Whenever we feel like we’ve lost our faith in humanity, stories like this one come along our way and restore it.
It’s one thing that we should all remember and live by, that being kind to others always pays off. It makes us better humans and makes this world a better place. Take a look at this lovely story that took place at a grocery store.
I just moved to Bettendorf, IA at the first of the month and was shopping in Hy-Vee. I take the public bus there. I get to the checkout and the cashier starts scanning my groceries when I realize I had left my EBT card at home. I tell her to void the whole thing and I’d have to come back at a later time. She calls up the manager and he asks if I could come back later today, they could save my cart until then.
I told them, with the bus system as my only transportation and that it takes a lot out of me just to make the round trip, I probably wouldn’t return today. A lady behind me in line asked the cashier what was wrong. The cashier told her and she asked me, ‘Can I pay for your groceries? I’d really like to!’ At first I thought it was a joke and hesitated but, I could see the compassion in her eyes and I really did need the food. I asked her several times, ‘Are you sure? It’s a lot of money.’ She insisted and I said I’d do it on one condition… she let me give her a hug. She gave me a warm hug and I thanked her very much over and over again, tears welling in my eyes.
I quickly took a picture of her for two reasons, one to remind me of her generosity and two to share it with anyone, hoping one day it gets back to her that her gift was a true blessing I’m forever grateful for. Blessed be to this woman, an angel sent when I really needed it! I didn’t get her name but, she sure touched my heart and made my faith in humanity a whole lot better! Thank you…Whoever she is, Thank You!