There isn’t any situation I can think of that violence is acceptable in normal situations, violence against women is just the worse of the worse!

Many people find it hard to understand why any woman in an abusive or violent situation, where she keeps getting beaten, would choose to stay in that position.

But the fact is that it’s not altogether easy to escape those situations, in some cases the cycle of abuse makes many women feel trapped in those situations.

Perhaps no one could really understand those kinds of situations completely unless you have been trapped in that situation yourself!

If you have been physically and psychologically beaten into submission for such a long time then you too would probably have very little energy, drive, or fight left to be able to get away either.


The guy in the video below definitely is not right in some way or other, he and a woman are walking down the street when he grabs her firmly by the arms and hits her in the face so violently that she goes to the floor!

Just a few seconds after this a group of men rush down the street…


The group surround the guy and punch him, teaching him a lesson, he will never forget a lesson like that for sure! Well, maybe the karma will teach him a thing or two about how that feels?

That video has been going around online, all over, in fact, it has been seen right around the world, many people think that he got what he deserves!


I think that violence breeds violence and we should never use violence against people, but every now and again this kind of karma seems to balance the scales.

Have a look at the video here to see what went on, WARNING: graphic images!

A cautionairy video, see karma at work, in this awakening video, SHARE with friends and family!