Single dad struggles with raising triplets, then he’s told they aren’t his

The sound of dry leaves crunched under Jordan’s feet as he pushed the stroller through the cemetery. It was the first anniversary of the passing of his wife Kyra, the mother of his triplets, whom he was now raising all by himself.

Each step towards Kyra’s resting place felt heavier than the other. With tears in his eyes, Jordan whispered, “We’re going to see mama.”

His triplets were babies when their mom died, and Jordan was heartbroken by the thought that they won’t remember her, her love, her devotion, and her warmth.

Life was cruel, but at least he had his babies, who were the only reason he kept going.

As they approached Kyra’s grave, Jordan noticed a man in his 50s brushing the epitaph that read: A twinkle in our eyes & hearts is now on the skies.

“Who could this man be?” Jordan wondered. His unease grew bigger when he finally got to Kyra’s resting place.

“You must be Jordan,” the man said. “Yes, and you are?” Jordan asked, confused.

The man introduced himself as Denis. He claimed to be Kyra’s old friend from Chicago.

“But she never mentioned someone named Denis,” Jordan thought to himself.

Denis approached the triplets. He observed their features and made comments about their appearance. His behavior was rather awkward, and it made Jordan uncomfortable.


“Listen,” Denis said, “these babies aren’t yours. I’m their real father.”

These words shattered Jordan’s world.

“You are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Give me the babies and start over,” Denis said and handed Jordan a check on $100,000.

Jordan froze and accused Denis of lying. Kyra could never lie to him.

But Denis knew too much about Kyra. He knew of her love for French cusine, her allergies, and even about the scar on her tight.

Jordan got scared. Without saying anything, he took the triplets and rushed towards his car.

The drive home felt like eternity. He had a hard time letting Denis’ words sink in. How could he know so much about Kyra? Was he right about the children? Could Kyra be unfaithful?

His head was buzzing with countless questions.


Jordan’s thoughts drifted to the day he and Kyra first met. He was a bartender, and she walked in one day, taking his breath away. At first, she saw him as nothing more than a friendly bartender.

But one evening, as he was leaving the bar, he saw her crying. She had broken up with her boyfriend, and Jordan comforted her. From that moment on, their bond grew stronger, and she eventually fell fro him.

They tied the knot when she revealed she was pregnant. But no family of Kyra was in attendance. She told Jordan that her parents were dead, and he never questioned anything.

Denis’ words, especially his knowledge of Kyra’s scar, made Jordan doubt her love for him. He started asking himself if the triplets were really his or Denis was telling the truth.


In the days that followed, Jordan went through hell.

Even the thought of losing his triplets sent waves of panic through him.

A week later, he got a call from Denis. “What have you decided? I want my children!” he said. But Jordan wasn’t about to give up without a fight.

“A father is someone who raises them and loves them unconditionally. I will always be there father.”

Denis hesitated a bit and then suggested they meet at a local cafe the following day. “Bring the babies with you,” he said and hung up the phone.

Jordan was fearful. What if it turned out Denis was the real father?


In the morning, he went to the cafe Denis suggested. When he entered, Denis was already there, waiting for him.

Without saying anything, he handed Jordan an old photo.

Jordan was confused. The young woman on the photo resembled Kyra, and the man next to her was obviously Denis. But there was also another woman on the photo.

“What’s this?” Jordan asked, his hands trembling as he held the photo.

“I’m sorry, Jordan,” Dennis said. “I’m not the father of the triplets, I’m their grandfather.”

“What!?” Jordan asked. “But how could that be? Kyra’s parents are dead. She told me that herself.”

It turned out her dad wasn’t. Sadly, their relationship was strained and they didn’t have any contact. But following Kyra’s sudden passing, he wanted to meet her children.

Getty Images

Denis wanted to be part of their lives, so he made up the story of being their dad. He wanted to take them and raise them as his own.

“I know I shouldn’t have done that, Jordan,” Denis said, with tears in his eyes. “But I really want to be part of their lives. My daughter is no longer here, but her babies are. I regret not being the best father, but let me be a better grandfather.”

Jordan needed time to think about everything. He was mad Denis lied to him, but over time, he forgave him.

Despite the pain of the past, they were united by shared responsibility.

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We were close to adopting a 5-year-old boy until a wealthy couple entered the picture wanting him too

After years of struggling to conceive, my doctor delivered heartbreaking news that made me wonder if my marriage could even survive the weight of it. “You are infertile.” My world shattered and my dreams burst like a soap bubble. But my husband was there for me, restoring all my hopes when he mentioned the option of adopting.

