Woman asks for hardest to adopt dog

When you talk about rescuing a dog, then to most people that means actually rescuing a dog from the rescue centre, not just only looking for a cute puppy.

A dedicated dog rescuer looks for a dog in need of rescuing!

Now, that’s how Melani Andrews and a dog called Jake became forever companions, she went to Sacramento’s Front Street Animal Shelter looking to find a dog to adopt that no one else would adopt. The shelter said, on their Facebook page:

“This kind woman walked into our shelter and asked who the oldest, hardest to adopt dog was”

Source: Front Street Animal Shelter – The City of Sacramento
Melani really wanted to help a dog, but really she needed help too! The dog in need she was looking for was to hopefully also help her as a companion to help her through hard times and lonely moments. The Grandmother of 72 had lost her husband shortly before she also lost her Staffordshire terrier, the 72-year-0ld grandmother lost her husband then her Staffordshire terrier who was a great comfort to her after she lost her husband. Melani Said:

“I was feeling down and a little depressed,”

“My grandkids came over one night, and they said, ‘Grandma, you need somebody to keep you company. You can’t just sit around here all by yourself.”

When she got to the animal shelter she was shown Jake.

“Jake has been with us for a long time, is a senior and has cancer in addition to skin problems,” the shelter wrote on Facebook. “He was getting passed up time and time again. But Melani came to the shelter not just to find a great dog, but to save a life and give unconditional love to a dog in need.”

Source: Melani Andrews
She wasn’t bothered at all about veterinary bills for Jake, even though he was a 12 years aging dog with terminal skin cancer, was deaf and partially blind. After all this Melani still wanted to shower this dog in need with love. Melani said:

“Jake’s two friends ignored me, but Jake perked up and started howling,”

“So I said, ‘It looks like he wants to go, and I’ll take him.’”

So had decided to give Jake an awesome good life, during his final weeks after taking him home, and Jake really settled into his new home quickly, he was so happy there!
Source: Melani Andrews
The shelter said:

“As you can see, it’s a match made in heaven,”

“Every day I laugh a little bit more,” Andrews said. “It’s not so lonesome. I think [Jake] knows that I love him because he’ll come over to me and he’ll rub up against me and ask me to rub his backside. And then he’ll nose me with his nose. And a dog that doesn’t know somebody loves him wouldn’t be doing anything like that.”

This is a definite case of who actually rescued who, but above all we’re glad that these two found each other. SHARE, please, if you like this storey as much as me!

Cops locate missing toddler and realize family dog had been protecting her the entire time


One mother from Qulin, Missouri experienced what every parent fears of. Her little girl was nowhere to be found. Remy Merritt is a 3-year-old adorable girl who went missing form her rural home.

Once the mother realized her baby girl was neither in the house nor outside, she panicked and called the police.

“I looked for her by myself thinking maybe she was just in the woods or somewhere where I just couldn’t see her,” Timber, Remy’s mother told PEOPLE.

“And I was just calling for her and calling for here, and when she wasn’t calling back I realized ‘I don’t think I’m going to find her on my own.’”

The place where they live is a very friendly, so in a matter of minutes after the news spread, a great group of volunteers joined the search. The community was worried for the child’s safety because the place and the houses are all surrounded by fields of corn that can be difficult to navigate.

Source: Pexels

Helicopters searched for the girl and circled all around the place. But the wheat was way too high and obstructed the visibility.

The day had come to an end so the police and the volunteers had to end the search, in hopes that the new day will bring new hope.

“It was stressful and emotional,” a family friend told ABC News.

“We were all just walking back and forth from one end to the other just yelling her name.”

“All the flashlights started dying and the sheriff’s office decided to call it for the night.”

The search continued in the early morning hours.

The biggest problem was again the corn. “You don’t hear well in the corn,” a volunteer explained. “When somebody is yelling your name, you can hear them, but you don’t know where it’s coming.”

Finally, good news put everyone’s worry at ease. Remy was finally located. She was safe, but not alone!

Source: MSHP Troop E/Twitter

Man’s best friend has confirmed once again why he gets to be called like that! The family’s pet terrier, Fat Heath, never left the girl’s side and kept her safe during the night

It if wasn’t for the dog God knows what would have happened to Ramy. Luckily, the police and the neighbors heard him barking and managed to locate the missing girl.

“The dogs yapping at each other is a neat little moment,” Parrot said.

Source: Yahoo News

Neither Ramy, nor Fat Heath were injured!

After they were admitted to hospital, the doctors said Remy was only exhausted and really thirsty.

A lot of bites and a little thirsty, but she got a clean bill of health and was returned back to her home afterward,” Parrot confirmed.

“She said she wasn’t scared because Fat Heath was there. If he wasn’t, I think she would’ve been terrified.”

Source: Yahoo News

Check out the amazing story in the video below and don’t forget to share it with your friends!

