Child artist Akiane Kramarik said she saw Jesus’ ‘true’ face in her dreams and decided to paint it on canvas


Akiane Kramarik, the girl with incredible artistic talent, took the world by storm when she created what many dubbed a masterpiece of Jesus Christ. She discovered her inner talent at the age of just three when the son of God showed himself to her in her dreams. The little girl was able to put on a canvas the image she saw and believes it was God himself who gifted her with such talent.

Her paintings, which are realistic beyond belief, brought her fame and everyone seemed to learn about this child prodigy. She was even invited on The Oprah Winfrey Show at the age of ten where she spoke about her visions and her talent.

The strangest thing of all is that Akiane’s parents, who are of Lithuanian origin, are atheists. They never introduced their daughter with any religion. Still, Akiane claimed that her visions and vivid dreams were real.

One of the most remarkable paintings on Jesus is the one titled “Prince of Peace,” which Akiane completed at the age of just eight.

“I was so young but I started having these visions and impressions of the world.

“I was just so surprised at the impeccable images I had in my head that I just had to express them in some sort of physical matter,” Akiane explained.

As he dreams and visions quickly lost clarity, she tried to put them on canvas using paints and brushes as quickly as she could.

Speaking of God, in an interview with CNN at the age of 12, she described him “like a bow of light, really pure, really masculine, really strong, and big…His eyes are just beautiful.”

As of Heaven, Akaine said, “All the colors were out of this world. There are hundreds of millions of colors that we don’t know yet. The flowers were very crystal clear…”

Today, Akaine is 27 years old and is working as a poet and an artist. Her piece “Prince of Peace,” was allegedly locked in a bank vault for many years after it was sold to a private collector for $850,000.

What a talented young lady.

If you are impressed by Akaine’s work as much as we are, please SHARE this article with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Love and Peace

When police receive a letter from a 9-year-old girl, they find $10 bill stuffed inside and take immediate action


Chances are your parents “threatened” to call the police on you when you misbehaved as a young child. Sadly, many parents do this and that makes police officers bad and scary people in the eyes of the youngsters.

One 9-year-old girl named Brooke Yost had a feeling that cops are not good people because she knew they place people behind bars, not knowing that what they really do is make sure their community stays safe.

So, one day, as she was waiting in a queue to buy a dozen donuts at a gas station, she realized she didn’t have enough money. She got nervous, and that feeling only grew bigger when she noticed a police officer standing behind her. For some reason, she believed that because of her lack of money, the officer would arrest her. Of course, that wasn’t what happened. Instead, the officer, who didn’t want her to leave the place empty-handed, paid for the donuts.


Ashamed and scared, Brooke grabbed the donuts, said thank, you and left the store.

However, once home, she realized that her thank you didn’t sound genuine, although she was truly grateful. In order to make things right, she decided to write a thank you note. Along with it, she put $10 for the officer in the envelope she sent to the police station.

“My name is Brooke and I am 9 years old. I was at Sheetz and I didn’t have enough money. A nice police officer behind me kindly paid for my item. I thanked him but I felt bad because I didn’t offer him the money I had. So I am donating this money. I want to thank this officer again. Stay safe, Brooke,” the note read.

Source: YouTube/ CBS Pittsburgh

The letter got to officer Chad Savannah, who paid for the donuts. Brooke’s letter touched his heart. The rest of the officers got emotional as well.

They were glad Brooke sent her gratitude and instead of taking her money, they bought her a $50 gift card. Brooke, however, stunned them again when she decided not to buy anything for herself but donated the card to charity. The officers then decided to welcome her to the station and give her a tour around it, explaining more about the job they do.

Once the story went viral, everyone praised Brooke’s act. Along with that, many agreed that her parents did a right job raising such a loving and considerate child.

“We’re trying to teach our kids right. That’s all we’re trying to do is teach them the right thing to do and to take care of what they owe for. We felt that she owed for them donuts,” Brooke’s mom said.

What a lovely story during these hard times for the humanity.