Camden and I dreamed of becoming parents from the moment we tied the knot, but that didn’t come naturally to us.

Sadly, I learned I couldn’t be a mom. As much as I felt sorry for myself, my heart ached for my husband who deserved to be a father. “Don’t worry, Zelda,” he said at the doctor’s office after I head the news that broke my heart into a million pieces.

“Adopting a child in need of a family doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” he said smilingly, trying to cheer me up.


The thought of adopting found its roots in my head. It didn’t take long before we met with social workers and started foster care visits. The process was extremely slow, and the paperwork was endless, but we knew it would be worth it.

And then, one day, we met Nicholas, a five-year-old boy with the most beautiful brown eyes. I knew he belonged to us the moment I fist saw him.

We started the process of adopting him, but then, another family, a very wealthy one, came into the picture.

They were as interested in adopting Nicholas as Camden and I were.

Mrs. Jameson said they had the right to apply as well. Nicholas was about to spend a week with each family before making a decision. At that point, it was up to him to choose his family.

When the Featheringhams, the family interested in adopting Nicholas, entered the foster home, they acted as they owned the place. Mrs. Featheringhams wore a diamond necklace and looked at me and Camden from above, as though we weren’t worthy as a competition.

“You see, we can provide Nicholas with the best schools there are. He’ll live a life of luxury. Why don’t you make the kid a favor and quit trying for him?” she told us.

Turning to her husband, who was equally polished as she was, she said, “Honey, they are just a plain, middle class family. What do they have to offer? A tiny house in the suburb?”

The two started laughing, their words cutting deeper than I though they could.

The Featheringhams got a week with Nicholas first.


When he came to our home, he couldn’t stop talking of the amusement parks they took him to, the toys they bought him, and the fancy food he had.

Whenever he would mention his adventures with them, my heart sank. “Did we have any chance?” I kept wondering, with the hope fading away.

We couldn’t afford expensive things, but we had a lot of love for that boy.

On the first day of his stay at our place, we took him to the zoo, but it started raining and we were forced to get back home where Camden built a fortress of blankets and used a flashlight as a pretended fire.

Nicholas seemed to like it.


The following day, we visited the local arcade, but most of the machine there was broken. Instead, we went to the park and played the board games we had with us.

Camden even taught Nicholas how to play chess.

We ate at the local diner, took long walks, and shared stories of our childhoods with Nicholas.

One evening, as we were watching a film, he fell asleep in my lap, his hand holding mine tightly.

After the week passed, it was time Nicholas to make a decision.

Camden and I were at the office of Mrs. Jameson. Nicholas was sitting next to her, and the Featheringhams were opposite us.

“Nicholas, darling, don’t forget about all the toys. You can have everything you want with us,” Mrs. Featheringhams reminded him, certain he would choose them, because as she said, love doesn’t pay for college, and they had all the money in the world.

When Mrs. Jameson asked Nicholas about the family he wanted to live with, he was a bit hesitant, or maybe he was afraid to make the choice, not wanting to offend any of the four people eagerly waiting for his answer.


After minutes of silence, which felt like eternity, he said, “I want to live with them,” pointing at me and Camden, “they are so fun.”

Tears started rolling down my face. The boy I knew belonged to me all along chose me to be his mommy.

The Featheringhams didn’t say a word. They just excused themselves and left the room, and Camden and I felt like the proudest parents ever.

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My ex-husband ended up with the house, car, and all our money after the divorce – and I laughed, because that was exactly what I had intended

Going through divorce is never easy no matter how bad the marriage was. Everything around the lengthy court process is extremely tiring, such as splitting the belongings, fighting for custody if children are involved, wasting time, money, and nerves.

As Barbra was preparing dinner, Mike, who has always been obsessed with his social image, placed the car keys on the counter and told her they needed to talk. Barbra knew what was coming. She was certain he was going to ask her for divorce, and it didn’t even took a couple of seconds until she learned she was right.

To Mike’s surprise, she agreed to separate from him.


He expected her to beg him, cry over his decision, but she didn’t show any emotions. No matter how hard it was and how defeated she felt, she did her best to stay calm and indifferent.

In the days that followed, they barely spoke to each other until they finally found themselves sitting opposite each other in a dull conference room with their lawyers by their side.

Mike started listing the things he wanted; the house, the car, the savings. He was so cold that it looked like he was reading out of a grocery list.

