Meet the most adorable preschool teacher who has Down Syndrome

She is one of the few people with Down Syndrome in the world who hold that position.


A lot of people with Down Syndrome are completely independent. They are no different than most of us when it comes to their mental capacities and capabilities. Despite that, they are often starred at and considered disabled. The truth is that societies have a hard time accepting differences, forgetting that those differences are what make this world a beautiful place.

Source: Facebook / Noelia Garella

Noelia Garella from Argentina has Down Syndrome, but that didn’t prevent her from pursuing her life-long dream of becoming a teacher. Her life hasn’t been an easy one because she was bullied and called names while growing up, and it all started when she was very young. Namely, when her parents tried getting her into preschool, the people working there told them she couldn’t be accepted because she was “a monster.” Those harsh words broke their hearts, but they knew their girl will succeed in life despite what others had to say.

Source: Good Housekeeping

Today, Noelia, who is 31 years old, works as a preschool teacher and is one of the few people with Down Syndrome in the world who hold that position.

“I adore this. Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be a teacher, because I like children so much,” she says.

We are so glad she found a job which makes her happy.

Source: Good Housekeeping

For more stories about extraordinary teachers check out the video below.