Articles by

Jessica Jones

Baby Saved By Strangers

A day-old infant, Victoria, was taken from her parents by a woman that appeared to be a...

Three Young Contestants On The Voice Kids Take On The Prayer

We've seen some incredibly talented little ones grace the stage of The Voice Kids, but Matteo, Claudia,...

Veteran And Wife Sleep In Freezing Cold, Left In Tears When Kids Tell Them House Is Theirs

Veterans have given so much of themselves for the rest of us – their time, their families,...

8-Year olds write best paper ever on grandparents…

This is great! What is your grandparents’ role in your life? Do they live under the same roof...

Toddler Debuts In Pow Wow And His Moves Astonish Everyone

Culture and family history is incredibly important to many people, including Martina Desjarlais. This mom makes sure...

An aging mother wrote this letter to her daughter

A mother isn’t just a woman who gives birth. For many children their mother covers many roles...

College Student’s Act Of Kindness Saves Homeless Man’s Life

When Casey Fischer went into her local Dunkin' Donuts for a mid-morning coffee, it wasn't anything new....

Have-a-go heroes who tackled a ‘thief’ to the ground had to let him go because police were TOO BUSY

Shopkeepers in in Lyndhurst, Hampshire, chased down suspected thief He allegedly stole a briefcase from a...

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