Father runs into burning home to save twin daughters who were trapped inside


Not all heroes wear capes, some come in the form of fathers who would risk their own life for that of their children. The following story is just another proof that there is nothing a parent wouldn’t do for their little ones.

On July 16, 2021, Ray Lucas from Michigan and his wife Shi’Ann Brown went to the gas station which is just around the corner and spent less than 15 minutes there before they returned home. When they got near their house, they were left in complete shock when they saw the entire place got caught on fire which was spreading uncontrollably.

Ray’s mom and niece were watching in disbelief, unable to act.

Source: YouTube Screenshot / FOX 2 Detroit

Ray’s two daughter, 18-month-old twins Milan and Malasya, were still inside the house, sleeping in the basement. The flames were spreading quickly and time was running out, so Ray did what he needed to. He entered the burning place in an attempt to save his children. The smoke was so thick that he couldn’t even see his hands in front of his eyes.

Moments later, the heroic father got out while carrying the little ones in his arms. Speaking to Fox 2, he said: “I just knew I had to get my babies out. That’s what went through my mind.”

Source: YouTube Screenshot / FOX 2 Detroit

Both him and his daughters were admitted to hospital where they spent some time at the ICU. While Milan suffered second degree burns, Malaysa’s condition was more severe, but she is now doing better and still recovering. Ray experienced temporary blindness and doctors are still stunned by the fact that his vision wasn’t lost completely. Unfortunately, due to his injuries, he isn’t able to get back to work.

Source: YouTube Screenshot / FOX 2 Detroit

The family lost their house, all of their belongings, and medical bills are still piling up. For that reason, a GoFundMe has been set up by some of their family members. The goal was to reach $40,000, but so far, $475,000 have been raised.

Luckily, no life was lost that day.

If you want to learn more of the story, visit the GoFundMe page here and watch the video below.

Dad lets his 3-yr-old daughter pick her own outfit for class picture day

Children are unique. Most of them know exactly what they want even from early age. Their parents picking their outfits for them for school or social gatherings is just unacceptable for some kids who know what suits them best. Well, even if that means wearing mismatching clothes, or outfits not really “acceptable” to be worn in public. It was going to be a ‘picture day’ at school and Kaylieann Steinbach’s parents carefully chose her outfit for the day. This pictures are forever so they made sure their little princess resembles exactly that, a cute little princess dressed in girly colors. And well, it was all fun and games for the parents until Kaylieann got to see her daddy and mommy’s pick. Pretty disappointing, to say the least. It was a huge no, no for this little fashionista. She was taking things in her own hands. Facebook/AustinSteinbach Why not wear the outfit of someone she really loves the most. The greatest superheros of all time, “Pooterman” and “Pootergirl.” If you wonder who those are, it’s how lovely Kaylieann calls Superman and Supergirl because unfortunately, she is experiencing hearing loss and can’t hear the letter ‘S.’ She already had her decision made, it was either Supergirl or nothing. Her parents were a bit hesitant letting their girl wearing a costume to school, but they knew it was going to be fun.
Dad Austin Steinbach said “Well, I couldn’t argue with that answer.”
Needless to say, they were right. Their girl was in the limelight that day and showed everyone that being different can be great. She posed for her picture with a doll of Superman in her hands. She does wear costume outfits to school every now and then, when she feels like wearing them, and her teachers and classmates are always looking forward to see her next choice. The story of this very special picture day went viral once Austin posted Kaylieann’s photo on Reddit. Many people wrote how he and his wife nailed at parenting.
“The reaction and turnout from the deaf community is amazing,” he said.“I still haven’t been able to get through all the messages of support and kind words people have sent me. I could never have imagined how much her picture could have touched so many,” Austin Steinbach said.
Kaylieann, you indeed are a superhero of your own. Many people should follow this girl’s example and don’t be afraid to show their true selves.

Father drops off baby medication to his ex – heart breaks when he walks into apartment

Co-parenting can be the most challenging thing in the life of divorced couples because besides all the differences, arguments, and sometimes even hatred, there are innocent souls that should be well taken care of. Many times, exes must try their best to get along, all for their offspring’s well-being.
Brandon Carpenter (Photo Credit: Facebook)

Brandon Carpenter is a father of a beautiful baby daughter he loves to the moon and back. Although he and his wife untied the knot and went separate ways, this loving father made sure to never leave his daughter’s side and be the person she can always rely on.

