15 before-and-after photos of rescue animals that will make your day

These cutie pies will definitely make your day!


You have probably stumbled upon the phrase “adopt, don’t shop” multiple times, and there is a reason animal lovers and advocates try to raise awareness of the importance of getting a rescue dog from a shelter. These creatures have a lot to give and feel the need to be loved as all they experienced early in life are either neglectful owners or the harsh reality of living on the streets.

Below are 15 before and after photos of rescue animals that are bound to make your day. Their transformation from scared and confused creatures into happy doggies is worth every aww you’ll make.

Take a look and enjoy, and don’t forget to share it with friends just to remind them that they can also make a change in a dog’s life!


Olympic skiier Gus Kenworthy, a year after he adopted a family of stray dogs