Dog Returns Home After Surgery and Gives His Dad a Big Hug

This is going viral, and when you see it, you'll understand why!


When the owner of the sweet Labrador named Jack Daniel noticed a strange lump behind the dog’s ear, he rushed him to the hospital hoping it wasn’t anything serious. The dog, however, had to undergo a surgery in order for that lump to be removed. 

The good thing was that the procedure went all well and Jack Daniel recovered in no time, but the thing was that he hadn’t been separated from his human daddy before and it was sort of scary experience. 

Now the video of the reunion after the surgery between these best pals is everywhere and people are losing their mind over it. We are sure you’re going to love it, too. 

The moment Jack Daniel spotted his favorite human, he rushed into his arms and wouldn’t let go. His paws got wrapped around the man’s neck and his tiny eyes had sparkles in them. It felt as though everything came to its place once he was around daddy again. 

The footage was taken in Chennai, Eastern India, and everyone agrees how this is what true love looks like. This man really knows how to comfort his furry companion and it makes us grab the tissues. 

We are glad Jack Daniel is doing amazingly, and we are sure the tiny scar beneath his ear wouldn’t bother him that much. 

People are taking their time to comment and we can’t agree more with each of their thoughts on this overly cute video. 

“This is absolutely lovely. This dog and owner are certainly lucky to have this kind of love for each other,” one Facebook user said about their emotional reunion.

“This is, by far, THE sweetest thing I have seen on the internet in ages. I hope the puppers is feeling better very soon,” commented another.

“Poor baby!!!! They sure love each other! Hope the little guy is doing better. Looks like such a great dog.”

The video is emotional and overwhelming, and it’s definitely a must see. 

Please share it with a dog owner to remind them how lucky they are for having one in their life.