We need your prayers for ‘Victor Newman’


Eric Braeden, 82, best known for his portrayal of mogul Victor Newman on The Young and the Restless, shared with his fans that he has been diagnosed with cancer recently.

He learned of the devastating diagnosis while recovering from a knee-replacement surgery.

As revealed in his 13-minute Facebook Live session on Friday, Braeden, who is one of the most famous actors in daytime television, experienced prostate issues which turned out to be cancer. “Whilst recuperating from the knee surgery, I began to have problems with my prostate,” he said. “I hate to be this personal, but I think this may be good for some older guys who may or may not listen to this. It’ll happen to them.”

Doctors were able to remove the cancer during a UroLift surgery, a treatment option for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and the German-born actor is now undergoing through a six-week immunotherapy plan.

“I’m a little under the weather, but not really much,” he revealed. “I’ve learned now to listen to my body more and not go all out. I’m gonna get it. And I’ll be in top form again soon.

“I will lick this,” Braeden continued. “This bastard ain’t going to get me; I’m going to get it.”

As for his role on The Young and the Restless, which he has held for over 40 years, Braeden said it’s what keeps him going. “So that’s where I am right now,” he said. “I love acting, I entertain people. I love your support. So, whenever you have someone in the family who goes through this, support them. It can work out. Nowadays, there is so much advancement in cancer treatment, you can survive it.”

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Braeden explained that acting distracts him from the health issues and that he’s happy when he knows he entertains people.


When he first landed the role in the series, his character was supposed to be a guest character who was to last for eight to twelve weeks, but he has evolved into the soap opera’s leading male figure.

We wish Eric Braeden only the best life brings and we hope he overcomes the health issues he’s going through.

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A woman crept beneath the bed to spy on her husband


The following story comes from Reddit and it’s so good that is has been around for a while. Check it out below.

A woman, cranky because her husband was late coming home again, decided to leave a note, saying, “I’ve had enough and have left you. Don’t bother coming after me.”

Then she hide under the bed to see his reaction.

After a short while, the husband comes home and she could hear him in the kitchen before he comes into the bedroom.

She could see him walk towards the dresser and pick up the note.

After a few minutes, he wrote something on it before picking up the phone and calling someone.

“She’s finally gone…yeah I know, about bloody time, I’m coming to see you, put on that sexy French nightie.

I love you…can’t wait to see you…we’ll do all the naughty things you like.”

He hung up, grabbed his keys and left.


She heard the car drive off as she came out from under the bed.

Seething with rage and with tears in her eyes she grabbed the note to see what he wrote…

“I can see your feet. We’re outta bread: be back in five minutes.”

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25-year-old dancer dead after cookies from grocery store were mislabeled


Órla Baxendale, a 25-year-old professional dancer, tragically lost her life on January 11 from a fatal allergic reaction after eating a mislabeled cookie.

The young woman consumed a Vanilla Florentine Cookie that was “manufactured by Cookies United and sold by Stew Leonard’s, which contained undisclosed peanuts,” as shared by a law firm representing the late dancer’s family. 

Sadly, she went into anaphylactic shock, and despite her friends’ efforts to save her by administering her epi pen and rushing her to a hospital, she lost her life.

@abcnews A 25-year-old woman died from an allergic reaction after eating a cookie sold by the grocery chain Stew Leonard's that was not properly labeled as containing peanuts, officials and her attorneys said. Stew Leonard's issued a recall this week for its vanilla and chocolate Florentine cookies because they contain undeclared peanuts and eggs. The cause of the labeling errors remains under investigation. #news #peanutallergy #stewleonards ♬ original sound – ABC News

In a statement shared by Stew Leonard Jr., he revealed that their supplier “changed the recipe and started going from soy nuts to peanuts and our chief safety officer at Stew Leonard’s was never notified.” 

Further,the statement read, “It’s a sad day for us. We’re just all devastated, very sad. have four daughters, one of them is in their 20s. I can imagine how that family feels right now, and we’re all just very, very sad about this whole thing.” 

Cookie United, which manufactures the cookies that are later repackaged by Stew Leonard’s with their own labels, claim they did notify the latter of the change in the ingredients used to produce the cookie that claimed Baxendale’s life.

“This product is sold under the Stew Leonard’s brand and repackaged at their facilities. The incorrect label was created by, and applied to their product by Stew Leonard’s,” a spokesperson for Cookie’s United said in a statement.