After listening to him without objecting, Barbra said he could have it all.

Her lawyer gave her a serious look, but she said it was fine. All she wanted were her personal belongings and the divorce to be finalized.

With laughter, Mike, who believed he won the divorce, told her she had until the afternoon to take what’s hers and leave his house for good.

Barbra left the room and headed towards the elevator. Once inside, she couldn’t contain her laughter. One would thing she snapped, but she had an ace up her sleeve. Just the elevator’s door opened, she sent a text message that read, “Mon, get ready for my sweet revenge.”


Barbra’s mom was never fond of Mike. From the moment she first met him she knew he wasn’t the one for her daughter. The two never got along because she was aware Mike was egocentric who only cared about his own interests.

When Barbra and Mike were purchasing the house, Barbra’s mom helped them financially. She was the reason Mike believed he scored a great deal on their new home, but what he didn’t know was that she would also be the reason for him to lose it.

On the day Barbra packed her belongings and settled in a tiny apartment just blocks away, she received a call from Mike. She put him on speaker and leaned back on her chair to enjoy her toast and her revenge. Mike was furious. He told Barbra that her mother moved in with him and refused to leave the house.


Smiling, Barbra reminded him about the agreement he signed years ago when her mom gave them the down-payment for the house. With small print it read that she could live in that house whenever she wanted for as long as she wanted.

As she laughed at her victory, Barbra could hear her mother telling Mike to turn the TV off. She definitely knew how to drive him crazy.

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After my husband’s best friend joined us for dinner, our 7-year-old daughter stopped talking for weeks

Brian, my husband’s best friend, was more like family to us. He was the person we trusted the most – someone we could always rely on. That evening, he came over for dinner, and since my husband wasn’t home yet and I needed to grab something from the store, I left my daughter with him. When I returned, nothing was the same. Emily, my daughter, stopped talking all of a sudden.

Someone rang the doorbell and Emily rushed towards the door. She opened it, and there was Ryan, balancing two huge boxes of pizza in one hand and holding a bad in the other.

Emily clung to his leg, waiting for him to give her a hug. Ryan handed her the beg, saying, “Where’s my girl. This is for you, you are going to like it.”

When she opened it, she found a stuffed toy inside. “Thanks, uncle Bryan,” she said, giving him yet another hug.

“Oh, Ryan, what would we do without you?” I asked, smiling and feeling grateful for his presence in our lives.

Since my husband, Tom, had still not returned from work, I asked Ryan to keep and eye on Emily while I went to the store to grab some juice.

“We’ll be fine,” he said, and there was no reason I could ever think otherwise.

However, when I returned, I saw Bryan grabbing his coat. “I need to leave,” he said, “something came out. Tell Tom I’ll call him.”

This was a bit strange, but I didn’t think much about it.

It was only obvious that something happened while I was gone when my daughter stopped talking. She would refuse to answer my questions, didn’t ask anything, she just stood there quetly.


The days turned into weeks, and Emily was still silent. We took her to a psychiatrist, but they were unable to discover the reason of her odd behavior.

When she was about to return to school, she finally spoke to me. “Mom, are you going to leave me here forever?” she asked.

Her question surprised me. “Of course not, honey, why would I do such a thing.”

“Mom, uncle Brian told me my real parents abandoned me, and now I’m afraid you and dad would do the same.”

My world collapsed. Emily was adopted, but we believed she was way too young to know that. Why would Brian tell her such a thing?

My suspicions that he was the reason my daughter stopped talking turned out to be true.


Ever since that night, he didn’t reach to us, and we didn’t call him either, and now I knew why.

I left Emily at school and headed to Tom’s office, telling him everything. He was shocked. Brian was like a brother to him.

After a while, Brian sent me a message saying he wanted to talk. Despite Tom’s advice not to go, I wanted to hear his explanation.

We met at a cafe and Brian didn’t resemble his old self. Something was very wrong.

“What is it Brian?” I asked, with anger in my voice.


It was then that Brian told me he learned he was adopted a day before the pizza night. He was devastated and angry at his parents for keeping that a secret from him for that many years. Somehow, he felt the urge to tell Emily she was adopted too. He believed if she knew that from early age, he would spare her from suffering later on.

“Brian, it was not your truth to tell. Tom and I had a plan. We would tell her that when the time would be right.”

Brian kept apologizing, but I didn’t accept his apologies.

