Tia is a single mother who was lucky enough to meet someone who loved her daughter unconditionally. When she started dating Frank Tyson, her soon-to-be-husband, it was obvious he was more than happy to accept Tia’s daughter Aryanna as his own. In fact, Frank is the perfect example that a step-parent can sometimes love a child more than the biological parents.

Frank and Tia decided to tie the knot after dating for 2,555 days which is the exact amount of time Aryanna waited to ask Frank to adopt her. It was during the wedding ceremony that this sweet girl walked towards Frank and handed him an envelope. Inside was a piece of paper with the most important question written on it. Aryanna asked Frank to officially adopt her. She felt he was her father and wanted to have his surname.
Frank couldn’t contain tears of joy rolling down his face.
Tia, Frank and their daughter Aryanna became a lovely family of three.

In a video of the emotional moment, Frank explains how he felt at the wedding and we are all deeply touched by his words.
For more on their story go to the video below.