For more check out the video below.

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3 men approach a 77-year-old grandmother at an ATM: They immediately realize that they have chosen the wrong person for the robbery


The elderly have been on this planet long enough in order to gather all the knowledge about life and learn how things work, so massing with them is never a good idea.

Interestingly enough, three youngsters who wanted to act criminals learned this firsthand. We are sure they won’t even try getting near old people in the near future. This story may also teach others a lesson before they even try making something as stupid as these gangsters tried to do.

It was a day just like any other for 77-year-old grandma Winifred Peel. She was out taking a walk when she decided to stop at the nearest ATM. That’s when she encountered Piper Dumitru, Florin Geblescu, and Felix Stoica. They had a ‘perfect plan’ that went down the drain when they realized they messed with the wrong person.

As the lady tried to withdraw some cash, she could suddenly feel someone was standing behind her. She very quickly realized how it wasn’t someone waiting in line, but a thief who was there for her money. The person knocked Peel off balance while his friend tried to get £200.

She knew they planned this action as she recalled seeing them the day before. They were following her from the moment she got out of the bank.

This quick-thinking lady knew she mustn’t let those youngsters make her a victim, so she grabbed one of them by the collar and banged his head on the ATM using all her strength. She then alerted the police about the incident.

The officers who came to the scene were able to track the three men down. They were charged and are now where they deserve to be; behind bars. Peel was relieved to learn the attackers were jailed, and says that although she hoped they would serve some jail time, she initially believed they would just be told off.

This incident affected Peel in a way she never though it could affect her. She told Metro, “They did not care about how this would affect me. I would definitely say this has changed my life, I will never have the confidence I once did. I only hope my confidence returns.”

We are lucky this fierce lady wasn’t injured, although she now fears that someone could attack her again. However, thanks to her courage, as well as the fact that she was a regular gym visitor in her 70s, she could get out of that situation as a winner.

Thugs believe the elderly are an easy target, but luckily there are more people like Winifred, who fight back when they find themselves in trouble. Just take a look at the video below. It shows a pensioner who pushes back against the robber who attacks him at the ATM and throws in a bunch of punches.

Next time you think elderly people are an easy target, think again.

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Peace and love
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Family that adopted 3 brothers couldn’t take fourth, so their neighbors gave him a home


Life works in mysterious ways. The truth is that no matter our plans, things sometimes don’t take the turn we hope for. Other times, however, everything simply falls into place.

Julie Washington and her husband B.J had two beautiful daughters, but the thought of adoption has always been there. Eventually, they decided to open the doors to their hearts and home for three young siblings who were left orphaned and ended up in the foster system.

The thing was that the three siblings had another brother. Sadly, welcoming four boys wasn’t something this family was able to do. The youngest one, Elijah, was about to stay in the foster system unless someone adopted him.

Image Credits: Amanda Sumner | PEOPLE

This bothered the Washington family a lot. But then, something huge happened. Jay Houston, a friend of Julie residing in the same town who was already a mom of five, learned about Elijah and was determined to give him a loving home. So, she took then 17-month-old Elijah home around six months before the adoption was finalized.

I’m the youngest of seven kids and I was adopted. Growing up, that’s always something I wanted to do. It was immediate (adopting Elijah). His former foster mom sent us a video of him laughing, smiling, crawling and I knew he would fit right in,” Jay said.

Kids in foster care come with such a negative stigma attached to them. These kids are kids and they just need love and I can’t explain how much these kids have changed my life. My husband and I are the lucky ones,” she added.

Image Credit: ABC News | Youtube

The best thing of all was that sweet Elijah could grow up around his siblings, despite the fact they won’t share a home together. Their moms, however, are very close friends and do all in their power for the brothers to spend as much time together as possible.

When I found out about Elijah we were still in the process of bringing our boys home. We went from having two to five kids and one has special needs. We weren’t sure if we were able to take in another child. I knew how important it was to Houston to keep siblings together. They said they were open to having another child and we made a pact to keep them together so it kind of just fell into place,” Julie said.

