Another story, another fighter. The incredible and very intense life of Elise Roth Tedeschi is woven with pain, fight and positive thinking. She managed to beat the odds and still fight for her life.
The peaceful harmony of her life was destroyed the moment she found out she has pancreatic cancer. In 2012 the doctors informed her that her disease evolved into stage four, leaving her little chance of survival. When most people learn that they have several months to live they usually prepare for the worst, but Elise was different.
The terrible news did not depress Elise. She decided to fight. She started a long and difficult battle with the disease and her willingness to keep on going and enjoy the life paid off. Besides the strong will and her family and friends, Elise took targeted genetic treatment. All these thing combined resulted with Elise being still in great condition and among the people she loves.
About the beginnings of the disease Elise says:
“I felt that, no matter what, I was gonna beat it. I didn’t care what the doctors said.”
Furthermore, Elise explains the genetic code that helps her fight the cancer. The doctors explained her that the genes that caused the cancer to affect her organ also help her fight the disease. This made her believe that they are somehow more effective than the chemotherapy that she has to go through.
Since she was born fighter, she still does not give up. She is happy that she is able to live through every new day. Elise also adds that even in the worst periods since her disease affected her pancreas, she was still feeling joyful and happy. That even amazed her own family members.
What’s even more amazing, her fight with her own health problems is not the only battle she is involved in. She joined the PCAN, or the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
Elise and the other volunteers, survivors of the pancreatic cancer, join the forces in defeating the deadly disease. Their actions support, motivate and help thousands of cancer patients. In addition with their motivational approach they try to level up people’s awareness about the pancreatic cancer. Elise explains:
“Our stories are so important. They give hope.”
Elise’s unconditional support is evident through her work as PCAN activist. She goes public and provides support and tries to help other patients with their fight against this illness. Just recently, Alex Trebek, the host of ‘Jeopardy’, has publicly announced that he is suffering from the same disease as Elise.
In his public announcement, Alex said:
“Under the terms of my contract, I have to host ‘Jeopardy’ for 3 more years. So, help me! Keep the faith. And we’ll win.”
Upon seeing this, Elise contacted Alex via mail sent to The Daily Mail. Among the other things, she expressed her unconditional support, she shared her experience and encouraged Alex not to give up. She reminded him that it is worth fighting the battle.
Elise concludes:
“You may wonder how I stayed positive. My answer was always the same: ‘I didn’t choose to get cancer and I didn’t choose to go through this, but I do get to choose my attitude. So I choose to be happy and live my life!’”
Elise’s motivational speech is so powerful. Her positive energy and hopes are just wonderful. What a great person with wonderful spirit. We hope there are many other people just like Elise – people with positive attitude towards the life.