The life and career of the Hollywood rebel Robert Mitchum – The much loved villain


The rebel of the Hollywood’s golden age, actor Robert Mitchum, was a man of many talents. Playing villain in most of his movies, combined with his disobedience and resistance to authority in his personal life, this acting legend was perceived by many as a tough guy, and is remembered as such even today, 23 years after his death.

Robert’s distinctive facial feature along with his incredible skills which weren’t limited to acting only, but directing, producing, and singing as well, made him one of the most famous names in the history of film. A man of considerable charm, Robert possessed the innate ability to make everyone love him.

Wikipedia Commons

Born in August, 1917, in Bridgeport, Connecticut to father James Thomas Mitchum who worked as a shipyard and railroad worker and a mother who immigrated to America from Norway, he was part of a traditional American working-class family. Sadly, when he was just 18 months old, his father died in an accident and his mother Ann Gunderson remarried to Major Hugh Cunningham Morris, a British officer.

Robert was a mischievous child who couldn’t be controlled easily. After being expelled from a number of schools, his mother decided to sent him to Delaware to live with his grandparents.

That didn’t calm his rebellious soul and he continued to end up in troubles throughout his teenage years. One time, according to Robert himself, he was detained for vagrancy and forced to work in a chain gang from where he escaped and returned to Delaware. The good thing that came from his stay with his grandparents is that he met their first neighbor Dorothy there. The two fell in love, got married, and strayed together their whole lives.

It was in Long Beach, California, in 1936, four years before he tied the knot, that Robert had his first encounter with acting. His sister Julie, who lived there, persuaded him to join the local theater guild. He took some minor roles, but once his children were born he decided to turn to a 9-to-5 job in order to be able to provide for the family.

During WWII, Robert worked as a machine operator for Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, but the loud sounds from the machines affected his hearing and he suffered temporary blindness, so he quit and turned to acting again. It was probably the best decision he has ever made.

Mitchum with his sons (1946)

In 1945, Robert had his major breakthrough playing soldier in the war film The Story of G.I. Joe for which he earned an Academy Award nomination for best supporting role. This, however, didn’t result in him getting parts in typical conventional Hollywood dramas. Instead, he became the “soul” of low-budget crime dramas, later known as films noirs.

What was truly special about this man with troubled soul was that he excelled each and every role perfectly. His sleepy, “lizard,” eyes only added to his charm.

Mitchum in Out of the Past (1947)

One of his most memorable performances is that of the charlatan preacher in the thriller The Night of the Hunter, which is considered until this day one of the greatest films in Hollywood history.

“I wanted to take it all the way,” he said. “I wanted to scare people to death. The book did that. It was ten times as frightening as the picture. But Charles had such good taste. He kept saying, ‘I make my living reading the Bible. I can’t do this sort of thing.’ As it was, it was pretty good… I guess.”

Robert Mitchum playing Reverend Harry Powell in The Night of the Hunter

Robert’s personal life was surrounded by many scandals. In 1948, he was arrested for possession of marijuana. He spent 43 days at a prison farm in California. He didn’t see it as a big deal like Hollywood and the press because he always spoke how he was a passionate user. ”The only effect that I ever noticed from smoking marijuana was a sort of mild sedative, a release of tension when I was overworking. It never made me boisterous of quarrelsome. If anything, it calmed me and reduced my activity,” Mitchum later explained.

This scandal, however, only made him more famous and more wanted as his name was all over the magazines.

Dorothy and Robert Mitchum (1955)

Robert was particularly praised for his incredible portrayals of the sympathetic marine in Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957), the Australian sheep drover in The Sundowners (1960), the convict in Cape Fear (1962), detective Philip Marlowe in Farewell, My Lovely (1975), and more.

In 1955, during the filming of Bloody Alley, Robert caused a scene by breaking the set because his car wasn’t ready. He was fired and producer John Wayne took the role.