Luckily, Emily was able to heal from the trauma. It did take time, but her trust in me and Tom returned.

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Meghan Markle opens up about the grief she and Prince Harry experienced after suffering miscarriage

Ever since she married Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has been under the spotlight. The wider public is very interested in her private life and paparazzi follow her every move. Shortly after their wedding, when she and Prince Harry stepped down from their royal duties and moved to the States, Meghan was a target of harsh criticism as many Britons accused her of distancing the prince from his family.

Recently, Meghan Markle opened up about the heartbreak she and Prince Harry had gone through after she suffered a miscarriage. Following the birth of Archie, the couple were about to welcome another baby into the world, but that didn’t happen.

Meghan’s powerful essay on grief after miscarriage written for The New York Times, The Losses We Share, touched many.

“Losing a child means carrying an almost unbearable grief, experienced by many but talked about by few,” the 39-year-old Duchess explained.

“I felt a sharp cramp. I dropped to the floor with him in my arms, humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the cheerful tune a stark contrast to my sense that something was not right.”

Meghan Markle added of her miscarriage, “I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second.

“Hours later, I lay in a hospital bed, holding my husband’s hand. I felt the clamminess of his palm and kissed his knuckles, wet from both our tears. Staring at the cold white walls, my eyes glazed over. I tried to imagine how we’d heal.”

Credit / Wikimedia Commons

Brave Meghan put a smile on her face despite the pain she has been going through. That’s the curse of being a famous person.

“In the pain of our loss, my husband and I discovered that in a room of 100 women, 10 to 20 of them will have suffered from miscarriage. Yet despite the staggering commonality of this pain, the conversation remains taboo, riddled with (unwarranted) shame, and perpetuating a cycle of solitary mourning,” the former actress wrote.

Meghan wants women who go through the same to be able to speak of their pain openly instead of being ashamed. The tragedy of losing an unborn child is not rare. However, many opt to live with that pain without sharing it with their loved ones.

Since William and Kate have three children, many wonder if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will eventually welcome a third child themselves.

The couple spoke of the idea of having a third child and their opinion is firm.

When Archie was a year old, Harry spoke to Vogue Magazine and said he feels that there should be a limit on the number of children one can have.

“I think, weirdly, because of the people that I’ve met and the places that I’ve been fortunate enough to go to, I’ve always had a connection and a love for nature. I view it differently now, without question. But I’ve always wanted to try and ensure that, even before having a child and hoping to have children..,” Harry said.

The interviewer, Dr Jane Goodall, replied, “Not too many!” and laughed. Harry continued, “Two, maximum! But I’ve always thought: this place is borrowed. And, surely, being as intelligent as we all are, or as evolved as we all are supposed to be, we should be able to leave something better behind for the next generation.”

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for W+P

Speaking to Oprah, Meghan said in the past, “[I’m] just grateful to have any child. Any, one or two, would have been amazing but to have a boy and then a girl what more can you ask for? Now we’ve got our family, we got the four of us and our two dogs,” Meghan told Oprah.

Harry added that they were “done” with two children, to which Meghan replied, “Two is it.”

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Party guests mock girl’s cheap dress, then a white limousine arrives

Trudy was a five-year-old girl raised by her mother. Her dad passed away when she was just a year old. Their life was a real struggle, but they had each other and nothing could rock their world. But then, at a party during which Trudy was mocked by her classmates for her cheap dress, a limousine appeared and her life changed forever.

Some life stories are so extraordinary they resemble fairy tales. And Trudy’s is definitely such.

Her father was an archaeologist who had lost his job. In order to provide for the family, he started working at the local mine, a job his wife was not happy about.

“It’s way too dangerous, Joe,” she often told him. He, however, assured her he would be just fine, plus, the pay was good and he didn’t work long hours.

Unfortunately, there was an accident in the mine one day, and Joe lost his life. His wife, Madison, was left to take care of their daughter all by herself.


For a long time, she was mad at her late husband. Whenever she thought about him, which was most of her days, she remembered begging him to quit that job, but he never listened.

Eventually, Madison and Trudy moved places and Trudy started attending kindergarten.

One day, a wealthy girl from her class invited her to her birthday party. The invitation said that all the girls should be dressed in dresses bought at a certain store with provided discount.

All Madison had in her wallet were $100 she got at the restaurant the previous week.

The two headed to the store, but this mom’s world crushed when she learned that the cheapest dress there cost at least five times more than she had.


