Dad takes disabled daughter to prom, finds $10k check for ‘dad of the year’ in mailbox later


When Molly’s parents divorced, she was still very young. Her dad, Danny, was out of her life and she grew up with her mom, Daisy.

Around ten years since her mom and dad split, her mom passed away. Molly was heartbroken because she felt her world shattered into a million pieces. All of a sudden, she was all by herself, with no one by her side except for some family members and few friends.

As she was shedding tears over her mom’s coffin, Molly, who was in her wheelchair, felt someone’s hand landing on her back. It was her dad whom she hadn’t seen in years. She had only heard about him from her mother, who didn’t always speak nice of the man she believed abandoned them.


When the funeral was over, Danny asked Molly to move in with him. She was hesitant because she grew up without her father, but now he was there and he was ready to take her in and take care of her.

Due to an injury from the time she was still very young, Molly had troubles using her left leg, so when she wasn’t moving around with the help of her clutches, she was in her wheelchair.

Molly and Danny tried to bond, and he seemed to be a great person, contrary to what her mother had told her about him. Danny did try really hard to be the father his daughter deserved. But during the night, he would sneak out of the house, which made Molly sure of her mother’s accusations of him that he was spending time with his friends at the pub and wasn’t spending the nights at home.

Despite that, Molly felt secure by her dad’s side.


One night, as he arrived home, he heard Molly crying loudly in her room. He rushed to her and asked her what was wrong, but she refused to tell him what troubled her. Danny, however, insisted. His heart crushed with every tear that rolled down his daughter’s face. Assuring her that she can tell him everything, Molly finally opened up. She told her dad that she was the only one from the class who didn’t have a partner for the upcoming prom. Hearing this, Danny’s soul ached.

“I don’t have a date, I even asked some boys if one of them would at least dance with me during prom, but they refused and laughed,” Molly said. I don’t want to go to the prom, daddy, I want to be alone! Goodnight!”

Danny wouldn’t let Molly miss her prom. The following day, he purchased an amazing gown for her and told her she wouldn’t be alone on her special night.

When the prom night arrived, Danny, who worked as a truck driver, parked his huge truck in front of the school and honked loudly. When all eyes were on him, he got out of the truck, pulled the wheelchair out, and pushed his daughter on the red carpet as the gathering watched in amazement.


As the music rolled, the father and daughter danced in the middle of the dance floor, with Danny carrying his daughter in his arms. For a moment, Molly forgot that she had a disability and laughed her heart out as her dad kept swaying her. “My dad is my real superhero. I love him more than anything else in this world. I feel blessed and proud to say I’m his daughter,” Molly told her classmates that night.

The two had a lot of fun, but what they didn’t know was that after that night, their lives would be changed forever.

When they arrived home, Danny confessed to Molly that he and her mother divorced after he started not spending the nights at home. But contrary to what his wife thought, Danny wasn’t out drinking, but he was working a second job at a nursing home in order to be able to gather money for Molly’s surgery that would help her walk by herself again. Molly’s mom didn’t trust Danny, so the two decided to part their ways.


The following morning, when Danny got back home from work, he noticed an envelope in the mailbox. On it, there was a card attached that read, “Dad of the Year!”

Inside the envelop, Danny found $10,000 and a letter. “Dear Danny, we hope this will improve your daughter’s life. Good luck with her surgery, and we hope you spend more time with her in the evenings. Best Wishes, Your Prom Buddies!”

Danny couldn’t believe his eyes. He realized it was the parents he’d met the previous night who were behind this incredible act.

He was quick to enter the house and share the news with his girl. “Really?! My God, daddy…This is unbelievable!”


With the money Danny had saved and the $10,000 check, Molly got her surgery. It was successful, and gradually, she was able to walk without crutches.

As his goal was reached, Danny quit the night job and he was able to spend more time with his daughter and hopefully make up for the years he had spent away from her.

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Elon Musk shakes up television with daring acquisition and dismissal?


The name of Elon Musk has been making headlines throughout the years. The boss of X (formerly Twitter), Tesla and SpaceX, who now tends to play a bigger role in the fast-growing world of artificial intelligence, was rumored to have bought the ABC TV network.

This rumor started following a Facebook meme that attracted the attention of many. Later, however, it became apparent that this claim lacked credible evidence to support it.