Mitchum with Jane Russell in His Kind of Woman (1951)

Although he spoke of his profession as an opportunity to visit places and new people and believed to be an actor in Hollywood was a privilege, saying, “I didn’t make what these young guys, the Spielbergs, are making. But I had a hell of a lot of fun. Working with all the great leading ladies of my day. Marilyn Monroe, and Jane Greer. I think she was the most underrated of them all. Working with guys like John Huston and Raoul Walsh,” he also said many times that moves bored him.

During the filming of Ryan’s Daughter in 1970, he had suicidal thoughts, but his friend, screenwriter Robert Bolt, talked him out of it.

Robert passed away in 1997, at the age of 80 in Santa Barbara, California. He had lung cancer.

This actor, who was one of a kind, created an image for himself as an irresistible man who could excel any role. He truly marked an era in the history of film.

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Zoo refuses to euthanize Jaguar after it attacks a woman who was breaking the rules


What some individuals are ready to do all for the sake of taking an appealing selfie for their Facebook profile picture can only be described as outrageous.

One woman was attacked by a jaguar at the Wildlife World Zoo in Arizona after she climbed the animal’s cage in order to take a picture with it. Shawn Gilleland, the Rural Metro Fire Department spokesman told The Washington Post how the lady who was in her 30’s shocked the zoo visitors as she tried getting over the barrier. Getting so close to a caged wild animal speaks disaster, and that’s exactly what happened. The jaguar reached out and grabbed the woman’s arm with her strong paws causing a laceration.

Luckily, the wounds she got weren’t life-threatening and she was lucky that her silly action didn’t result in more severe consequences.

Zoo’s officials say how the animal wasn’t outside the enclosure at any time, which means non of this would have taken place if the injured woman wouldn’t approach that close.

“Please understand why barriers are put in place,” officials tweeted. “Sending prayers to the family tonight.”

Wildlife World Zoo, Aquarium & Safari Park

Visitors who happened to witness the incident say how they heard the woman screaming and that’s when people ran to help her. One of them, Adam Wilkerson, told

“My mom runs up and takes her water bottle and shoves it through the cage near where the jaguar is, and the jaguar goes to let go of the girl to take the water bottle, and the claw just catches this girl’s sweater,” he told the news organization. “So at that point, I see that it’s no longer attached to the girl’s actual arm, only on her sweater, so I grab the girl on her torso, and I pull her back.”

The zoo owner, Mickey Ollson, says how a similar incident involving the same jaguar took place a year back when another visitor tried climbing the barrier.

“There’s no way to fix people crossing barriers,” Ollson told the news organization. “That happens occasionally. And we put substantial barriers there, and if people cross them, they can get in trouble.”

People should already be aware of the fact that jaguars are hunters who would grab every chance to get themselves a pray and they still decide to get way too close to them.

In another incident that happened at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, a jaguar managed to get out of its enclosure which resulted in nine zoo animals being killed, five alpacas, three foxes, and an emu.

The Post reported at the time:

Jaguars are opportunistic hunters that prey on more than 85 species, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Their habitat ranges from the jungles of Central and South America, where they are considered “near threatened” by the IUCN, to the southern regions of Arizona and New Mexico, where they are listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Lions and tigers are the only big cats that are bigger than jaguars, making the felines the biggest in the Americas.

According to the president of the Humane Society of U.S, zoos should take extra precautions in assuring the visitors would stay protected and animals are respected from a safe distance. An idea they propose is adding more barriers.

We really can’t understand how people would even come with such ideas as climbing over barriers and expect from the animals to stay still and pose for selfies.

Ollson told they are willing to put some more barriers but people are the ones who should get educated on how to behave while at the zoo.

“She’s a wild animal and there were proper barriers in place to keep our guests safe,” the zoo tweeted. “Not a wild animal’s fault when barriers are crossed.”

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Senior Moves Into Holiday Inn Instead Of Nursing Home


Meet Terry Robinson – the man who might change people’s view on nursing homes for elderly people. His idea posted on his own Facebook page may start people thinking really seriously about the options for the later days of their lives.