Image Credit: ABC News | Youtube

The families are now even closer than before. Julie’s husband, B.J, who is a research assistant at the University of Georgia, said: “The adoption of all four boys has joined our two families for life. Our main goal is to make sure they have the bond that brothers would have in a traditional family.

Jay’s husband shares the same thoughts. “Our lives are infinitely better because these boys are a part of it. I’m so glad that we decided to grow our family this way. People tell us often that our kids are lucky, but the truth is, we’re the lucky ones. We are the ones who have been blessed,” he says.

Image Credits: Jay Houston | ABC News

This story speaks compassion and love. We definitely need more people like the Washington and the Houston families in this world.

For more, go to the video below and don’t forget to SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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Love and Peace

Widow seen kissing husband’s coffin covered with the American flag: ‘Another angel’s coming home’


Those protecting our freedom and putting their lives on the line are the most courageous people of all. The truth is that no matter what we do, we can never thank our servicemen and servicewomen enough for their sacrifice.

The following story is touching beyond words because it shows the bravery and the selflessness of our soldiers.

Shawn David Thomas was a Special Forces warrant officer who tragically lost his life during his eighth deployment in Niger, Africa. In addition to being a military man, Warrant Officer 1 Shawn Thomas, of 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group was also a loving husband and a father of four young children, Cheyenne, Taylor, Gavin, and Natylyn.

Under his fierce looks, this man was a gentle giant loved by his family and all the people who knew him.

“On February 2nd, 2017, Shawn was killed in a vehicle accident while deployed to Niger Africa. This was Shawn’s 8th deployment defending our freedom while doing a job that he loved,” his obituary read.

On February 14, 2017, Shawn’s flag-draped coffin arrived at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina. At the time of the arrival, the passengers on one of the flights witnessed the heartbreaking scene when Shawn’s wife, Tara Thomas, approached the coffin, placed her hands on the Star-Spangled Banner, and burst into tears unable to control her emotions.

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

One of the passengers, Lisa West Williams, felt the urge to film the emotional moment because she believed it showed the reality of the families whose loved ones serve the country and protect our freedom.

The rest of the passengers were deeply moved too. “They were just amazed and they were crying. You could hear sniffles. The lady behind me actually said, ‘Oh, another angel’s coming home,'” Lisa said.

Later, Lisa got in touch with Tara and asked her if she could share the video online. The grieving widow agreed. According to Lisa, “She [Tara] wanted to show the world that this goes on and that we should be thankful for these men and women.”

Source: YouTube/ Inside Edition

For his bravery, Shawn was honored with two Bronze Stars and Good Conduct Medals during his service. After his death, he was posthumously awarded a Meritorious Service Medal and Army Commendation Medal for his work in Niger. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Once the video was shared on the social media, it quickly went viral and gathered millions of views and comments. People were touched. Many felt the urge to share their condolences.

“Freedom isn’t free; it’s paid with the lives of brave men and women,” one person wrote. “So thankful for our troops, and also so sad that we live in a violent world that needs them. God bless this fallen hero and his grieving wife and family. This was an important video for all to see,” another added.

Please SHARE this story of unspeakable heartbreak with your family and friends on Facebook to honor our soldiers.

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Love and Peace

Officer says final goodbye to K9 dog who spent his entire life fighting crime


Dogs are man’s best friend, and I am sure that every person who has ever owned one of these very special creatures would easily agree with this saying.

The thing is that dogs have become an inseparable part of our lives, and they are not only pets, but also valuable members of the community because many of them are part of the police and serve as service dogs who help the vulnerable.

Axel was a very special canine. He was part of the Central Falls Police Department for many years. Even after he retired, Axel was always there for the people of his community. In fact, everyone knew him and loved him dearly, so when he passed away recently, a huge number of people rushed to express their grief and sadness over the loss of someone as exceptional as Axel.

