Getting old is really a mixed blessing, there are many benefits to growing older but there can be many downsides too! Some can find it very scary an lonely, while others like the freedom. On elderly lady learned the hard way about being lonely when she was abandoned at her local hospital.
A lady called Ashley Cherry and was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital Fort Campbell, Kentucky and there she saw something she would never forget… Ashley was with her husband in the very same waiting room, there was a woman perched in a wheelchair.

The Lady in the wheel chair had been wheeled there because she had been discharged, she had said to the receptionist that she didn’t have any family to come or to take her to her home.
With no ride and nowhere to go, that she was able to get to by herself she just sat there in the wheelchair, alone and helpless….
What Ashley said was she had seen something that was really upsetting that day, but there was one man who dived in to save the day!
She said:
“I was saddened to see some (not all) of the employees’ lack of concern as to how she would get home. All of the sudden this AMAZING gentleman who had been waiting with his wife approached the lady and told her he would gladly take her home.”

The guy didn’t know the woman, he didn’t even know where she lived, he just happened to be at the hospital with his wife…
“This man not knowing her or having a clue where she lived volunteered his time to care of this lovely woman. She offered to pay but he kindly declined like any good man would.”
Ashley found out that from his wife that the man was called Jeffrey, he was a soldier who was stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He left the emergency room to hop in his truck and gave the elderly woman a ride home, Ashely wheeled her outside.

Ashley and Jeffery carefully put the woman in the vehicle, she felt very good to see the compassion shown to a stranger who really needed help.
“As I watched them drive away my only thoughts were ‘There are still great people in this world’ ‘and ‘We have to care for our elders like this nice man.’ Not only does this man serve our great country, he serves his great little community. Thank you, sir…”
Ashley shared on her Facebook page about what happened that day and the story has really gone viral. Above all she hopes that Jeffrey would see her post and know that it was hos good deed that saved the day and that was really so appreciated by not just the Lady he helped, but everyone around him too!