The reason for his post is very simple – the amount that we have to pay if we want to spend our older years in a one of the facilities that provide nursing. The ideas he proposes are indeed interesting.

Robinson’s analysis states that nursing home care costs are some $188 per day. That’s an amount of money that is very high, according to him. Therefore, he proposes that it is more economical to spend your later days in Holiday Inn instead. He says:

“No nursing home for us. We’ll be checking into a Holiday Inn! With the average cost for a nursing home care costing $188.00 per day, there is a better way when we get old and too feeble. I’ve already checked on reservations at the Holiday Inn. For a combined long term stay discount and senior discount, it’s $59.23 per night. Breakfast is included, and some have happy hours in the afternoon.”

Robinson does not stop there. His post goes into details. After he has done the careful analysis, he adds that he has decided. He is going to check in Holiday Inn permanently! His calculations show that if you choose the hotel version, you save quite a lot of money.

Robinson explains:

“That leaves $128.77 a day for lunch and dinner in any restaurant we want, or room service, laundry, gratuities and special TV movies. Plus, they provide a spa, swimming pool, a workout room, a lounge and washer-dryer, etc.”

This clever man pays attention to all details in his post. His justification of choosing the hotel version includes transportation costs. He explains that there are some benefits when you stay in a hotel. First of all he enlists the hotel-provided transport, then he moves on to the public transport and at last he mentions even the airport shuffle. Regarding the last one, he says:

“For a change of scenery, take the airport shuttle bus and eat at one of the nice restaurants there. While you’re at the airport, fly somewhere. Otherwise, the cash keeps building up. “

Since Robinson is not a fan of the nursing houses, he goes on by enlisting some of the disadvantages of such places. He states:

“It takes months to get into decent nursing homes. Holiday Inn will take your reservation today. And you’re not stuck in one place forever — you can move from Inn to Inn, or even from city to city. Want to see Hawaii? They have Holiday Inn there too.”

Moving from places to places actually is quite interesting idea after all, at least for those who find travelling amusing.

Did you think he forgot the crucial part? The one about the healthcare itself? Then, you are mistaken. He thought about that too. Robinson says that Medicare serves the purpose. Because the regulations for visitors in the hotels cannot even be compared with those in the nursing houses, Robinson explains that in Holiday Inn you will never be alone and there will always be someone to check on you, family member or a friend.

Do you find this idea useful? Think about it, it may really be something worth trying and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Parents abandon their 3-day-old child, leaving her a note suggesting they meet in 20 years time


Leaving a child behind has to be the greatest heartbreak a parent can ever experience. Unfortunately, due to the law imposed by the Chinese government that no family could have more than just a one child, implemented between 1980 and 2015, many parents were forced to abandon their little ones. The country was tying to fight the poverty and overpopulation, so if a woman who already had a child got pregnant with another one, the family either faced abortion or heavy financial penalties.

When a couple, Qian Fenxiang and Xu Lida, learned they were expecting a second child, they were perfectly aware they couldn’t have it. But as they didn’t want to abort their little baby, they hid the pregnancy and Qian gave birth to her second daughter on a houseboat, away from the eyes of everyone.

Kati Pohler | Facebook

Once the sweet baby was welcomed into the world, the devastated parents took her and left her at a covered vegetable market along with a hand-written note.

The note said: “Our daughter, Jingzhi, was born at 10am on the 24th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, 1995. We have been forced by poverty and affairs of the world to abandon her. Oh, pity the hearts of fathers and mothers far and near!
Thank you for saving our little daughter and taking her into your care. If the heavens have feelings, if we are brought together by fate, then let us meet again on the Broken Bridge in Hangzhou on the morning of the Qixi Festival in 10 or 20 years from now.” 

The girl, now named Kati, was adopted by a loving family from Michigan, the Pohler family, who already had two boys. Kati has been loved and cared for, she was extremely lucky to end up with such special people.