One day when Brandon went at his ex’s to drop off medications for the baby, he came across a sight that got him thinking. In a Facebook post he said:
“My child’s mother said our daughter isn’t feeling well and needs some Tylenol.” “I bring her infant Tylenol and notice her fridge is completely empty other than some water.”
He simply couldn’t get over the fact that his daughter’s mother was struggling to make ends meet.
Brandon Carpenter was taking medicine to his ex for their infant daughter when he was left troubled by what he saw. (Photo Credit: Facebook)
The concerned father further explained why he was left troubled by what he saw, saying:
“She works a full-time job and then has my daughter. She pays rent and all her bills plus she is paying off a car,”
he added. That’s when he knew what he had to do.
“I went shopping to make sure she had food for the next few weeks,”
Brandon wrote, and posted an image of the receipt of the things he bought. In case anyone was wondering, he elaborated his reason for doing this, saying:
“Just because we aren’t together doesn’t mean I can’t provide for her if she needs it.”
Brandon Carpenter posted an image of the receipt along with his rant. (Photo Credit: Facebook)
“If my child’s mother is good then I know she is taking care of our daughter the best she can and that makes me happy.”

He is aware there are people out there who are co-parenting like he is, but don’t care about the financial situation of their ex husband or wife.

“Some of yall think, ‘I’m going to provide for my child, f*** the mother,’ but that’s thinking like a child,” Brandon said, adding, “It’s time to grow up and take responsibility in all aspects of life!”
The post gathered the attention of thousands of people who praised Brandon for his deed and for the way he was perceiving a divorce where a child is involved. He put all the differences behind and did what he had to do for his daughter’s sake.
Brandon Carpenter knows that if his ex is taken care of, his daughter will be too. (Photo Credit: Facebook)
However, after a great number of people saw his Facebook post, many of them were wondering how could a young father afford to spend so much money on groceries, and wanted to know whether he used his own money. Yes, people can be that cruel.

The grocery store received emails and phone calls regarding the purchase, but the Good Housekeeping’s manager confirmed that Brandon used his bank account.

The story is a great reminder that no matter how good of a person one is, the society may always judge their actions. Brandon is an example of a perfect father who would do anything for the happiness of his child, no matter if he and the child’s mother are no longer together. Please share this lovely story with your family and friends.

After 22-year-old was killed, his grieving dog stayed by his graveside at his funeral


A family from Tennessee was torn into pieces after 22-year-old James William “Will” Warner was mercilessly killed in the middle of the street and was left there. His girlfriend was also shot, but she managed to survive.

The killer was identified as 25-year-old Samuel Earl Rich, who is currently in custody in Bedford County as investigation continues. Police had been after Rich for an attempted murder as well.

Will’s mother, Christy West Warner, was left completely heartbroken when she learned the tragic news of her son’s passing.

“It’s like I had an out-of-body experience. I just collapsed,” she told the Tennessean. “My whole world was broken into a million pieces.

“Every second I stayed with Will was a joy,” she added. “He was just larger than life, he was just a good boy. He was so personable.”

The poor woman wasn’t even able to pick a casket as the burial needed to be immediate due to the condition of Will’s body.

“We’ve been robbed of everything. Every last ounce of closure or peace that we could possibly get from saying goodbye, we didn’t get to do.”

Among those who mourned the loss of this young man was Ace, his dog of many years.

The poor animal could sense something was very wrong and he never left the casket. Saying goodbye to his loving owner was very hard.

After the burial, Ace lay down on the grave and refused to move. The sight of this heartbroken dog reminded everyone just how loved Will was.

Source: Facebook/WKRN Julia Palazzo

“(He) loved life and loved people,” Will’s uncle, Tennessee state Rep. Todd Warner, told the Tennessean. “It’s just a tragic ending to something that should’ve never happened.”

Rest in peace, Will. Our hearts go out to the grieving family.

Actress and songwriter Linda Thompson speaks of her relationship with Elvis Presley, confirms what we all knew


No matter how good someone is when it comes to creating music and performing it, there will always be only one king.

Elvis Presley gave the world some of the best hits like Jailhouse Rock, In The Ghetto, Hound Dog and Love Me Tender, which are incredibly popular until this day and will likely be listened to and enjoyed by many future generations.

Youtube/Elvis Presley

One of the people who were the last to have contact with The King of Rock and Roll before his passing in 1977 was Linda Thompson.

Linda has always been a huge fan of Elvis’ music, pretty much like everyone else, especially the female population. When she was born in 1950, Elvis was already starting his career and winning music shows in Memphis, Tennessee, where both he and Linda were born.

When she was just six years old, Linda recalls sitting at breakfast with her parents and saying, “I am going to marry Elvis Presley.” She and the musician met shortly after he and Priscilla Presley decided to end up their marriage.


Linda was winning numerous beauty contests and was crowned Miss Tennessee in 1972. Before that, she won the title of Miss Shelby County, Miss Mid-South Fair, Miss Liberty Bowl, Miss Okra, Memphis State’s Golf Queen and a lot more. Her beauty was captivating and neither the King himself was immune to her charm.

The soon-to-be couple first met during a private screening and Linda recalled he approached her saying, “Well, hello honey!”

