For Bo Steele from Alabama the worst day of his life turned out to be the turning point in his music career. What Bo spontaneously did one day in 2014 gave him, unexpectedly, the once-in-a-lifetime chance.
Everything started with his grandmother’s admittance to the hospital. As a good nephew and well-mannered young man, Bo was always near his grandmother since the illness ruined the comfort of their lives.
While staying in the hospital waiting room, one of the nurses suggested him to do anything that could help settle down his worries. So, Bo did what he was best at – singing.
His acapella voice rang through the hospital waiting room and hall. The touching lyrics and the dedication of the song made emotional everyone in the room. But, the patients and the staff were not the only one that heard his vocal skills.
According to their own website, some relevant people from the music industry heard his singing and his wonderful talent. Since Bo and his friend had formed a band some time in the past, the band was offered a deal that could not be turned out. They signed for Fire River Records.
Soon the band started recording many songs that amused the audience, but guess what song was the most beloved? It’s the song he sang in the hospital – ‘Victory in Jesus’. Therefore, the song was recorded and it became part of their repertoire.
Bo later says that the song had a great meaning to him, especially due to the circumstances which the song was sang in. He says:
“It means something to people and that means something to us.”