“Trudy, honey, we can’t afford any of these dresses. What do you say we purchase a material and I make you the dress?”

“Of course, mom, let’s do that,” Trudy said.

Madison spent the entire night sewing a dress for her daughter. The final result was awesome. Trudy loved the dress and couldn’t wait to show it off, but sadly, her classmates didn’t agree.

When she arrived at the party, they started laughing at her and mocked her for her cheap dress.

Trudy’s heart was broken. She wasn’t just sad because of the insults by her friends, but also because they mocked the dress her mother spend long hours making.

“Mom, let’s leave. I don’t want to stay here any longer,” she said.

With teary eyes, Trudy left the party, the words about her “cheap dress” echoing in her head.

At the entrance, just as the mother and daughter were about to catch a taxi, a huge white limousine pulled over right in front of them.

A man dressed in a suit, looking gorgeous, got out of the car.

His voice sounded so familiar that Madison turned her head to see who he was. “Joe,” she whispered. It was her husband whom she believed died five years ago.

“How could this be!? You are alive!” she said, still unable to process what she was seeing.

Joe embraced her and Trudy. “Let’s get inside together,” he said, “I need to deliver the gift for the daughter of my associate, and then we can catch up.”

The three got back to the party. This time, everyone wanted to spend time with Trudy because of the wealthy man that accompanied her and her mother. All of a sudden, they didn’t mind her cheap dress.

After the party, Joe explained that at the time of the accident, one of his friends, who died during the accident, wore his jacket, so they believed it was Joe who lost his life.

Joe on the other hand, suffered severe head injuries and lost his memory.

He couldn’t remember much, but was able to start a small business that turned huge. When his memory returned, just a while ago, he went looking for his family at their old house, but they moved and no one knew where.

Luckily, he used his connections, and knew they would be at the party that night.

It took years of suffering, but this lovely family was reunited again. Madison learned that God works in mysterious ways.

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A Flight Attendant Saved a 62-Year-Old Business-Class Woman’s Life – 2 Years Later, She Received a Christmas Gift from Her as a Reward

Two years after I saved a woman’s life at 35,000 feet, I was at my lowest, struggling to make ends meet and reeling from my mother’s loss. On Christmas Eve, a knock on my door brought an unexpected gift and a chance at a new beginning from a stranger I thought I’d never see again.

I’d seen every kind of passenger imaginable in my years as a flight attendant — the nervous first-timers, the seasoned business travelers, and the excited vacation-goers.

But there’s one passenger I’ll never forget. Not because of her designer clothes or business-class ticket, but because of what happened at 35,000 feet that day. Two years later, she changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.


A sad, teary-eyed woman | Source: Midjourney

Let me paint a picture of my life first. My basement apartment was exactly what you’d expect for $600 a month in the city. Water stains decorated the ceiling like abstract art, and the radiator clanked through the night like someone beating it with a wrench.

But it was all I could afford now, at 26, after everything that happened. The kitchen counter doubled as my desk, workspace, and dining table. A small twin bed occupied one corner, its metal frame visible where the sheets had pulled loose.

The walls were thin enough that I could hear every footstep from the apartment above, each a reminder of how far I’d fallen from my old life.

I stared at the stack of unpaid bills on my fold-out table, each one a reminder of how quickly life can spiral. The collection agencies had started calling again. Three times that day alone.

Bills on a table | Source: Midjourney

I picked up my phone, thumb hovering over Mom’s number out of habit, before remembering. Six months. It had been six months since I’d had anyone to call.

My neighbor’s TV droned through the wall, some cheerful holiday movie about family reunions and Christmas miracles. I turned up my radio to drown it out, but the Christmas carols felt like salt in an open wound.

“Just keep breathing, Evie,” I whispered to myself, Mom’s favorite advice when things got tough. “One day at a time.”

The irony wasn’t lost on me. BREATHING. That’s what started this whole story on that fateful flight.

“Miss, please! Someone help her!” A loud cry pierced through the aisle.

The memory of that flight two years ago was still crystal clear. I was doing my regular checks in business class when I heard the panic in a man’s voice. Three rows ahead, an elderly woman was clutching her throat, her face turning an alarming shade of red.

“She’s choking!” Another passenger shouted, half-rising from his seat.

My training kicked in instantly. I rushed to her side, positioning myself behind her seat. The other flight attendant, Jenny, was already radioing for any medical professionals on board.

“Ma’am, I’m here to help. Can you breathe at all?” I asked the lady.