She believed he was still married at the time, but he told her he and Priscilla were no longer a thing. “He started pulling the old yawn, put the hand around the seat,” Linda said last year at the Las Vegas Elvis Festival.

“He said, ‘I’ve been separated since the end of the year. We’re getting a divorce. She’s met somebody else and she’s moved on’. I said, ‘Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that but you should have married a southern girl’. And he never forgot that.”

The two started dating and Linda moved to Elvis’ famous estate at Graceland. It was then that she noticed his self-destructive behavior.

During their first year as a couple, Elvis made history. His concert which took place at the Honolulu International Center in Hawaii on January 14, 1973, was the first ever concert to be aired globally. It cost $2.5 million and was broadcast to over 40 countries, from France and Italy, all the way to Singapore and South Korea.

Linda often spoke of her relationship with Elvis and wrote in her book A Little Thing Called Life, “Ours was a complete relationship—when the need arose, we got to be everything to each other. He was almost sixteen years older than I and so it was natural for me to sometimes be the little girl, with him playing the daddy. More often than not, though, I was the mommy, and he was the baby. Sometimes we were loverssometimes we were brother and sister. Sometimes we were best friends. We were all things to each other at one time or another. And Elvis was always, always everything to me.

Elvis was taking a bunch of medications which affected his liver and his health declined in 1975, the same year he was taken to hospital.

Linda was aware of the severity of his situation and made sure he was breathing whenever he went to sleep. But she was at the same time very young and didn’t feel like she was able to cope with everything that was taking place during the time.


“I had this haunting feeling, I just thought, I don’t know if anybody’s going to take care of him the way I did,” Linda explained. “When you’re with someone for that many years and that closely living with them, I felt very attuned to his habits and his needs and I thought, nobody else is going to know that.”

Elvis passed away on August 16, 1977, at the age of just 42. The news of his death was received with tears by millions of fans of his work and music.

Linda recalled calling him just days before he left this world. The King’s friend, guitarist Charlie Hodge, picked up the phone and told Linda that Elvis would be happy to hear she called and asked about him. Linda’s final words to the iconic musician were, “Okay, just tell him that I called and I love him and I was just checking on him.”


After Elvis, Linda married Bruce Jenner and the two had two sons together, Brody and Brendon. They divorced in 1986, just five years after tying the knot. She married her second husband, musician and producer David Foster, in 1991 and the pair stayed together until 2005.

Linda is a successful songwriter. She created the music for The Voice, The X Factor, Dancing with the Stars and American Idol and was nominated for a Grammy and an Academy Award for the music of the movie The Bodyguard.


After all these years, Linda still posts photos and tributes to Elvis.

On the 43rd anniversary of his passing, she wrote, “He was the king of cool as well as the king of rock ‘n’ roll. He had an enormous heart, an unbridled generosity, an innovative talent, a loving, affectionate nature, and a profound sensitivity.”

“Elvis was an original. He was complex in his simplicity, and he was very human. The world lost an icon 43 years ago today, but Elvis still lives in the hearts of millions of fans around the world. Many travel to Memphis every year on the occasion of his passing, & remember him with a candlelight vigil.”

When teacher notices a child getting depressed every day she wants to learn the reason


How far would you go to make other people happy? Some people’s hearts are so big that they would go above and beyond in order to help others. Just like this 54-year-old teacher named Nancy Bleuer from Iowa.

Nancy is a very caring individual who loves her students so very much. She doesn’t only make sure each and every kid in her class learns, but she also cares for their well-being.

One day, she noticed one of the pupils, 4-year-old Camden, was very sad. She couldn’t help but notice he was disturbed because of something, so she approached and asked him what was wrong.

Facebook / Nancy Bleuer

It was then that Camden told her how her father was very ill. Nancy felt the urge to contact the family and see what was going on in the house. Sadly, she learned how Camden’s father had problems with his kidneys. They were only operating on 20 percent capacity and he felt very bad after each dialysis treatment.

Nancy thought about ways to help the family. She first thought of offering help with Camden and take care of him after school if needed. But then, she realized the best way to help them was to offer one of her kidneys to the father, 34-year-old Darreld Petersen.

Once she was certain she was doing just the right thing, Nancy went to the hospital and underwent a number of tests to see whether she was a match or not. Surprisingly, she was the perfect match. “I was really excited about it,” Nancy told ABC News. “I was ecstatic and I don’t know what I would’ve done for closure if I wasn’t [a match].”

When Camden and his dad learned he was getting the so much anticipated organ, they couldn’t believe their ears. Nancy gave them the most precious gift there is, the gift of life.

“It’s just amazing,” Petersen said. “There are people waiting every day for a kidney, for an organ in general. I wish there were more people like her. She’s giving me a second chance at life.”

Facebook / Nancy Bleuer

We are so happy there are still people out there as loving and as compassionate as Nancy Bleuer. She’s our hero!