After Parents Jailed, Boy Is Alone At School, Cop Does The Only Thing He Can…


School for many children is a scary affair, there are tests in school, bullies at play time and simply fitting in is a challenge in itself. All in all it’s a lot of anxiety!

A particular student, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, who is only 8 years old, had a recent fear come true. ON 23rd October he was left at school until the end of the day.

That in in itself wasn’t to bad, but there was more, it was the boy’s birthday.

He only had one patent recorded on his file, and that parent was in jail., the school didn’t even have someone listed as an emergency contact for him.

The boys position was an awful and seemingly impossible combination of family circumstances.

The Staff at the school did the only thing they could and called the police department.

Yesterday Officer Robinson responded to a local elementary school for a child that was not picked up at the end of the…

Gepostet von Green Bay Police Department am Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2017

Right at that moment the story could have ended in tears, but thankfully and thanks to the officer who arrived, it didn’t. Darryl Robinson the officer there knew just what to do, and soon the situation turned around.

He realized that the young man had no-one to celebrate his birthday with, so having put the boy into his cruiser, he headed for the nearest Golden Arches.

Robinson explained:

“We did have a phone number for his grandfather”

“I asked his grandfather if it was okay to take him to McDonald’s before bringing him home. He said, ‘Yes.’”

The Police department said on it’s Facebook page;

“Thanks to the owners of our local McDonald’s, we were given free cheeseburger coupons to hand out in certain situations. Officer Robinson took the child for a meal at McDonald’s and a ride around in the police car for his birthday. Family was eventually located and the child was dropped off.”

The actions of the officer, Robinson, had greatly impressed the boy and the community!

One citizen commented on Facebook, he said:
“Thank you Officer Robinson for treating that young boy like a human being even though his parents are having a hard time right now.”