The meme had a photo of Joy Behar, one of the hosts of the talk show The View, with a comment alleging that “Elon Musk issued a tender offer to buy ‘The View’ outright for $17 and a coupon for a free appetizer at Applebee’s.”

What’s most, media outlets picked up the meme along with a story that Musk fired the entire crew of The View.

The article, initially published on a Facebook page named Love Style, read, “In a surprising turn of events, Elon Musk, the influential CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has made a bold move that has grabbed the attention of the entertainment world. He has acquired ABC and wasted no time in dismissing the entire cast of the long-running talk show, The View. This unprecedented decision has sent shockwaves throughout the industry, leaving fans and critics in awe.”

It continued: “According to sources close to Musk, he took this daring step due to his dissatisfaction with the show’s repetitive arguments and lack of innovation. In a statement, Musk expressed his frustration, saying, ‘I’ve been watching ‘The View’ for years, and it feels like the same tired discussions over and over again. I’ve had enough of it, and I believe it’s time for a fresh approach to daytime talk shows.'”

This story turned out not to be true. Musk neither purchased ABC nor he fired the show’s cast.

However, once the story spread, many believed it was true and re-shared it. Many even commented, with one person writing, “I really like this guy. ‘The View’ should have been gone a long time ago. Thank you, Elon!!,” and another adding, “About time. Someone had to raise the intellectual standards of the American viewer.”

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Don’t toss those eggshells! Here’s why you should keep them


If you are one of those people who enjoy eggs for breakfast and consume them often, here are some benefits the egg shells offer. Read the article below and see why you shouldn’t throw the eggshells in the trash ever again.

1. Natural Pest Deterrent

If slugs, worms, and snails are frequent visitors of your garden and munch on your flower, thus destroy the plant, eggshells may be the solution. Simply spread crushed eggshells around the plants, and you’ll see a difference shortly after. Turns out these critters are repelled by the smell of eggshells so they won’t be returning to your garden again.

2. Repels Deer

Just like with insects, eggshells also repel deer. If you happen to be residing in a wooden area, deer are frequent visitors, so using this trick may help keeping the away from your garden and your plants which they tend to destroy.

3. Bird Feed

While they repel some creatures, the eggshells are a true delight for others. Birds love eggshells, so if you spread some around your garden you may expect to witness feathered friends flock indulging in their favorite treat. This is a nice way to attract birds, which not only make people’s days with their lovely appearance and sweet tweets, but also keep unwanted insects away.

4. Boost Your Soil’s Health

Crafting an eggshell solution or eggshell dust as fertilizer is a sustainable alternative, giving purpose to what would otherwise end up in your community landfill.

The calcium carbonate they contain decreases the acidity of your soil naturally, which is advantageous for plants that thrive in lower pH environments. This adjustment makes the soil more alkaline, enhancing nutrient absorption for these plants.

5. Keep Your Veggies Healthy

The calcium carbonate present in eggshells can aid in reducing the risk of blossom end rot in certain plants such as tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers, which are prone to calcium deficiencies. Placing crushed eggshells in the soil will help the veggies stay plump, vibrant, and full of flavor.

6.Raise pH for Potted Plants


When it comes to potted plants, horticulture educator with University of Illinois Extension, notes, “Eggshells have been shown to increase soil pH in greenhouse studies where plants are growing in pots. The small volume of soil contained in a pot is far different than the massive volume of soil in a backyard garden…It is unlikely that the average homeowner could generate enough eggshells to raise their soil pH.”

7. Composting Made Easy

Crushed eggshell material is highly beneficial for composting since items such as eggshells and citrus peels can decompose in a compost pile or bin gradually. As they break down, they contribute to the compost material, enriching it with nutrients and minerals.

Prior to composting, it’s crucial to rinse the shells to eliminate any raw egg residue. Breaking them down into crushed shells accelerates the decomposition process, as smaller pieces break down more quickly compared to whole eggs.

Next time you have eggs, make sure you use the eggshells in order to enhance the beauty of your garden or potted plants.

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Behind the Scenes with Joy Behar: Exclusive Insights into ‘The View’


ABC’s The View is considered to be of quite ill-repute because of the heated discussions and sharp remarks promoted on it. Critics argue that the hosts prioritize their personal political agendas over constructive dialogues. The show tries to attract viewers with provocative comments and arguments, but despite these efforts, its fate is unclear, particularly as Disney looks to divest from the underperforming channel.