A senior woman experiencing discomfort on a flight | Source: Midjourney

She shook her head frantically, her eyes wide with fear. Her perfectly manicured nails dug into the armrest, knuckles white with strain.

“I’m going to help you breathe again. Try to stay calm.”

I wrapped my arms around her torso, found the spot just above her navel, and thrust upward with everything I had. Nothing. Again. Nothing. The third time, I heard a small gasp.

A piece of chicken shot across the aisle, landing on a man’s newspaper. The woman doubled over, taking deep, ragged breaths. The entire cabin seemed to exhale collectively.

A flight attendant on a plane | Source: Unsplash

“Easy now,” I soothed, rubbing her back. “Just breathe slowly. Jenny, can you bring some water?”

The woman’s hands were shaking as she smoothed her silk blouse. When she finally looked up at me, her eyes were watery but warm. She grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight.

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll never forget this. I’m Mrs. Peterson, and you just saved my life.”

I smiled, already moving to get her some water. “Just doing my job, Mrs. Peterson. Try small sips.”

“No, dear,” she insisted, holding onto my wrist. “Some things are more than just a job. I was so scared, and you were so calm. How can I ever repay you?”

“The best repayment is seeing you breathing normally again. Please, drink some water and rest. I’ll check on you again soon.”

If I’d known then how right she was about some things being more than just a job, maybe I wouldn’t have hurried back to my duties quite so fast.

Life has a way of making you forget the good moments when the bad ones come crashing down. After Mom’s diagnosis, everything else became background noise. I quit my flight attendant job to care for her.

We sold everything — my car, Grandpa’s house in the suburbs, even Mom’s art collection. She’d been quite well-known in local galleries, and her paintings fetched decent prices.

“You don’t have to do this, Evie,” Mom had protested when I brought her the resignation letter to read. “I can manage.”

“Like you managed when I was sick with pneumonia in third grade? Or when I broke my arm in high school?” I kissed her forehead. “Let me take care of you for once.”

An emotional woman | Source: Midjourney

The last painting to go was her favorite — a watercolor she’d painted of me sitting by our kitchen window, sketching two birds building a nest in the maple tree outside.

She’d captured every detail, from the morning sunlight in my messy hair to the way I used to bite my lip when I concentrated. It was the last thing she painted before she got sick.

“Why did you paint me drawing birds?” I’d asked her when she first showed it to me.

She smiled, touching the dried paint gently. “Because you’ve always been like those birds, honey. Always building something beautiful, no matter what life throws at you.”

Soon, we struck gold online. An anonymous buyer offered us a fortune, way more than we expected. And Mom couldn’t believe her luck.

“See, Evie? Even when things seem darkest, there’s always someone out there willing to help build a nest.”

Three weeks later, she was gone. The hospital room was quiet except for the slowing beep of monitors.

“I’m sorry, baby,” she’d whispered, her last words to me. “Stay strong.”

The doctors said she wasn’t in pain at the end. I hoped they were right.

A doctor in a ward | Source: Midjourney

Time slipped away like grains of sand. Christmas Eve found me alone in my basement, watching shadows dance on the wall from passing car headlights.

I hadn’t bothered with the decorations. What was the point? The only Christmas card I’d received was from my landlord, reminding me my rent was due on the first.

Nobody knew where I lived. I’d made sure of that. After Mom died, I couldn’t handle the pitying looks, the awkward conversations, and the well-meaning but painful questions about how I was “holding up.”

But then, a loud knock on my door startled me.

I approached cautiously, peering through the peephole to see a man in an expensive suit holding a gift box with a perfect bow. His overcoat probably cost more than three months of my rent.

“Can I help you?” I called through the door.

“Miss Evie? I have a delivery for you.”

I opened the door a crack, keeping the chain on. “A gift? For me?”

He smiled politely. “Yes, ma’am, this is for you,” he said, extending the box. “There’s an invitation too. I assure you, everything will make sense soon.”

A man holding a gift box | Source: Midjourney

The box was heavy for its size, wrapped in thick paper that crinkled softly as I took it. I found an elegant cream envelope. But it was what lay beneath that made my heart stop — Mom’s last painting. There I was, forever frozen in time at our old kitchen window, sketching birds on a spring morning.

“Wait!” I called out. “Who are you? Why are you returning this painting?”

The man looked up. “You’ll get your answers, don’t worry. My boss would like to meet you. Do you accept the invitation?”

