Many people dream of establishing close connection with the nature, but not many are willing to give up their lives in the crowded cities or give up all the modern utilities which facilitate our existence.
Emma, a woman who lives in the most unique earthen home we have ever seen, located in the woods of Wales, turned to the simple life; the one without electricity or any other type of modern equipment. She is completely devoted to the nature and uses running water and fire to cook her meals for which she grows her own fruits and veggies. Emma also owns chickens and goats and has fresh eggs and milk every single day.

And yes, this way of living means no rent, no neighbors, and no electricity bills.
Recently, Emma opened the doors to her home, which she built herself using only natural materials such as plaster, clay, and straw bales, to Bryce Langston of Living Big in a Tiny House. Needless to say, he was left speechless by the unique hut which many agree resembles those of The Shire in The Lord of the Rings.

Who wouldn’t want a cozy place like this?
Of course, living in the woods isn’t easy. Emma needs to carry water in the home from the nearby river and chop wood all by herself. The good thing is that she enjoys it.
Inside the 4 meter long home, there is a fireplace and huge windows with no curtains which allow natural lighting. The ceiling resembles a piece of art, and what Emma likes best about it is the sense of equality the perfectly arranged rafters give.

There are no rafts or cupboards as everything is on display and easy to access.
Outside the hut, there is a composting toilet and a bath which is heated with fire.

This is definitely the fairy-tale home for someone who loves being close to the nature to the extent Emma does.

You can take a look at the video of this perfect home below. It only cost Emma £1000 to build it.