Woman uploads a photo of herself and her husband wearing swimming suits and receives heavy criticism for it

The naked truth is that the preference for looks over personality is replicated all around us. No matter how much people claim they want to be with someone who possess nice personality traits, most would still opt for someone more attractive than someone intelligent.

It looks like that a lot of time needs to pass before we learn how to appreciate the intellectual and stop judging people by the way they look.

Jenna Kutcher, a 29-year-old photojournalist has a story to share and she hopes it would get to as many people as possible.

She and her husband of ten years have been high-school sweethearts. Even today, they are much in love with each other. However, when people see them together they wonder how she, who is a curvy woman, ended up with someone as attractive as her hubby, a fitness instructor with six-packs.

Recently, she shared photos on her social media from their vacation on which they both wear swimsuits. To Jenna’s surprise, she received a bunch of negative comments from complete strangers who called her fat and unfitted for her man.

Some of the nasty comments were: “I’m shocked that she found such a hot husband.”

“You don’t deserve to be married to such a handsome man.”

“I don’t know what your spouse saw in you; he should search for someone as attractive as himself.”

“I hate to break it to you, but you need to reduce weight. You don’t mesh well with your husband at all.”

Jenna felt the urge to respond to the mean sayers.

“Why should I get him as a curvy girl? I construct stories in my brain about how I’m not worthy of him because I’m not skinny,” she wrote.

“For the last 10 years, this guy has accepted every curve, every dimple, every pound, and every pimple, and he has constantly reminded me that I am beautiful even when my internal thoughts didn’t agree. I chose the man who could manage all that (and so much more!) despite the fact that my thighs are big, my arms are large, and my bum is huge.”

Further, she wrote that she and Drew just learned how to laugh at those people who think that seeing two people with different body shapes being together is newsworthy.

“Our bodies are not who we are. Drew is not defined by the title “Mr. Six Pack,” and I am not defined by terms like “curvy” or “plus size,” she said.

“At the end of the day, we are the couple that met in college, fell in love, and began dating after [Drew] lost a bet that resulted in a first kiss. The rest, as they say, is history. Our experience has been filled with highs and lows, joy and sorrow, and we have decided to be here and turn the chaos into our message, because going viral has demonstrated that the world is hungry for REAL,” she ended her post.

We hope she taught the mean commenters a lesson that looks is not everything.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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