A woman gaping in shock | Source: Midjourney

I looked down at the painting, then back at him. “When?”

“Now, if you’re willing. The car is waiting.”

The car pulled up to a mansion that looked like something out of a holiday movie, complete with twinkling lights and wreaths in every window. Fresh snow crunched under my worn boots as the man led me up the walkway.

I clutched the painting closer, feeling desperately out of place.

Inside, a grand staircase swept upward, garlands trailing its banister. The man led me through to a warmly lit study where a fire crackled in a stone fireplace. And there, rising from an armchair, was Mrs. Peterson — the same woman I’d saved on that flight two years ago.

“Hello, Evie,” she said softly. “It’s been a while.”

I stood frozen, the painting clutched to my chest. “Mrs. Peterson?”

She gestured for me to sit in a leather chair beside the fire. “I saw your mother’s work featured in a local art gallery’s online post,” she explained. “When I saw the painting of you, I knew I had to have it. Something about the way you were capturing those birds…” She trailed off, her eyes growing distant. “It reminded me so much of my daughter.”

“You bought my mother’s painting?”

She nodded. “I learned about your mother’s diagnosis and even spoke with the doctors,” she continued, her voice breaking. “I offered them any amount of money to save her. But some things…” She dabbed a tear. “Some things are beyond the reach of money.”

“How did you find me?” I whispered.

“I have my ways,” she said with a small smile. “I contacted the hospital and convinced them to share your address, given the circumstances. I wanted to make sure you were taken care of, even if I couldn’t save your mother.”

“Why would you go to such extreme lengths for me?”

Mrs. Peterson moved to sit beside me. “Because I lost my daughter last year to cancer. She was about your age.” She touched the frame of the painting gently. “When I saw this listed online — a mother’s last artwork being sold to pay for her treatment — I knew I had to help. Even if I was too late.”

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. “The money from this painting gave us three more weeks together.”

“My daughter Rebecca loved art too.” Mrs. Peterson’s voice wavered. “She would have loved this painting. The symbolism of it… building something together, even when everything seems broken.”

She pulled me into a hug, and we both cried, two strangers connected by loss and a moment at 35,000 feet.

“Spend Christmas with me,” she said finally. “No one should be alone on Christmas!”

The next morning, we sat in her sunny kitchen, sharing stories over coffee and homemade cinnamon rolls. The kitchen smelled like vanilla and spices, warm and inviting in a way my basement apartment never could be.

“Rebecca used to make these every Christmas morning,” Mrs. Peterson said, passing me another roll. “She insisted on making them from scratch, even though I told her the ones from the store were just fine.”

“Mom was the same way about her Sunday pancakes,” I smiled. “She said love was the secret ingredient.”

“Your mother sounds like she was an amazing woman.”

“She was. She taught art at the community center, you know? Even when she was sick, she worried about her students missing their lessons.”

Mrs. Peterson nodded, understanding in her eyes. “That’s the hardest part, isn’t it? Watching them worry about everyone else until the very end.”

It was healing to find someone who understood exactly how it felt to have such an enormous void in your life. Someone who knew that grief doesn’t follow a timetable and that some days are harder than others, and that’s okay.

“Evie,” Mrs. Peterson said, setting down her coffee cup. “I have a proposition for you. My family’s business needs a new personal assistant… someone I can trust. Someone with quick thinking and a kind heart.” She smiled. “Know anyone who might fit that description? Someone called Evie?!”

I looked at her in surprise. “Are you serious?”

A woman gaping in surprise | Source: Midjourney

“Completely. Rebecca always said I worked too hard. Maybe it’s time I had someone to help share the load.” She reached across the table and squeezed my hand. “What do you say?”

Looking at her hopeful expression, I felt something I hadn’t experienced in months: a spark of possibility. Maybe Mom was right that morning when she painted me watching those birds. Maybe home really is something you build together, one small piece at a time.

“Yes,” I said, squeezing back. “Yes, I’d like that very much.”

As we hugged, I knew my life was about to change. This Christmas, I found a family again. And though nothing could replace the hole my mother’s absence left, perhaps with Mrs. Peterson’s help, I could build a new home… one that honored the past while giving me hope for the future.

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Inside the life of the extravagant ‘Catwoman’ Jocelyn Wildenstein, and her new face

Plastic surgery became extremely popular during the 70s and 80s, and many people, especially celebrities, started going under the knife in order to get rid of their physical flaws. Many never admit having a plastic surgery, claiming their great looks are a result of great self-care or quality genes. The bad thing about these surgeries is that people get addicted and always want more. One such example is New York celebrity and socialite Jocelyn Wildenstein, or better known as “Catwoman.”