In a recent interview on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, a well-known pop culture icon, attracted attention with her blunt comments about Joy Behar, one of the co-hosts of The View. Asked about her experiences with various celebrities, Snooki openly expressed her thoughts on Behar, catching Cohen off guard with her forthrightness.

Snooki said Behar was the “rudest celebrity” she has encountered since gaining fame on “Jersey Shore” over the past 14 years.

Cohen appeared shocked and asked Snooki again if Behar was “rude” to her.

“Joy was so mean to me,” the MTV star replied without hesitation.

Eager to learn more, Cohen pushed further. “She cornered me in the bathroom!” Snooki alleged before adding, “And said, ‘You’re not Italian!’”

The host immediately gasped, prompting Snooki, 35, to double down on the claim.

Cohen then asked how the “Messyness” co-host responded during the alleged interaction. “I said, ‘OK, ma’am,’” Snooki responded.

Snooki did not disclose when her rude encounter with Behar occurred, but in early 2011, she posted a video mocking The View star. The now-deleted clip, captured by TMZ, featured Snooki and her bestie Farley pretending to be older Jewish women. In the video, Snooki played “Joy B” and talked about how “trashy” Snooki was.

The clip showed the duo calling Behar an “Italian wannabe” and mocking her for despising the “Jersey Shore” cast, claiming that kids like them ruined her childhood during “the Great Depression.”

The video was later taken down because as Snooki explained, people took it too seriously.

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King Charles’ major decision gives sad hint into Kate Middleton’s cancer recovery


With a pre-recorded video showing her sitting in the gardens at Windsor, Kate Middleton disclosed her cancer diagnosis with the public. This announcement, which came on March 22, put a stop to the numerous rumors and speculations surrounding her health condition and whereabouts.

Initially, Kate was supposed to return to her royal duties around Easter, as per the Palace. At the time, however, the public was unaware of her cancer. What the Palace shared with the people and the media was that the Princess of Wales had undergone a planned abdominal surgery. Red flags arose, however, when she stayed at the hospital for around two weeks, which was rather long time for such a surgery.

“In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London, and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful. However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team, therefore, advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy, and I am now in the early stages of that treatment,” Kate Middleton said in the video.

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

“This, of course, came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family.”

The princess continued, “As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. But, most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte, and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them and to reassure them that I am going to be ok.”

“We now need some time, space, and privacy”

“As I have said to them; I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal; in my mind, body and spirits. Having William by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too. As is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. It means so much to us both.”

“We hope that you will understand that, as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment. My work has always brought me a deep sense of joy and I look forward to being back when I am able, but for now I must focus on making a full recovery.”

Kate Middleton concluded, “At this time, I am also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. For everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. You are not alone.”

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

A source close to the couple said William and Kate have plans to renovate the Adelaide Cottage grounds annex into a retreat for the Wales family and their staff. 

“They [William and Kate] absolutely adore Adelaide Cottage, but it just about fits the entire family, whereas Anmer Hall is much larger with extensive grounds,” a source told OK!. “Adelaide Cottage is being used as a term time property while the children are at school nearby and Anmer Hall is for long weekends and holidays.”

“Nobody knows that there is quite a spacious red-brick annex building that’s not being used next door to Adelaide Cottage,” an insider revealed. “It’s currently uninhabitable and needs extensive renovation works if it were to be used.

“Discussions have been ongoing for a while about using the property as part of the overall cottage grounds, but it’s just about finding the right time to kick the project off.”

Samir Hussein/WireImage

As they fear public backlash, Kate and William consider paying for the renovations themselves. “William is very conscious of the public scrutiny over the Royal Family’s spending habits, so he is looking at the best way to cover any renovation costs,” a source disclosed. “It’s a project that’s very much been put on the back burner for now due to the family’s unfortunate position, but it will be looked at again when the time is right,” the insider told OK!.

Royal expert Jennie Bond believes that Kate should be taking up ‘restorative’ activities to help her get better.