The manufacturer’s statement included images of the updated cookie labels sent to 11 of Stew Lenaord’s employees on July 20, 2023, with the Vanilla Florentine Cookies packaging stating peanuts as an ingredient.

While the two companies are passing the blame on each other, The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection and the Department of Public Health have opened an investigation.

“Correct labeling so that people who have food allergies can appropriately protect themselves is of utmost importance. I am devastated to learn of this incident and will work with partners to ensure that we can protect people with food allergies,” DPH Commissioner Dr. Manisha Juthani said in a statement.

They described the incident as a “heartbreaking tragedy that should never have happened,” and added that they’re eager to get to the bottom of the case.

Speaking to ABC News, the young woman’s family’s attorney, Marijo Adimey, said, “Because Orla was so vigilant and so careful with everything she touched, she actually Googled ‘soy nut,’ which is on the package wanting to make sure that a soy nut wasn’t a nut.” 

He further said that the investigation into the dancer’s death, who moved from England to New York to pursue a professional career, revealed “gross negligence and reckless conduct of the manufacturer and/or sellers.”

“This failure in proper disclosure has led to this devastating yet preventable outcome,” Adimey added.

We are so very sorry about this tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers are with Baxendale’s family. May she rest in peace.

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Am I wrong for leaving a family dinner at an upscale restaurant?


When we try to please everyone, we often end up pleasing no one, including ourselves. This is something an anonymous Reddit member learned the hard way.

Taking to the AITA subreddit, this person started his story by explaining that he has been a very successful individual compared to the rest of the members of his family. He frequently traveled abroad for work, but whenever he was in his hometown he made sure he treated his family members to dinner.

This time, it wasn’t any different. The moment his mom learned he was coming home, she informed him of the family gathering she organized. She texted him the location of a high-end steakhouse and told him the family would be waiting for him there.

However, when he entered the place he was shocked to see over 20 people gathered there. Until then, the family gatherings consisted of around six people whom he was close to. This time, his mom even invited one of OP’s grandma’s neighbors, a person OP only met a few times during his life. He never even spoke to this person, only waved hi.

At that point, those who were present at the upscale restaurant had already ordered pricey steaks, which cost from $80 to $250 per person. As the waiters were bringing more drinks and more appetizers, the grandma’s neighbor raised a toast in which he highlighted OP’s generosity in covering the expenses. This set the stage for an unforeseen chain of events.

Medium overhead shot of families sharing dinner at table at outdoor restaurant during vacation

OP wasn’t happy he was expected to cover the bill for that many people without even be consulted about it in advance. According to his calculations, the bill was around $4,000 until that point, and counting.

Realizing his family was trying to take advantage of him, OP decided to leave the place.

He left $100 on the table and said, “I’m not paying for dinner,” as he stormed off.

His phone wouldn’t stop ringing. He received numerous messages, mainly from his mother, but he decided to turn the phone off and retire for the night. The following day he left the country without saying goodbye.

Despite recognizing his less-than-ideal handling of the situation, OP felt devastated that his family wanted to take advantage of him and his generosity in such a sneaky way.

“I know I’m nta with the dinner but more concerned about my reaction [sic],” he wrote.

Guys chatting in restaurant

Following his mother’s persistent pleas to call her, he decided to talk to her and apologize for storming out of the restaurant in such a manner, offering an olive branch. Sadly, he was met with accusations of being selfish, greedy, and disrespectful.

This came as a shock to OP who showed extensive kindness to his family over the years. Among the rest, he provided his mom with two cars, a bathroom remodel, a roof replacement, new appliances, and on top of that, he paid in full for numerous family vacations.

The accusations angered OP to the extent that he decided to put an end to any assistance for those who failed to appreciate it by taking drastic measures.

Shortly after, OP initiated a cascade of cancellations: six AT&T lines, internet services, streaming accounts with changed passwords or outright cancellations, removal from AAA coverage for the cars, termination of car insurance coverage for their mom, and the cancellation of the credit card they had provided. 

This decision marked the beginning of the end of funding things for people who never showed any gratitude.

Most of the family members wanted to get involved into the feud, and OP was even uninvited from a cousin’s wedding with the explanation that they wanted to avoid any drama, yet the expectation for a gift remained.