Being born and raised in Switzerland in a lower-middle-class family, Jocelyn figured out early in life that her great looks could help her get herself a better life.

Source: YouTube/Selena Marilyn De Ville

When she was 17, she started dating Swiss film producer Cyril Piguet. Two years later, they broke up and she moved to Paris. There, Jocelyn found new love with Italian-French filmmaker Sergio Gabbi.

”My life changed then. Lausanne is very plain, but I began meeting exciting, glamorous people,” she once told New York Magazine.

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Jocelyn Wildenstein became a skilled hunter and worked as a pilot.

She often visited Africa for hunting, and it was during one of those trips that she met her future husband, billionaire Alec Nathan Wildenstein.

His father was against his son tying the knot, but Alec claimed back in the day that he didn’t have anything against his wife, he just didn’t believe in marriage.

Source: YouTube/Selena Marilyn De Ville

Jocelyn and Alec welcomed two children and had a beautiful marriage for 13 years, until she found him in the bed with a Russian model.

The divorce was one of the most commented at the time. Jocelyn received $2.5 billion in a record settlement, and additional $100 million each year for 13 years afterward. One of the details in the settlement which caused a stir was that she was forbidden to use any of the money on plastic surgery.

In case you wonder why, just take a look at her face. Especially her “cat” eyes and extremely high cheekbones.

Jocelyne Wildenstein poses for a picture February 10, 1999 in New York City.
Photo by Evan Agostini

Many magazines have reported that Jocelyn has spent around $6.7 million dollars on different procedures. It all started when she and her ex-husband Alec decided to go under the knife in 1979. Apparently, she pointed out that he had “baggy” eyes and he wanted hers to look more like those of a cat.

Jocelyn Wildenstein had a hard time deciding when it was enough.

Her extravagant look, which resembles that of a big cat, brought her the nickname “Catwoman,” or “The Lion Queen.”


However, even though she looks drastically different compared to her younger self, Jocelyn still claims that her appearance is partially natural.

“If I show you pictures of my grandmother, what you see is these eyes — cat eyes — and high cheekbones,” she said.

Speaking of her addiction, her ex, who passed away in 2008, aged 67, once said, “She was crazy. I would always find out last. She was thinking that she could fix her face like a piece of furniture. Skin does not work that way. But she would not listen.”

NNoam Galai / Getty Images

Her current fiancé, whom she started dating in 2003 and got engaged to in 2017, French designer Lloyd Klein, said in an interview with Daily Mail TV that he couldn’t understand why Jocelyn is dubbed “The Catwoman.”

“[Jocelyn Wildenstein] never really did anything to change her face. I have pictures from 16 years old where she looks exactly the same as today,” he said.

Although she has undergone a huge number of procedures, Jocelyn says she looks more or less the same as she did in her youth. “When we are young, there’s a certain freshness we lose with the years. But you still find the same eyes, same high cheeks, or same nose. I think I was more pretty,” she told the Reporter.

Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Baccarat

Jocelyn tried to keep her life private and has been avoiding the spotlight. However, her publicist Brandon Cohen, told Page Six in 2021, “She now really wants to talk about her life, what drove her, how she built a business with her fiancé in the craziness of their life together in New York.” Apparently, a documentary about this woman’s extravagant life is in the making.

The 84-year-old socialite appeared at Paris Fashion Week in late September/October this year, and fans were fast to point out that Jocelyn Wildenstein has altered her face yet again.

People close to her claim she even has a hard time moving her lips because of the surgeries.

Most recently, the conversation around the appearance of Jocelyn Wildenstein gained further attraction when Oli London, a British internet personality known for undergoing multiple cosmetic surgeries to resemble Jimin, a member of the K-pop group BTS, posted a video featuring Jocelyn on X (formerly Twitter).

A number of people took the time to comment and express their concerns over Jocelyn Wildenstein’s new face.

“The doctors who did this to her face should be in jail,” while another added, “With that amount of plastic, she would require to be recycled in New York, just sayin.” A third user wrote, “Her face looks like it’s just about to explode, the skin is stretched so tight!!! Like when you blow up a balloon too much. She is scary looking.😳”

There are also those who support her and say that as long as her appearance makes her happy, it’s up to her to make decisions about her own life and health.

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