Kati’s adoptive family. Image credit: SCMP

They knew their adoptive daughter’s parents wanted to meet her in ten or twenty years time, so 10 years after she became part of their family, the Pohler’s sent a friend of theirs to meet with Kati’s biological parents.

“We didn’t want to involve Kati in something as vague as this,” her dad said.. “But it was important to us that the birth parents knew their daughter was adopted by a family who love her very much and provide her with a good home.”

Unfortunately, the friend arrived around 10 minutes after Qian and Xu left. They spent quite some time hoping to meet their long-lost girl on that bridge and even held a sign with her name written on it. But when they realized she wasn’t coming, they went home.

The story was picked up by a local news outlet that helped Qian and Xu got in touch with their daughter’s new family.

When Kati turned 20, her mom and dad told her the story of her birth. They also told her that they were in touch with her biological parents and gave her their blessing to go and meet them. She was eager to do that, especially because she knew they were simply forced to abandon her against their will.

The Broken Bridge, in Hangzhou China | Shutterstock

In the city where she was born, on the broken bridge on the eve of the Qixi festival in 2017, she finally met her birth parents.

“We couldn’t communicate meaningfully since we don’t speak English and she doesn’t speak Mandarin, but we could tell she’s a really nice girl. But now that we have met her, we miss her even more than before,” her birth mother Qian said.

Kati also met her older sister. “It was really nice to see them. I was surprised by how emotional my Chinese mom was. The first thing they said was, ‘You are skinny, you’ve got to eat more.’ If I didn’t eat they would feed me. I guess they were just super-excited and missed looking after me for all these years,” this young woman said.

We are so very sorry for all those families who were forced to part ways with their children and never saw them again. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case with Kati’s biological parents. Although it took two decades to see each other again, we are glad they were given that incredible opportunity.

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Young man walks 20 miles to get to his new job- the company’s CEO gives him a new car


They say that determination and hard work always pay off, and the story of Walter Carr, a young man who wouldn’t let anything stay on his way to a successful first day on his new job, is just another proof of that.

Namely, Walter got hired by Bellhops, a moving company. He was looking forward to this new chapter of his life, but the night before he was supposed to start working, his car broke down. Not wanting to miss his first day on the job, he decided to take a walk from his hometown of Homewood to Pelham, two cities 20 miles away from one another.

Source: Google Maps Screenshot

He started his journey at midnight hoping to get there on time.

A few hours into his walk, Walter met an officer who asked him where he was going. The young man explained what was going on, and the officer was left in disbelief from what he heard. Of course, he then offered Walter a ride to the house he was supposed to be working at that day.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

At around 6:30 am, both Walter and the officer knocked on the door of the Lamey family. Jenny Hayden Lamey answered the door. The officer told her he took “this nice kid” to her so he could help her move her staff. Jenny was expecting the moving company hours later, so she was surprised Walter was there so early. At the same time, she was amazed by his determination.

“Around 6:30am the doorbell rang. It was a police officer. He proceeded to tell us that he had picked up ‘this nice kid’ in Pelham early this morning. The nice kid. Walter, said that he was supposed to help us with our move today,” Jenny wrote on Facebook.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

When the rest of the moving crew showed up, one of them shook Walter’s hand and thanked him for showing up. This made Jenny believe that not many of the new recruits show up. It was then that Jenny turned to the man in charge of the crew and said, “you wouldn’t believe what he did to get here. Tell him Walter,” to what humble Walter replied in a shy manner, “I walked.”

The entire crew was in complete awe. They later shared the story with the company’s CEO, Luke Marklin, who without hesitation offered Walter his car, 2014 Ford Escape.

“I’d like to give you this car right here. Today. Like right now. Like you can drive away with it,” Marklin told him.

Walter couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was extremely grateful for the gift, because that meant he wouldn’t need to walk long distances any longer.