“I’ve no doubt that Catherine’s parents will be staying with her, but even so it must be a step in the right direction,” Bond told OK!. “Hopefully Catherine is feeling stronger every day and, with the sun now shining, she’ll be able to enjoy the great outdoors which, for her, has always been restorative.”

However, no matter if she feels better, Kate is obviously not ready to return to her royal duties. At the time being, most of the royal engagements have been performed by William and Queen Camilla.

Karwai Tang/WireImage

For William, his wife is still his number one priority.

“For William, everything hinges on Kate’s well-being,” royal biographer Ingrid Seward told People Magazine.

Another insider told the news outlet, “William is prioritizing giving her all the time she needs to get better and the support, particularly to the children.”

William visited the Isles of Scilly for the first time since becoming the Duke of Cornwall after his father’s accession to the throne in September 2022. During his visit, he toured the small medical center at St. Mary’s Community Hospital in Hugh Town, where he was welcomed by Tracy Smith, the hospital’s administrator.

“I asked William about his wife Kate, and he said, ‘she’s doing well, thanks,’ and I suggested they might like to come for a visit and bring the children,” Smith revealed, as per Sky News.

William answered, “The children are very jealous that I am here… Maybe we might come later in the year.” 

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

With William undertaking most of the royal duties, his wife will likely postpone her royal engagements even further.

This summer, the royal family has a busy agenda. Major events include Trooping the Colour, a state banquet, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and Garter Day. Kate usually attends these events, and it turns out that this year, King Charles did his best to find a suitable replacement for his beloved daughter-in-law.

As per the Daily Mail, Beatrice, Prince Andrew’s eldest daughter, is ” looking forward to helping out.”

“They’ve got a busy diary coming up, and they need to widen the family at social events. You’ve got a whole week of Ascot. You have four garden parties. You’ve got Trooping the Colour, and you’ve got a state visit before you even start on other things,” the source said.

“I think Beatrice and Eugenie are adding support where they can. They’ve always been clear they’re non-royal, but they’re always there to help fulfill any duties required.”

WINDSOR, UNITED KINGDOM – MARCH 31: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) King Charles III attends the traditional Easter Sunday Mattins Service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on March 31, 2024 in Windsor, England. Following the service The King greeted members of the public, during a walkabout, for the first time since the announcement that he had been diagnosed with cancer. Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

It is apparent that King Charles sees his nieces as “sensible, lovely women” who could be a great asset for the royal family.

“They have been crying out for that royal glamour that has been missing during a time when his slimmed-down monarchy is in desperate need of bulking up,” the source concluded. 

“Beatrice, in particular, has been desperate for her chance to shine. She was once shy, and her style was a little frumpy. But these days she’s ambitious, confident and fashionable. She looks great in photos.”

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Melania Trump breaks silence on Barron Trump’s future, days after surprising news


May 17 marks a milestone for Barron Trump, the son of former president and business mogul Donald Trump, as he graduates from Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida. 

When his dad was elected president, Barron was just 10 years of age. At the time, he and his mother, Melania Trump, didn’t move into the White House right away but stayed in New York City for around six months until Barron finished his school year. “It’s Melania who wants to stay. She doesn’t want to take Barron out of school,” an unnamed source told the New York Daily News at the time. “She’s concerned that he won’t have the same relationship with new teachers that he has at Columbia Prep.”

When he and Melania joined his father, Barron became the first boy to live in the White House since JFK Jr.

Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images

After finishing school in Washington, Barron Trump enrolled at the private school Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida. Currently, Melania and her husband have been looking at colleges in New York and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Both Trump and his children, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, and Tiffany Trump, have graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. 

About a month ago, after leaving the court, Trump attacked Judge Juan Marchan, claiming he wouldn’t let him attend Barron’s graduation.

“It looks like the judge will not let me go to the graduation of my son, who’s worked very, very hard, and he is a great student,” Trump stated. “It looks like the judge isn’t going to allow me to escape this scam. It’s a scam trial.”

Contrary to Trump’s claims, NY Mag reports that Judge Merchan did not prohibit the former president from attending his son’s high school graduation. In fact, the judge approved Trump’s request, allowing him to be present to congratulate his youngest son.

However, Trump will not spend the entire day with Barron because he’s preoccupied with numerous other matters, including trials, court dates, lawsuits, and the upcoming presidential election.