OP believed that he shouldn’t talk to his mother until some time passes by. In the meantime, the discussion about the upcoming family vacation, a once lively topic, now lay dormant.

OP’s mother kept sending her son messages, each more hostile than the other.

One of his nieces, who wasn’t present but heard from a third-party, informed OP that on the day he left the restaurant, the family tried to cancel the rest of the dinner, but with appetizers and drinks already served, they reluctantly split a $700 bill.

That same niece also told OP that the entire family branded him a greedy monster.

As expected, the Redditors unanimously deemed OP “NTA.”

“Everyone else at that table “knew” you were going to be paying for dinner but you. How odd. The position your mom and family put you in was quite disrespectful. And I do not know how you could have reacted better,” one person wrote.

“Your mom was way out of line for all of this. Starting with assuming you’re going to pay, choosing that expensive place, and inviting so many people. She owes you a major apology,” another added.

“Your family invited your neighbors!? Do you even know these people? Wait, it doesn’t even matter. And everybody had drinks and appetizers and steak…Paying for your part and leaving was entirely appropriate. They took advantage of the golden goose and the golden goose left and cut mama off,” a third commented.

Do you believe OP did the right thing when he decided to stand for himself?

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Prince William left bewildered by Kate Middleton’s sudden hospital stay, expert claims


Although it was reported by the Palace that Kate Middleton’s recent abdominal surgery was a planned one, royal experts claim that it left Prince William bewildered. The reason for this is that he’s now expected to take some time off from his royal engagements, at least from part of them, in order to be able to take care of the children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, while Kate is recovering.

The Palace released a statement regarding Kate’s hospital stay, writing that she would be taking some time to recuperate and would return to her royal duties around Easter.

Of course, William will receive help from the children’s long-time nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.

Borrallo has been with the family since Prince George was just 8 months old.

“She is not married and doesn’t have a boyfriend, as her life is totally dedicated to the family she is working with. She is known for being totally professional – married to the job,” an insider told Hello Magazine.

When the couple are away from home, the nanny makes all the decisions regarding the children.

Borallo was trained at the prestigious Norland College in Bath. “Maria is firm, but she never acts unilaterally with the children on discipline. Kate and William, along with Maria, are strict with the children but have this magic ability to appear not to be,” a royal insider said.

“Prince William is going to divide his time between looking after the children and being at his wife’s bedside, and therefore he won’t be carrying out public engagements either,” royal expert Jennie Bond said in an interview with GB News.

Further, Bond told OK! Magazine, “He’ll be feeling emotional, stressed and probably rather bewildered by this sudden turn of events.

“You can have every privilege in life but your health is paramount and beyond your control. William will certainly be there for the children. They want to keep things as normal as possible, so I’d expect William will be doing the school run, helping with homework, cooking and doing the bedtime routine.”

We wish Kate Middleton a speedy recovery.

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Man shows up to his wedding in jeans and t-shirt – people on the internet give opinions


Healthy relationships consist of mutual support and respect for one another. When two people say “I do,” they commit to one another and to their future together.

The truth is that the wedding day is remembered as one of the most special events in most people’s lives and that is the reason why so much finances and so much effort are usually put into this meaningful event.

However, not everyone believes that they should give their best on this day, just like the groom from the following story.

Recently, a TikTok user uploaded a video of the wedding of her friend Catherine. The user explained that her friend didn’t believe that should fall in love ever in her life, but things changed this summer and she fell head over heels for the man she was now tying the knot with.

One thing was certain, Catherine was excited to be walking down the aisle. She was wearing a very beautiful wedding gown, jewelry, and expensive make up, making her looking gorgeous. Sadly, the same thing couldn’t be said about the groom, who appeared on his wedding day wearing a black T-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers.

The contrast between the couple’s choice of clothing made many give their opinion on not only the couple but their marriage as well.

A photo of the bride and groom was also shared on Reddit with the caption, “Groom’s wearing jeans at a fancy wedding.”

“This is probably indicative of the amount of effort he’ll put into the marriage as well,” one person wrote.

“I wonder how long this marriage lasted. She looks great, he looks like he couldn’t care,” another person added.

“He’s just letting her know she has a life of him not giving a f— about her ahead of her,” a third agreed.

Of course, there were also those who defended the groom’s choice of outfit.