As for Marklin, he was glad he could help someone who had such a strong sense for work ethic as young Walter.

Source: YouTube/ Bellhops

You can learn more of this story by checking out the video below.

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Dennis Avner known as Stalking Cat spent over $200,000 on making himself look more cat-like before his death


The extremity to which Dennis Avner went in order to change his appearance turned him into a sort of a celebrity. His life, however, wasn’t an easy one because he lived it by constantly breaking the boundaries, something not everyone he met was fond of.

Avner was born on August 27, 1958 in Flint, Michigan. During those times, the “Vehicle City” was vibrant and prosperous. His family, however, moved places and settled in Northern Michigan in the quiet Suttons Bay Township where he attended Oscoda High School.

Growing up, Avner became fascinated with the spiritual side of the Native American tribe and that was something that would affect his life forever.

Source: Youtube / Totally Obsessed

He started working as a computer technician and his life seemed normal. That was until he got into tattoos and plastic surgeries. Having been enchanted with cats ever since he was just a child, Avner decided to modify his face and look like a tiger himself.

”I’ve been a cat my entire life. I always related to cats. I always had a close relationship with cats,” Avner explained in an interview with Only Human.

It was in 1985 when body-modification artist Larry Hanks started his extensive tattoo work on Avner, who was soon widely known as “Stalking Cat,” his American Indian name.

Over the course of 25 years, Avner resembled a real tiger. He never revealed the number of surgeries he had undergone, claiming it was too many to count. Among the rest, he tattooed his entire face and body, removed his teeth and replaced them with tiger-like dentures, had his lip split, and placed six stainless-steel mounts on his forehead, along with 18 piercings above his lips so that he could attach whiskers when he wanted to.

Despite all this, “Stalking Cat” had nose and brow implants, injections in his chin and lip, and silicone injected in his cheeks.

Source: G. Gershoff/WireImage for PMK / HBH

Besides many were worried for his health, Avner said all those procedures were to make him feel who he really was, a cat. He was telling the world that he was following an old Wyandot (Huron) tradition by transforming himself into an animal, but he wasn’t probably aware that what he did was truly extreme.

Later in life, Avner met a couple, Tess Calhoun and Rick Weiss, who introduced him to the “furry community,” a subculture that revolves around anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities. They even invited him to move in with them to Whidbey Island, a place known as the home of free-spirited artists and performers.

Source: Brad Barket/Getty Images

At first, he wasn’t really welcome there because of his extreme appearance, with one person writing to him: “We have a lots of hunters here. You can move here if you agree to stay in the woods and not wear orange.”

As the couple hosted meetings for the members of the “furry community,” more and more people learned of “Stalking Cat.” Soon after, everyone recognized him and wanted to have him interviewed. He even attended many events, including red carpet appearances.

Sadly, at one point in his life, he was left penniless as he spent lots of money on his modification procedures. It was then that Tess and Rick asked him to leave their place. He took to social media to ask for help and a friend he met online offered him his home.

In November 2012, Stalking Cat was found dead.

Rumors were his lifeless body was found in the garage, and the news was later confirmed.

Shannon Larratt, who knew Stalking Cat, revealed what had happened on her blog, BMEzine.

“Dennis’s boundary-breaking life was never an easy one, and as he was fond of saying, he “found fame, but never fortune”. A wonderful and complex person, he was at times as troubled as he was remarkable, and he recently took his own life at the age of 54,” she wrote.

A huge number of people took their time to offer their condolences.

No matter what we think about body modification, we have to agree that Dennis Avner was a very special man who served as inspiration to many.

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Brain Scans Reveal the World Happiest Man: His Secret is Simple


What does it take for a person to feel content and happy? Is is the material things they possess, or the constant urge to be better than yesterday?

Now, we don’t longer need to try and find what happiness is all about because science will do it for us.

