healthyfoods #donuts #donut

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Pam and Gary stepped in for these kids when they needed that the most and didn’t let them lose their faith in humanity.

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