As per reports, after Barron’s graduation, Trump is scheduled to headline the Minnesota Republican Party’s annual Lincoln Reagan dinner later that evening.

Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images

The future plans of Barron Trump have not been revealed, but according to Eden Gillott, crisis management expert, no matter what college he attends, Barron would likely prefer a quieter life like his mother’s rather than his dad’s love for being in the spotlight.

However, this may not be the case.

“Barron will most likely opt for Melania’s elegance of privacy rather than his father’s love of the spotlight. This selective visibility could define his persona, underscoring the sophistication of leading a life of quiet dignity amidst a world that often confuses noise with influence,” she said speaking to The List.

“Barron has a unique opportunity to capitalize on this increased visibility to subtly shape his own narrative. While his father’s potential presidency could heighten public interest, Barron could use this moment not for direct engagement, but as a chance to reinforce his personal brand of quiet distinction,” she claimed.

“By focusing on his education and personal interests he can navigate the heightened attention in a way that aligns with his preference for privacy, setting a precedent for engaging with the public on his own terms.

“Barron’s choice of a quieter path could mark him as the bearer of a new legacy where he redefines what it looks like to carry the name,” Eden Gilliott told The List. “If, at a later point, he decides he wants to fully step into public life, it’ll be much easier to navigate than trying to close Pandora’s box.”

NEW YORK, NY – JULY 20: Barron Trump is seen at the funeral of Ivana Trump on July 20, 2022 in New York City. (Photo by JNI/Star Max/GC Images)

Where Barron Trump will enroll in the fall is still unknown. He could follow into his father’s footsteps by joining the Trump family business, or he might consider a career in politics, which is also a prominent option.

Recently, the first potential indication of Barron’s future in politics emerged.

According to a list of delegates, as per NBC News, Barron Trump was picked by the Republican Party of Florida as one of the state’s at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention last week.

“We have a great delegation of grassroots leaders, elected officials and even Trump family members,” Florida GOP chairman Evan Power said. “Florida is continuing to have a great convention team, but more importantly we are preparing to win Florida and win it big.”

Getty Images North America/Chip Somodevilla

Several members of the Trump family, including Donald Jr., Eric, and Tiffany, will be serving as delegates for Florida, the state where their father, Donald Trump, officially resides and votes.

As a delegate, Barron would be on the convention floor, participating with the Florida delegation in officially nominating his father.

Serving as one of the state’s at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention would have marked Barron’s most prominent political position to date. However, he has chosen a different path.

According to his mother, Barron didn’t accept the invite.

“While Barron is honoured to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,” a spokeswoman for Melania Trump said in a statement.

Soon, Barron would turn 18 and he would likely make decisions regarding his future himself.

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I refused to give my ex-wife money for food for her and our kids when I discovered her true intentions


A man shared his story on the “AITA” subreddit and explained that he and his ex-wife had divorced when their children, now 15 and 12, were young. At the beginning, they shared 50/50 custody, but then his ex-wife remarried and he stopped providing spousal support.

Around the time he posted the story, his ex’s husband left her. But he let her have the house the two lived in.

OP wasn’t interested to learn any details regarding their break-up or the financial intricacies.


The situation took an unexpected turn when his ex called him recently, asking for food. She explained that she ran out of money and couldn’t provide food for herself and the children. OP agreed to consider her request, telling her he would call her back.

After discussing with his live-in girlfriend, OP armed himself with a freezer full of elk, venison, wild hog, and a pantry stocked with beef, pork, and chicken which he took to his ex. The situation escalated when he called his ex-wife and offered her a sizable haul of groceries.

She refused to accept it and asked for cash instead, saying she would be ordering food herself. OP, however, said he brought her and the kids two weeks worth of food and giving her cash for takeout was off the table.


This made his ex-wife angry. She started calling him names and claimed the food he brought her was ‘scraps.’ He explained that what he brought was an abundance of frozen meat, canned vegetables, and fresh garden produce, as well as unopened bags of pasta and rice.

Driven by his children’s well-being, particularly considering their fondness for hunting and his older son’s cooking skills. OP stood firm. Convinced he was meeting his ex’s needs, he directed his girlfriend not to pack anything.

