Concerned coach searches for poor brothers after they disappear from class

Jack Mook is an army vet and police detective. Turns out, he's also a hero ❤


Jack Mook could be best described as a tough guy who wouldn’t let anyone approach him emotionally. Single and with no interest of getting married, this Pittsburgh police detective and 22-year Army veteran who served in the Gulf War spent his days living day to day.

Whenever he had some free time, he would go to the Steel City Boxing, a local gym run by a non-profit organization which helps underprivileged children. There, Jack would mentor kids and teach them how to box.

One day, two brothers entered the place. For no particular reason, Jack grew fond of them but didn’t do much to show that. The kids trained for some time and then, all of a sudden, they stopped visiting the place.

Jack Mook pictured with Josh and Jesse | Source: News

Jack could sense something wasn’t right so he made it his mission to find them.

Eventually, he was able to locate the boys, Joshua, 15 and Jessee, 11, and what he learned about them broke his heart. He was aware they were coming from a difficult background but could never imagine the severity of their living conditions.

The boys’ parents were extremely poor and left them behind so the brothers ended up with some relatives who were abusive and neglectful.

Josh and Jesse Mook. | Source: News

“He [Jack] was asking me about it and then I just cried,” Joshua told CBS News. They had no beds, no clothes, and were forced to sleep on the cold floor which was covered in dog’s feces. “I’m trying to sleep my life away. I go to sleep as early as possible so I can sleep until I have to go back to school” the boy added.

Those words touched Jack’s heart to the core. All of a sudden, the tough guy went soft and crushed. He couldn’t possibly imagine that children so young could live such difficult and miserable lives.

[Left to Right] Jack Mook, Jesse, Court Judge, and Josh at the official adoption hearing | Source: News

Without hesitating even a bit, Jack told the two brothers they were coming with him.

From being someone who didn’t wan’t any commitments or responsibilities, Jack became a foster father, and then a father after he officially adopted Joshua and Jessee. “He’s still Coach, but we know he’s Dad, too. Most of all, he’s a savior. He’s my role model,” Joshua shared with Today.  

The story of this beautiful family of three went viral and now many women were eager to meet Jack. One of them, Mary, made sure she “stumbles upon” him at a bar. The two hit it off and tied the knot. With her three children from a previous marriage and Jack’s boys, they now make the perfect family.

Mary and Jack Mook at their wedding | Source: Sunday Morning

“I thought being single was fun because you don’t have any responsibilities,” Jack shared with CBS News. “But when you’re single, you don’t realize what you’re missing. I’m glad I let her break through that barrier and take me away from that life.”

It only took Jack to open his heart for his life to change drastically. His days of solitude are now in the past and he is a proud father and husband.

His boys are happy to have him and have the best lives they could ever hope for.

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