“She looks absolutely beautiful, I love her dress. Not sure what their circumstances are but I wish them both the best,” one commenter shared their thoughts.

“Dunno. Maybe she wanted a dress like this, [he] wanted the outfit he had on their first dates, both are happy the other is dressed as they like,” another commenter speculated. “Over or underdressed for some standards, well dressed for their own standard.”

A third commenter added in unison, writing, “If they are happy, then who cares? If the groom just couldn’t be a–ed then that’s very sad.”

What are your thoughts on this?

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While sunbathing on the beach, a man photographs a horrific creature…You will be surprised to know what it really was


In today’s world, most people are forced to follow hectic schedules, so taking a well-deserved rest every once in a while feels like a must.

Speaking of it, what’s better for cleansing your mind and soul than to go to the beach and dive into the sea? This can be a truly incredible experience because it allows us to enjoy ourselves before we are finally ready to get back to reality.

A man from Mexico decided he needed to spend some time at the beach and was looking forward to having some fun time.

What he didn’t expect, however, was to stumble to a sight that scared him to death.

As he was walking around, he noticed something that resembled a shadow, but as he got a bit closer, he realized it was a creature like he had never seen before.

Before long, he took his phone out and took a couple of photos of it along with a video. He was quick to share it on his social media and ask users if they could tell what it was. As he was afraid to make more moves towards the creature, he waited to see if anyone could help him learn what he was dealing with.

The fear of the unknown started growing bigger and bigger. The man was uncertain of what to do next.

But then, at one moment, the strange creature made a move and the man realized it was a dog whose hair was overgrown. On top of it, the animal had taken a strange position. It was practically impossible to see that it was in fact a dog until it moved.

The photos and the video went viral and people got really confused.

At the end of the day, this man’s experience at the beach made for an optical illusion that confused many.

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Poor boy pays bus ticket for a woman and her baby – Later, the woman helps the boy


“The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway,” – Mother Teresa.

Have you ever noticed that those who don’t have much are the kindest people of all? Maybe it is like that because these people know the feeling of being helpless and they don’t want anyone else to ever feel that way.

This heartwarming story which was shared on AmoMama restores our faith in humanity. It reminds us that there are still good people out there and that no matter how small an act of kindness is, it always goes a long way.

A woman named Sandra Anderson found herself in trouble after marrying her husband and the father of her baby daughter Ava. He turned out to be abusive and made Sandra’s life a living hell.

Sandra’s mom warned her of the type of person her husband could be, but she decided to marry him anyway.

Unable to put up with the abuse any longer, Sandra took her baby and sought shelter at her friend Bethany’s place. She decided to stay there until she found the courage to tell her mother what had happened.


Unfortunately, she received a call from the hospital and was informed that her mother had a heart attack. Panicked, Sandra wrapped Ava in a blanket and headed towards the bus. The weather was extremely cold and this poor mother couldn’t wait to get on board. However, once in, she realized she forgot her wallet and was unable to pay for the ride.

Sandra tried to explain to the driver that she was in a hurry and needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible, but he demanded she gets off the bus.

As desperate Sandra headed towards the bus’ door, she heard a voice saying, “I will pay for her fare! Please don’t tell them to leave.”

When she turned around, she noticed that the person who offered to pay for her ride was a young boy. She sat next to him and thanked him for his kindness. The boy introduced himself as Nicholas and explained how his mother always taught him that “if you have the means to help someone, you should always do so!” He went on to say that he was traveling home after visiting his ailing grandmother.

Sandra asked for his address because she wanted to thank Nicholas’ mother for raising such a caring boy.


The following day, Sandra went to Nicholas’ house. However, once there, her heart broke into a million pieces. Nicholas and his mom lived in a crumbling two-room cottage. The mother looked extremely tired. It was obvious she worked hard in order to provide for her son, whose father left her after he learned she was carrying his baby.

Sandra went to her friend’s place and told her about Nicholas. She explained how she wanted to start a GoFundMe page in order to help them, and Bethany offered to share it on the social media where she had a huge number of followers.

To everyone’s surprise, the GoFundMe attracted the attention of many people and money started pouring in. Believe it or not, Sandra managed to raise over $1 million.

When she took the money to Nicholas and his mother, they couldn’t believe their eyes. That meant a new lease on life for them and the grandmother.

Never in a million years did the young boy believed his kind act would change his life for the better.

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