According to a research which has been going on for quite some time, a person named Matthieu Ricard is the happiest person on Earth. So how is this possible to measure? Well, Neuroscientist Richard Davidson has conducted a research on Ricard, and a number of other partcipants, by having 256 sensors reading off his brain at the University of Wisconsin. The research was in fact done on experienced religion practitioners to find out who attains the most happiness from their religion, and Ricard, who is a western scholar of Buddhism by vocation, was chosen to take part in it.

Further, the research focused on the effect of meditation on the level of happiness. While Ricard was on meditation, he experienced an overwhelming sense of compassion which resulted in production of gamma waves, which are further connected to awareness, concentration, knowledge and reminiscence.

At the same time, all these positive feelings suppressed the negativity.

The research is known as “neuroplasticity” and is still in its early stage, but still, it shows the range of benefits it offers when it comes to person’s level of happiness.

Ricard himself is convinced that meditation can change the way the human brain is wired to think because of the society and shows the same impacts as to a person expecting to lose weight by joining a gym.

In the video below, he provides tips for keeping your mind to think positive. For example he believes that one should be in control of their mind, which doesn’t mean decreasing the freedom of their thoughts, but rather not being a slave of those thoughts.

For Matthieu Ricard’s TED Talk on The Habit of Happiness go below.

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Woman Gives Birth, Then Six Weeks After Another Miracle Happens…

For everyone that experiences it pregnancy feels different, it’s a unique experience for every woman. Each mother has moments and feelings that she can tell us about and that we can really relate to, things about her pregnancy that are special, funny or memorable that are just unique to her. It’s entirely possible that a woman can have 6 different children and for each child have a different experience, that really is the wonder of having children! A mom recently gave birth to her daughter and she really had some really odd unexpected feelings just a few weeks after it. She felt that she knew why she had these feelings but really didn’t think that it was possible though.
Source: Instagram
Around the early part of 2016, Eliza Curby gave birth to her daughter Charlie. She had got pregnant after a party and been dating Ben for three months in total. Ben really wanted to be a father which made it easy for the couple, they were both really overjoyed about being parents together, they were so excited! However, after their little girl had been born, Eliza realized that she felt a little odd, she just didn’t feel herself, at all!
Source: Instagram
Everyone reassured her, and put her feelings down to being a new mother, every now mom can understand the concept of sleep deprivation, and the devastating effects of it, on the mind and the body. Eliza’s mom said to her that it could take around six whole weeks to come out of the other end! Eliza said:

“I was exhausted trying to figure out the ins and outs of being a mum, but about a month after having Charlie though I felt really, super exhausted.”

“Everyone told me it was sleep deprivation catching up with me but I was not convinced – I remember looking at Ben and saying, ‘I think I’m pregnant.’ …He just laughed.”

Source: Instagram
Eliza really was right though, a quite rare thing had happened, just six weeks after giving birth to her daughter she had fallen pregnant again! There were even more surprises to come through, this pregnancy was different from the last one! She said:

“I say little as Ben’s idea of a family included two children — very nuclear indeed — I, on the other hand, have always been set on having as many children as I can — nothing excites me more than the thought of walking through our local streets of Mona Vale with my own little clan.”

Eliza got the double, or should I say the triple shock of her life to find out she was expecting twins!!
Source: Instagram
Over the next couple of weeks she took four pregnancy tests, they were all positive no matter how much she pinched herself, she didn’t wake up, so it wasn’t a dream either! The ultrasound tech really didn’t know how to break the news to her that she was having twins… Eliza said that:

“The technician seemed awkward and uncomfortable before he finally said … ‘look it’s early days … but … I think there’s two’”

She felt a little terrified about the news, her mind raced about the possibilities ahead of her, it was going to be very hard!
Source: Instagram
Eliza said:

“But three baby capsules won’t fit across most of the biggest five-seater cars, so off we went car shopping, and I now drive a van — a big mamma VW van.”

This story really was incredible, we wish you the best Eliza and hope that everything goes perfect, or at least everything works out well for you. If you love this story then please SHARE it with friends and family…