Panic-stricken dog comes running to mom’s room at night and begs her to follow him

He jumped on Mom’s bed and began shaking uncontrollably. When she followed him into her baby daughter’s room, the sight made her scream.


When we speak of dogs, the first thing that comes to our mind is the word loyalty. It’s beyond believable how these creatures are willing to risk everything, including their own life, for the well-being of their owners.

Around six years ago, The Brousseau family adopted a dog from a shelter in Portland, Connecticut. Duke, the sweet canine who became part of the family thrived in his new forever home. He loved his humans to the moon and back and was grateful for the new life they offered him.

Shortly after the family’s baby was born, Duke found himself in a situation which allowed him to express his gratitude in an endearing manner.

Source: YouTube/ ABC News

In the middle of the night, while the parents were sound asleep, Duke entered in their room and jumped on the bed. He was shaking uncontrollably and tried to alert them that something wasn’t right. As he didn’t answer to any of the commands from his human mom, it raised a red flag.

She rushed to baby Harper’s room and realized that the little one wasn’t breathing. Harper was then immediately taken to the hospital where doctors managed to save her life in the nick of time! Luckily, everything turned out for the best but things could have end up with a tragedy had it not been for Duke.

Source: YouTube/ ABC News

The family is forever grateful to their heroic dog who saved their daughter’s life.

If you want to learn more of Duke and his heroism go to the video below.

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