Ace has to be one of the sweetest cats you’ve ever met. He’s cute, loving, and enjoys humans’ company. He is a rescue cat who was lucky enough to end up with a family who loves him to the moon and back. Sadly, because of the way he looks, not many people love getting closer and pat him.
Because he’s missing one eye, most of the kids find this sweet soul “scary,” but not the little boy who drives his bike near Ace’s house every day.

When Ace’s owner took a look at the footage of his security camera and saw the boy taking time out of his routine to spend some fun time with the cat, he felt glad and thankful. He knew it made Ace happy.
In order for the boy not to sneak in order to play with Ace, the owners told him he is welcome to visit them whenever he wanted. Now Ace got used to the affection he’s getting from the boy so much that he is eagerly waiting for him to come. And when he does, Ace is rushing towards the door to greet his human friend.

The video of the two buddies is so cute that it will show others to be more open to those that are a bit ‘different’ because we all need to be loved, no matter how we look on the outside. We are glad this boy’s parents taught him to never judge a book by its cover, and we hope others would learn from him.