Queen Camilla breaks silence on Kate Middleton after cancer diagnosis


The cancer diagnosis of Catherine, Princess of Wales came as a huge shock for her and her family, as well as the people of Britain and everyone who adores the royal family.

During the hard times she has been going through and the diagnosis she needed to face, Kate and William tried to protect their three children as much as possible.

Experts believe that the timing Kate chose to post the video in which she opened up of her health state, Friday, 6 pm, wasn’t a coincidence. In fact, the reason was believed to be that their children’s school had closed by that time and they wouldn’t immediately face questions about it from their friends. 

“George is ten now and can’t be shielded from any of this now,” a palace source told the Times. “Once it’s at the school gate and in the school playground, he won’t be able to avoid it.”

According to King Charles’ former butler Grant Harrold, Kate and William chose a different approach for each of the children when they shared the news of her cancer with them. He believes that the couple most likely “sugarcoated” her health issues when they broke the news to Prince Louis.

“I’m sure it was a very difficult and very different conversation between children,” Grant Harrold told the NY Post. “For instance, for Louis, I’m sure the conversation was more sugarcoated than it was with George and Charlotte.”

The former butler continued, “The older children can understand more, so I’d imagine it was a little more frank but undoubtedly staying positive, which is so important.

“That’s why when you now look at the picture of Kate with her three children, it brings a tear to your eye. For any mother to have that conversation is huge and you can imagine Charlotte and George are going to be good supports for her.”

He added that Louis is too young to understand her mom’s condition.

“It’s a tricky one. I’m sure the children will be handling it as any kids would be expected to handle it, but I think their parents are very good at being calm and collected, and I think that will rub off on the children,” he told the NY Post.

Samir Hussein/WireImage

During Easter break, the children will spend their time at Anmer Hall at the Sandringham Estate with their parents where they would have fun egg hunting.

As Sandringham is also one of King Charles’ favorite places, it is certain that he and Camilla have spent some time with Kate and William there.

While Charles receives treatments for his cancer in London, it is his dear wife that fulfills most of the royal duties, and it is safe to say that she’s been greatly praised for that.

Speaking of the current role Queen Camilla has taken upon herself, royal expert Angela Levin said Camilla is “holding the royal family up.”

Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

“I mean, to wait till you’re 73 is a long time before you can take the crown. I think obviously, at his age, it’s very difficult, but he’s very determined, and he’s only really just started to be king,” Levin said while appearing on GB News. “Supporting him very much, absolutely by his side, is Queen Camilla, who is going to all the engagements that they would have gone to together on her own.”

“And so that way he will feel it’s still moving, it’s still running, and they can discuss it and talk about it. And I think that’s marvelous. I mean, she is holding the Royal Family up and being strong. If you imagine 30 years ago, people were saying the whole Royal Family would absolutely disintegrate, and she would be of no use.”

Although it is known that Camilla doesn’t want to be under the spotlight, she’s doing an excellent job while meeting with the public.

“To support her husband. She understands him very well because they’ve been together for over 50 years, before they even got married. it’s a long time and they make each other laugh,” Levin added.

Toby Melville – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Not only Camilla steps in for her husband, but she’s also very supportive of Kate Middleton, especially during the time she was away from the public following her planned abdominal surgery.

The Telegraph’s associate editor, Camilla Tominey, claimed that the queen “has been trying to help [Catherine] through the media storm aspect in all of this.”

Tominey said, “I think before [Catherine] made the announcement because she was having to cope with the fallout of everything that was said about the Mother’s Day photo and everything else, I think Camilla lent some support.”

“Because let’s be honest, [Camilla] knows what it’s like to have a difficult press. She knows what it’s like to shepherd children through a media storm,” she added.

Chris Jackson – Pool/Getty Images

So far, no member of the Firm has spoken about Kate or her cancer, but a few days ago, Queen Camilla “broke” her silence while visiting Shrewsbury, where she met many royal fans at a farmer’s market. While there, two young girls handed Camilla a sign decorated a flower and a heart which read, “Send our love to Kate.”

Camilla posed with the sign, and allegedly told the girls, “I know that Catherine is thrilled by all the kind wishes and support,” as per royal expert Rebecca English.

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Woman shares a photo of chicken breast which was ‘spaghettified’


Alesia Cooper, a mother from Irving, Texas, shared a photo of some chicken breasts she bought because the moment she started preparing dinner the chicken shred into strands, looking like spaghetti, and she hoped someone could tell her what was wrong.

“I been debating on posting this but since I had to see it so do yall,” she wrote under the photo she posted online on March 21.

“I was cooking my kids dinner a couple of weeks ago and was cleaning my meat like I normally do and when I went back to start cooking it turned into this (SIC).” Cooper explained.

Stating that the meat was bought from the budget supermarket Aldi, Cooper further wrote, “lol I think it’s that fake meat but I’m not sure anyways…I ain’t made chicken off the bone since.”

