Elephants Celebrate By Splashing Around In The Water For The First Time After Being Freed From Captivity

No more chains, but days filled with fun and lots of swimming in the water


Imagine what it must feel like to experience the water for the first time ever after a life spent in chains. Luckily, that’s something the staff at Save Elephant Foundation does for Thailand’s captive elephant population. 

These loving creatures get to be part of their natural habitat and enjoy the beauties the wild has to offer. Once freed, elephants get a second chance for a life they truly deserve. 

Kannika and Madee are two sweet souls that had to go through ordeal and spend their days in captivity. But today, they can leave that negative experience behind them and have fun in the water. 

Seeing them hanging around and splashing is the best thing you’ll see all day. Currently, they are placed at the protected natural habitat of Phuket Elephant Sanctuary.