The department he served posted a touching tribute on their Facebook page and wrote: “He did a phenomenal job at keeping the streets safe, and he always made sure our officers were safe regardless as to how dangerous a situation was. He wouldn’t have hesitated to give his life to save the life of a fellow officer, especially his partner, Officer Decristoforo.”

Before working with Officer Decristoforo, Axel was part of another department and everyone thought the K9 would have a hard time adjusting to working with new humans, but that was never the case. In fact, Axel and his new partner were “instantly best friends who were sure to have each other’s back.”

Today we mourn a true hero! 🐶🚔🇺🇸

The department also wrote how Officer Decristoforo lost his “other half” and included a message for him. “Axel loved you more than he loved himself! That’s just the type of dog he was. He was yours! He would have done anything for you. Now he needs you to do something for him! Stay strong and try and remember he wouldn’t want to see you upset!”

They expressed gratitude for everything Axel did for the department and the community both during the years of his active service and later. “Axel, I want to thank you for watching over us as you have! It was an honor and a privilege to not only know you but to get to work with you. You will forever be my favorite retired officer.”

Rest in peace, Axel.

Please SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook to honor the hard work of the K9 dogs.

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Man dumps girlfriend after learning she was born male and kept it secret for over nine months


Relationships are supposed to be based on mutual trust, so when one of the partners is keeping secrets, it can easily lead to bed feelings and even break up. Of course, whether the other partner would be able to forgive the lies depends on how big they are.

A man named Alex got involved in a relationship with a woman he believed was the one. They dated for around nine months and everything seemed perfect. He was in love and very happy. However, that all changed when a friend of his revealed to him that his girlfriend was keeping a secret from him.

As they were having fun one night and drank a bit more, the friend approached Alex and said: “Look, Alex, I have been hiding something from you, I think you need to know this. I can’t leave you thinking this is a great and honest relationship. Your girlfriend is born a male and underwent surgery when he was 18 years old.”

Needless to say, Alex was shocked. His entire world turned upside down. He had a hard time processing the news and didn’t know whether to believe it or not.

“I didn’t believe him at first, it was mixed emotions, but I still didn’t believe it. After I confronted her, I found her pills and her estrogen tablets,” Alex continued his story. “I felt angry and cold, there were many emotions in one go. I didn’t know what to do.”

They eventually broke up.

What do you think of this? Was Alex right to dump his girlfriend? Did she make a mistake hiding something so big from him?

Please SHARE this story with your family and friends on Facebook to see what they think.

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Mom-of-4 sleeps in car while caring for dying husband, has life turned around with gift of $12,000 and new car


Just as she thought she was left to fight for her husband’s life all by herself, a waitress at Las Vegas Chili’s named Jessica got the surprise of her life.

This brave wife and a mother of three was going through very tough time and had a lot on her plate, but she was still managing to stay sane for the sake of her family. Her husband Robert, who was her childhood sweetheart, was diagnosed with testicular cancer which spread to his stomach and lungs. As a result, he was forced to get treatments at a hospital around 400 miles away from home. This meant that Jessica needed to drive that much in order to be by her husband’s side. Unable to drive back home, she was forced to sleep in her car numerous times.

However, no matter her struggles, Jessica would always greet her customers with a smile on her face.

One person, who happened to be Jessica’s second grade teacher, was aware of her former student’s situation so she decided to act. In order to ease Jessica’s life, Kimberly reached the FOX5 Surprise Squad and asked them to step up and help Jessica.

Source: YouTube

After hearing her life story, the squad was more than happy to lend a helping hand which came in the form of $12,000 tip, a new car, and hotel reservations for Los Angeles for whenever she visited her husband.

Jessica was unaware that her life would change. The squad placed hidden cameras at the place where she worked and filmed her genuine reaction.

No person could stop their tears from rolling down their faces that day. Both Kimberly and Jessica’s co-workers were very glad for her because they knew how much she needed that money.

Unfortunately, after battling with the cancer for some time, Robert passed away.

We are very sorry for Jessica’s loss. Rest in peace, Robert.

For more on this heartwarming story go to the video below. So touching.

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