After contacting his kids and assuring them he would take care of any hunger concerns they had, they said that food was available it just required preparation. “Both of them also said that if I was willing to spare some of the elk and hog roasts they would take them. I laughed and said I would take them over later,” OP wrote.


This, however, put OP in trouble as his ex accused him of forcing her into the role of a “housewife” while allegedly neglecting their kids’ food needs.

Some members of the family were convinced that he should have give her the money and sided with his ex, but OP stood firm in his conviction.

As expected, almost all of the comments his post gathered read that he was NTA.

“Definitely NTA- there’s no reason to be giving her money. She asked for help with food you were readily willing to give her some of your food! But she doesn’t want/need help with food,” one person wrote.

“She wants/needs money. With 50/50 custody you shouldn’t have to give her any money. If she absolutely needs it she will have to apply for government benefits. She’s being ridiculous,” the person concluded.


“NTA. You used the same approach I use with panhandlers. I will buy food for them and give them the food, but I will not give them money. And it’s quite disappointing how few people will let me buy them a sandwich or a meal when they want money,” added another commenter.

“NTA, I’m confused on why she thinks preparing food for her kids is being manipulated into being a housewife… it’s called being a normal parent. Clearly, she’s nobody’s housewife anyways,” a third expressed.

What are your thoughts on this?

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Why do oven doors shatter and how to prevent it? – Truth here!


A woman named Willie Mae Truesdale was disturbed by a loud bang coming from the kitchen. She was quick to check what happened when she saw the glass door of her oven shattered into a million pieces. At the time, the oven was off. “It was shocking and you had to really see it to believe it,” she explained and added: “It was like what in the world. Glass shattered, glass was out here on the floor.

However, Truesdale’s case isn’t unique. Other women also shared their experience with the same issue. Among them was Cheryl, a suburban mom who noticed that the temperature of the oven she had purchased three months before was off by about 25 degrees while she baked muffins. This happened during COVID, and once the quarantine was over, she contacted a repairman to fix her oven. Before that, she decided to run a self-cleaning cycle first at the end of which there was a loud explosion, and the inner glass on the oven door shattered.

Similarly, Michelle Wheat’s oven door exploded. Just as Truesdale’s oven, Wheat’s oven wasn’t on at the time of the explosion.

Glass scattered all over the kitchen, and luckily, none of her four children was injured. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has received approximately 450 reports of such incidents since 2019. The ovens in question were from different producers.


The three women encountered difficulties with the manufacturers after the incidents. Truesdale’s oven was under warranty, but still, a Frigidaire technician blamed her for the explosion and forced her to pay for a new door herself. NBC’s intervention led Bosch to replace Cheryl’s oven. Wheat, whose oven was out of warranty, had to pay a technician $100 just to confirm the glass was broken, with the replacement costing another $314.

Frigidaire recommended she buy an extended warranty in case it happened again. Frustrated, Wheat remarked, “This should not have happened. That was the point I was trying to make to them.”

Mark Meshulam of Chicago Window Expert gives an explanation about why these explosions may be taking place. “There are two scenarios of why oven glass can break spontaneously,” he said. “There’s one family of oven glass that is soda lime glass, which is window glass, and it’s heated and cooled rapidly so that it becomes tempered. That’s one type of glass that is used in oven doors. Another type is borosilicate glass. It is more used in laboratory glassware or the old time Pyrex glass, and that one tolerates heat and cold very well. So, the shift to soda lime glass has brought about an increase in these types of breaks because it’s not as tolerant of the thermal cycles that the glass will go through.”


Another possibility is that explosions are caused by a nickel sulfide inclusion, which is a tiny flaw in the glass. “It’s only about a tenth of a millimeter in diameter. That little ball has some strange properties.” Meshulam said, adding, “over time it’s fighting to get out. And sometimes the high heat event like oven cleaning event can bring about that finally that spontaneous failure that was in there.”

He, however, reassures people that the self-cleaning feature of ovens is safe. “Most people will survive their whole lives using the self-cleaning feature and not really encounter this problem,” he said. He also thinks that tiny chips and imperfections are what cause ovens to explode when they aren’t on. This is especially concerning because the door can break long after the original damage happens.

These points of damage are beyond the control of the homeowners because they usually happen during production, shipping, or installation. 

Using aggressive cleaning methods and applying excessive physical force can also cause microscopic scratches or chips on the glass.

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