116-year-old Italian woman reveals one food she attributes to her long and healthy life It’s a daily habit you’ll want to have

She was asked what her secret was to living so long and the answer may surprise you.


It always crosses my mind as to why some people live longer than others. It always seems like people are on a search to find a food that could help you live a long and health life.

The oldest living person died at the age of 122 in 1997. More recently, Giuseppina Projetto reached 116 years old.

When asked for her secret to such a long life, she answered with a shocking response.

People knew her as ‘the nonna of Italy.’ She lived in a village near Florence and had a son who sadly drowned at the age of 39.

She became Europe’s oldest living person in December of 2017.

 After her grandson told her the news, she said“Really? And exactly how old Am i? So many?”

She revealed she can’t go a day without chocolate. She claims this food contributed to her long, healthy life.

Despite its high fat and calorie content, chocolate can actually be pretty beneficial. Research has shown that dark chocolate’s antioxidant levels are higher than some superfruit juices!

Check out some more benefits of Giuseppina’s super food below!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yokfRflAEk]