As expected, the photo was commented on by people who raised their concerns and shared their theories.

“That’s lab grown chicken, it’s a new way they make chicken because of the last few years with the bird flu and resource shortages they didn’t have produce so last year they announced that they found a way to make chicken in a lab and that’s what’s in stores now,” one person wrote.

“Fake i don’t buy it anymore,” another commented.

“It’s not lab-grown meat or 3D printed meat. It comes from real chickens. The problem is when greedy chicken producers force-feed their chickens growth hormones so they grow way too fast,” someone else added.

As reported by Wall Street, the chicken breast look like this, or take a spaghetti like look, when breeders feed chicken chemicals in order to make them grow bigger.

“There is proof that these abnormalities are associated with fast-growing birds,” said Dr. Massimiliano Petracci, an agriculture and food science professor at the University of Bologna in Italy.

Back in the day, it would take chicken to reach 2.5 pounds market weight in 112 days, and in recent years, chickens reach the market weight of 5.03 pounds in average in 47 days.

“If people keep eating more and more chicken, chickens will probably have to get even bigger…We’ll have to increase the proportion of breast meat in each bird, too.” said Dr. Michael Lilburn, a professor at Ohio State University’s Poultry Research Center.

“What people don’t realize is that it’s consumer demand that’s forcing the industry to adjust,” Lilburn said of the increased consumption of various chicken products such as chicken nuggets, wings, and sandwiches.

“It’s a deceivingly small but vocal minority that are raising a lot of legitimate questions. The bulk of the U.S. population still doesn’t care where their food comes from, as long as its cheap,” Liburn added.

We truly need to mind what we consume for the sake of our and our children’s health.

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Father refused to walk his daughter down the aisle


The complexity of family ties sometimes leads to issues that are hard to handle.

A man named Mark shared his life story on Reddit asking if he was in the wrong for refusing to walk his daughter down the aisle on her special day.

After years of believing that Alice was his daughter, Mark learned that his wife, Clare, cheated on him some 18 years ago and that her then lover, James, was the biological father of Alice. This shattered Mark’s life into a million pieces.

Unable to cope with the thought of his wife’s betrayal, he decided to divorce her. This revelation, however, never changed his feelings towards Alice. She was still his daughter and the person he loved the most. In fact, his entire life revolved around her happiness and her well-being.

Sadly, after learning the truth about her biological father, Alice started resenting Mark for no reason. She somehow blamed him for not revealing the truth to her earlier, although he himself wasn’t aware of it until then.

All of a sudden, Alice wanted to meet her biological father and wanted him to be part of her life, leaving Mark behind. She never took into account all the years of love and attention Mark gave her as a father when she made the decision to cut him off her life.

Mark was devastated. He tried contacting Alice multiple times, but she never cared to pick up the phone, and that one time she did, she told him to stay away from her because she was now living with her mother and her real father.

One day, Mark got a call from the college Alice attended. They were worried for her academic progress. Mark was determined to try to get into contact with his daughter again in order to learn why she was falling behind and offer her some help.

“Don’t call me again or I’ll report you to the cops!” she told him, ready to hung up on him.

“Alice, please wait. I swear I won’t call you again, but this time it’s not about me. It has to do with your academics,” Mark said.

“Oh my god! Are you sick of acting like a daddy? How long can you act like that, seriously?” she answered.

“But honey, I was actually worried about you,” Mark told her.

“Mark, that’s enough!” was Alice’s reply. “If you do this again, or even look for me, you know what the next step will be!”

Did she really call him by his name? When did he stop being her dad? Mark was devastated and decided not to call Alice ever again although his heart ached and he loved her more than anything.

Some years passed by, and out of the blue, Mark received a text message. It was from Alice. He started shaking and was short of breath. He dreamed of this moment for so many years. He honestly believed that she wrote him in order to apologize and he was ready to forget everything and welcome her in his life again. But sadly, that wasn’t was Alice wanted.

“Hi Dad, this is Alice,” she started her text. “I am about to get married soon and I want you to walk me down the aisle.

“I understand our relationship hasn’t always been smooth sailing, but I really need your help. Adam, my fiancé, has been my only support system since my father passed away two years ago.”

Alice explained that the reason why she needed Mark to be there on her wedding day was because her future mother-in-law told her so. In fact, the mother-in-law was coming from a family in which they were all very close with one another, and she wanted her son to marry someone like that, who respected tradition and family values, otherwise, she wouldn’t approve of the wedding.

So, Alice wasn’t the one who wanted Mark there, she just wanted him to save her relationship and her big day.

She then demanded that Mark forgets everything that had happened between them years ago because he was the one to be blamed for their failed relationship.

Mark couldn’t believe that even after all those years, Alice was still unaware that what happened after he and her mother divorced was her fault only. She only cared about her wedding, and that was it.

