Rescue kittens can’t stop cuddling with the police officer who saved their lives

These kittens wouldn't stop cuddling with the officer who rescued them


Officers Adkins and Hiller from Arlington, Texas, showed once again that members of the police forces are always ready to go an extra mile for the well-being of the members of the community. No matter if a human or an animal is in need of help, these two officers never hesitate to step in. 

As they were getting out of the local TJ Maxx store after responding to a shoplifting call, an elderly lady was persistent for them to approach her car. She then told them how she could hear meowing coming from under the vehicle’s tires and asked them if they could pull the kittens out of there. 

The officers were more than happy to help, and only a couple of minutes later, the kittens emerged. 

“They located the kittens inside the bumper where most likely the mother cat had placed them for some reason,” Jesse Minton of the Arlington Police Department told The Dodo.

Neither the officers nor the lady knew how the sweet babies managed to get into the bumper. At first, they though they probably got lost so they tried to locate their mother, but after they failed spotting any cats nearby, they assumed the kittens could be abandoned and placed there on purpose. Or, they were simply looking for a safe place to hide from humans. 

After the successful rescue, the lady informed the officers how she had no plan of adopting any of the cats. And honestly, she didn’t even need to as officer Adkins fell in love with them the moment he took them in his hands. 

Once in officer Adkins’ car, the babies felt they were safe and did something amazing as a thank you to the man who saved their life. They started climbing on him and didn’t plan on leaving his side. 

After the police department shared the photo of the officer with the tiny kittens clinging on him, people agreed how it was the sweetest thing they’ve ever seen. Many took their time to thank this kind-hearted man for taking the babies to a safe place and hundreds of others shared the photo. 

Arlington Police Department asked, “Who says Firefighters are the only ones who rescue kittens?”

After the medical check-up, the vet informed the department how the kittens were in a great health condition. 

The best thing of all is that both rescue animals got adopted. You are already guessing, right? Officer Adkins knew he was the right person to take them in and give them a loving forever home. 

This amazing man who won the South District Officer of the Year Award back in February, showed everyone that he deserved it. As for the kitties, he named them TJ and Max.