Woman Who Spends Hundreds from Own Pocket Each Week To Feed Homeless Surprised by Steve Harvey

She wakes up at 3:30 each morning to prepare the food for the homeless in her community. Then she works during the day in the cafeteria at a local school. But it's after work that she delivers hope by driving around to the feed the homeless on the streets in her community. And she does it all out of her own pocket. When Steve asked her 'why?' Her response was, 'Because the Bible says so. The Bible said if I love the Lord, then feed His people...I'm just doing what the Lord asked me to do because I'm just a servant.'


Some people are angels sent from God to make this world a better place for the less fortunate.

Debra Davis is definitely one of them. This woman with a heart of gold has a noble mission in life. And that’s making sure the homeless are well fed.

Auntie Davis, as the students from the cafeteria where she works call her, won’t settle with only volunteering at a shelter, but she is the one who gets all the food served prepared. She is an amazing cook who won’t let her talent go in vain. Instead, she is making the most of it and makes an enormous difference in the life of the people who visit the soup kitchens and shelters.

If this isn’t enough, Auntie Davis goes above and beyond and pays for all the food herself. She does anything in her power to make sure she has enough money to feed the people who rely on her kind soul and her insane cooking skills.

At times, when she can’t afford to buy groceries for the day she collects cans and plastic only to be able to complete her mission.

She used to deliver the food with her ’76 Chevy Malibu, but after a group of auto shop students refurbished a car for her, she’s now delivering the meals in style in her 2014 Mazda3.

And as no good deed goes unnoticed, hers was spread among the communities, so she was invited to be a guest at Steve Harvey’s show.

During her interview she said,

“I get up (at) 3:30 in the morning and I prepare the food and everything and I put it in the car … I go to work, and then when I get off of work I go feed the homeless from say 1 o’clock to like 6 o’clock.”

She has never expected anything in return for what she does, because as she says, her faith in God makes her do good, and she will claim her reward in heaven.

“The Bible says if I love the Lord, I’ll feed His people,” Davis told Harvey. “So I’m just doing what the Lord asked me to do. I’m just a servant.”

There is a GoFundMe campaign set to help Auntie Davis in accomplishing her goal, and thanks to kind people, around $27k were raised so far.

Harvey, along with San’s Club surprised her with a check for $5000, because she really deserves to be given support for her unselfish act. The moment she accepts the gift is so touching. She can’t hold her tears back.

Harvey told her how we all know she will use that money for the right thing. Hopefully, there are people out there who would be inspired by this woman and will do a good cause for the community.