After giving it some thought, Mark refused to walk Alice down the aisle.

Some of his friends believed he did the wrong thing, but he knew he wasn’t welcome to that wedding, it was just a way for Alice to present a happy family in front of her mother-in-law.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you believe Mark is in the wrong for not walking his daughter down the aisle?

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The 2024 prophecies of Nostradamus are just as terrifying as you could expect


Even half a millennium after his death, Nostradamus remains history’s most famous astrologer. This French apothecary, physician, and reputed seer, among the rest, is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. 

His quatrains have been re-read and re-interpreted for many, many years, as many believe that most of his predictions did come true.

It is said that he predicted the Great Fire of London, Hitler’s rise to power, both World Wars, and the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those interested in his work, which was written in a combination of Greek, Italian, Latin, and Provençal, believe he also predicted the September 11 terrorist attacks and even COVID-19.


Over the years, it was determined that his predictions were real to a great extent, and sadly, what he wrote about the year 2024 is not bright.

Environmental Disaster

The Frenchman described the year 2024 as a catastrophic for the environment. He predicted a complete disarray and painted a photo of floods and the Earth drying out due to the disastrous ecological imbalances.

A “very great famine through pestiferous wave” could refer to devastating floods that wipe off crops, spread diseases, and cause mass starvation, rather than plain floods.

If these visions are accurate, we may be in for even more disastrous climate events this years than most of us fear.


Conflict between Chinese and Russian Navy

It has been written by many journalists, economists and geopolitical experts, that China’s position in the world would soon change as they would raise as a global power. According to many, if this happens, it may lead to a Cold War between China and the States.

In one of his quatrain which opens with a vision of ‘combat and naval battle’, Nostradamus writes that the ‘Red adversary will become pale with fear / Putting the great Ocean in dread.’

As per many experts, ‘red adversary‘ is a reference to communist China and the rest of the quatrain refers to a confrontation at sea, which might have far-reaching consequences for world peace.

The Nostradamus Royal Tumult

The French astrologer made plenty of predictions about the royals that turned out to be true. Among the rest, he predicted the death of Henry II. In a quatrain, Nostradamus wrote, “the young lion will overcome the older one,” and that he will “pierce his eyes through a golden cage,” and that “two wounds” will ensure a “cruel death.”

Andrew Milligan – WPA Pool/Getty Images

Henry II was pierced into his eye and skull during a joust with one of his young soldiers when the soldier’s lance shattered. He then died from a slow and painful death from sepsis.

The death of Queen Elizabeth II was also predicted by the famous prophet, and he was said to have guessed her exact age at the time of her death.

For the year 2024, Nostradamus refers to someone he calls the “King of the Isles,” who has had a controversial divorce and who is “driven out by force.” He wrote the King would be replaced by “one who will have no mark of a king.”

A new Pope 

“Through the death of the very old Pontiff / A Roman of good age will be elected,” Nostradamus wrote.

Many believe that there indeed could be a change happening considering Pope Francis’ advanced age and health issues in recent times. According to his writing, the incoming pope will ‘weaken his see’ and continue in office for a some time.


One possible interpretation of “weakening” is that the church’s leadership, under the next pope, will lead to a reduction in its influence and integrity.

Living in the year of 2024,we are yet to witness if any of the prophecies of the great Nostradamus would come true.

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A child with alopecia gets a new wig, her reaction is the sweetest thing you’ll see all week


Alopecia, a common autoimmune condition that causes patchy hair loss on any hair-bearing skin, can negatively affect the self-image of the person suffering from it.

Sadly, it affects plenty of people and it sometimes leads to social withdrawal, reduced job performance, and strained interpersonal relationships.

Klara, a 10-year-old girl with Down Syndrome, was diagnosed with alopecia, and sadly, she has lost all the hair on her head.

In order to make her days a little bit brighter and put a smile on her face, Tiffany, the owner of Wigs By Tiffani in New Orleans, decided to make a trendy wig for Klara.

The video of the moment the sweet girl sees herself with the wig is beyond precious. Luckily, it was picked up by GlobalPositiveNews and shared on the social media. So far, it has been seen by over 3 million people.

It shows the moment Tiffany puts the wig on Klara’s head, while her family waits with excitement. Tiffany tells Klara to close her eyes before the big reveal.

The initial shock of her new appearance turns into one of the cutest smiles we’ve ever seen.

Needless to say, Klara is over the moon, as well as her family.

“Sweet 10-year-old Klara was the absolute highlight of my week!” Tiffani shared. “She is so special, so beautiful, so brave, so confident, and has the sweetest personality!”

While Tiffany explains the hairdo, Klara does a happy dance with her hands and steals millions of hearts.

“I got CHILLS when she smiled!!! What a beauty,” one person commented on Instagram.

