17-Year-Old Took a Whole Month to Hand-Paint Her Own Gorgeous Graduation Ball Dress

This is so stunning.


Graduation is the period for celebration. High school is finally over and we are preparing ourselves for the next step – adulthood. However, before we started worrying about our careers and future jobs, all of us have been preoccupied with one thing – the prom.

Prom night means having fun, dancing and what’s most important great look. Picking the perfect outfit can be a very tiring process, usually for the girls. While boys simply go and pick up the best suit, shirt or pants, the girls, however, spend more time and energy on that. Many of the girls go from store to store until they buy the perfect dress. But, some girls are in search of something more creative and unique.

The 17-year old Ciara Gan from the Philippines, was just like that. She wasn’t satisfied with the offer of the stores and she and her mother decided to make a totally unique dress. The results are fascinating.

The initial idea was to hire someone to create the dress. However, Ciara did not like the outcome and she decided to step into action. The one-month work finally paid off.

She and her mother went to the local stores and bought all necessary supplies. With 13 yards of fabric, crystals, boning and crinoline, the girl was ready to design her best dress.

Step by step the dress was getting its shape. They sewed the panels and the form of the dress looked very well. However, the dress wasn’t getting anywhere near the end. The last details were the most beautiful decorations of the creation.

Ciara decided to hand-paint the flowers of the dress. This process lasted five days and the results are stunning. Ciara’s real work of art was inspired by the Jodi Lynn Anderson’s ‘Tiger Lily’.

Ciara says:

“I recently reread the book Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson (which touched my heart) and then decided to paint the orange florals. I strayed away from basic roses and dainty florals because although they’re pretty, they don’t reflect my personality. I love the vibrancy of loud colors like orange and green — they speak more about who I am.”

Of course, no one knew about the dress. Until she showed up at the graduation ceremony.


She tweeted about her work, saying:

“i painted over 80 flowers, sewed + stoned my dress with my mama and designed the whole thing myself!”

With more than 82,000 retweets, Ciara’s creation was an instant hit. The positive comments and admirations were evident. People simply marveled at her talent and the results she achieved. She adds:

“I still really can’t believe it…It really warms my heart to see people appreciating my art.”

Real masterpiece, right? Have you seen anything similar?