10-year-old boy cleans the snow off hospital workers’ cars so they can get home safely

We should all be as caring and as kind as these two. Thank you for everything you do!


With the temperatures still very low and the storms that hit parts of the U.S., I know that each and every one who is residing in the areas where the snowfall happened only wants to stay home and keep themselves warm.

However, Christian Stone, a 10-year-old boy knows better than only thinking of his own well-being. Although he’s still very young, he feels like he should do something in order to pay it back for all those people who have to go to work, especially doctors and nurses who are struggling with a huge number of patients because of the ongoing pandemic.

Christian and a family friend, Abbey Meeker, are going from parking lot to parking lot of nearby hospitals and clean the snow off the hospital staff workers’ cars.

“We kind of made it a game,” Abbey told CNN. Whenever they see someone approaching their vehicle, they rush to clean it. Needless to say, this means the world to the workers who spend hours driving home.

“JUST CALL THEM SNOW ANGELS,” and what a blessing it is to give freely without expecting anything in return. Good…

Posted by One Man+Lady’s View on Monday, 8 February 2021

“I was thinking they’ve been helping us a lot through this whole pandemic, and I figured why don’t we help them, you know?” Christian told WJAR.

“All day, every day the nurses here, they deal with the pandemic like COVID and they want to get home from work, so we thought we would make it a tiny bit easier for them by cleaning off their cars for them.”

This isn’t the first time for Christian to lend a helping hand to those in need. Before he got this idea of stepping in for hospital workers, he would shovel his neighbors’ driveways for free.

In the thick of Monday’s storm, two people took on a task at Westerly Hospital to try and help some essential employees get home to their families faster. NBC 10’s Sam Read NBC10 has the story.

Posted by NBC 10 WJAR on Tuesday, 2 February 2021

According to Abby, he and Christian helped clean around 80 cars so far and they are not planning on stopping until the weather gets better.

“It’s been cold but extremely fun seeing how happy they get,” Christian said of the people they had helped. “Some of them say, ‘Thank you so much’ and I’m just really happy to see them happy.”

We should all be as caring and as kind as these two. Thank you for everything you do!