“Her smile could light up a city , a continent , the🌍 world,” wrote another.

“So sweet,” a commenter added. “Look at that smile😘what a wonderful store owner-many blessings.”

This truly is what humanity should be all about. People like Tiffany make this world a much wonderful place.

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Unemployed dad with disturbing face tattoo begs for job on Facebook after searching for months


Mark Cropp, a young man from New Zealand, made a decision that impacted his entire life during a night while serving a two-year, three-month sentence for a botched drug deal.

While highly intoxicated on homemade alcohol made from fermented apples, bread, and sugar, he and his brother decided to tattoo Mark’s face using a makeshift ink that was made from toothpaste and melted plastic knives and forks.

Sadly, the night ended with Mark having the word ‘Devast8’ tattooed all over his face, including his jaw and lower face.

This stupid decision affected his life in a negative way once he was released from prison. Eager to start his life over, he was determined to find a job and provide for his wife and daughter. He also wanted to become a respectable member of the society and leave his old way of life behind, but that turned out to be way more difficult than he ever anticipated.

Despite his work experience, no one wanted to hire Mark, and the reason why wasn’t his criminal record but the huge tattoo on his face.

Credit / South_agency / Getty

Speaking to the Daily Mail Australia, this hopeless man shared the story behind his tattoo.

“You know there was a long time there where I would devastate everything I touched. I would end up devastating everyone I met or got close to,” he said.

“They would be disappointed with something I had done or said – I was always hearing ‘that’s devastating.’ Once it was started, I thought, I can’t go back on it now. I wish I had stopped while the outline was there to be quite honest. Before I knew it I had this on my face… It was swollen like a bloody pumpkin,” he added.

Willing to do all it takes to get rid of the awful “art”on his face, he sought help from professional who could help him remove it, but no one wanted to step in. Laser removal was way too expensive and there was no way that Mark could afford it, so he decided to turn to social media users.

In a post shared on Facebook, Mark showed his tattoo asking for a job and a chance to start his life over.

The attention his post gathered showed the power of the Internet.

In no time, his plea was shared multiple times, and it caught the attention of the staff at Sacred Tattoo, an Auckland-based tattoo parlor.

Luckily, they offered to remove his tattoo for free, showing their kindness yet again as they’ve been known as people committed to their community.

Following the tattoo removal, Mark was able to land a job at scaffolding company PR Contracting, earning $22 an hour.

We are happy this husband and father was able to get his fresh start.

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5-yr-old finds mom ‘dead’ and runs to neighbor for help with baby sister in his arms


When someone knocked on Jessica Penoyer’s door, the last person she expected to see was her five-year-old neighbor. He appeared to be carrying a doll in his arms, but a few seconds later, Jessica realized it wasn’t a doll, but his baby sister.

The boy, Salvatore Cicalese, said that his mother was dead at the shower. He then explained that he grabbed a stool and took it to the garage door in order to be able to be able to climb up and flick the switch. Doing that, he added that he tumbled off it once before succeeding on his second attempt.

Source: ABC News

Hearing all this, disturbed Jessica rushed to the phone and called a police. Soon after, emergency services were able to enter Salvatore’s home. They went straight to the bathroom where they saw the boy’s mother passed out in the tub. Had it not been for Salvatore, his mother would have drowned. It was his quick thinking that helped save her life.

Source: ABC News

Once she was given medical assistance, the mother, Kaitlyn Cicalese, started feeling better.

She explained that she suffered a seizure and soon lost consciousness. She also added that after the incident, Salvatore won’t stop asking her if she would be okay. He wonders if she is going to suffer another seizure and if she’s sure that she won’t die any time soon. Kaitlyn assures him that nothing like that would happen, but in case she does suffer a seizure, at least she knows her boy would know what to do.

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Mocked for marrying her


The moment we learn how to love ourselves with all our flaws is the moment we really start to live our lives to the fullest.

However, this isn’t an easy thing to do. Well, the celebrities with all their airbrushed and edited images, as well as the media which promotes these looks as some sort of social standards, are partially to be blamed for the insecurities ordinary people have because they believe they need to look like those models on the covers of the magazines.

There are also those who won’t let their beauty be determined by foolish standards and do all in their power to change the perception that others have about them.

Amelia is a person who has endured harsh criticism because of her weight. Her mom was aware that her daughter would be a “big” woman ever since she was a child because she was way too chubby for her age practically from the moment she was born. However, as many found her cute and sweet as a child, she experienced bullying later on.

Marginalized by the society, Amelia spent her days in her room playing video games until Sean entered her life.

Their pure life defied odds and led to a proposal and a modest wedding, and their life journey inspired a global movement of acceptance and empowerment.

These two are proof that love can overcome any obstacle because they rewrote the rules of love in a remarkable way.

Take a look at the video of their life story in the video below.

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