Don’t touch these if you notice them on your plants


If you are one of those people who have deep appreciation for nature and enjoys being outdoors, gardening is the perfect activity for you. Among the rest, taking care of plants and flowers, watering them and making sure they are free of bugs, has a therapeutic power. No matter if you have a spacious garden or you simply have some flower pots inside the house or at your balcony, being around plants helps reduce the level of stress, improve your overall mood, and even provide low-impact exercise.

Of course, before you even consider starting gardening, you need to have some background knowledge, such as choosing the right plants for the area where you reside, the watering needs of each of the plants you grow, the quality of the soil used, and more.

The final result, whether newly grown flower buds or fruits and vegetables you were eager to taste, brings a pleasant sense of accomplishment.

However, one of the challenges that arise when you have plants are the insects and the rodents that may damage the greenery. In fact, managing pests is one of the crucial elements to maintaining a healthy garden. Preventing them is always the best strategy, although that easier said than done, there are plenty of ways to get rid of them without harming the plant. For example, chemical pesticides, or some more environment-friendly options like organic sprays and companion planting.

What you should have in mind, however, is that there are certain insects that do more good than harm. So, if you want your garden to shine, make sure you do research on the matter.

Recently, someone shared a photo of a leaf covered in petite, detailed black geometric shapes that give the feeling of the leaf being infected with a serious disease. But a few clicks away was the answer of what these strange shapes might be. Well, it turned out they are Nymphalis Antiopa butterfly eggs.

The Mourning Cloak butterfly, which is the more common name of these species of butterflies, lays its eggs in clusters. At first, they are yellowish or greenish, but the color gets darker as the time for hatching approaches.

Eventually, the eggs hatch into caterpillars with that are black with white dots and spines. They feed on the leaves of the host plant before pupating and evolving into butterflies.

Hearing this, you may assume they harm the plant, but that’s not entirely true.

In fact, these butterflies, can be quite beneficial because of several reasons.

For one, they contribute to pollination by visiting flowers for nectar, although not that significantly as bees or butterflies like monarchs. At the same time, they feed on rotting fruits and enhance the decomposition process. They also serve as prey for predators like birds and spiders, contributing to local biodiversity.

If you find these eggs or caterpillars in your garden and you still want to get rid of them, don’t kill them, simply place them somewhere else, such as to a tree or shrub.

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Uncle Si Robertson of ‘Duck Dynasty’ needs your prayers – Fans concerned for his health


Back in June of 2022, Si Robertson of Duck Dynasty, a reality television series that aired on A&E from 2012 to 2017 portraying the lives of the Robertson family, who became successful from their family-operated business, Duck Commander, announced he was going under the knife. He was forced to have a life-threatening lung surgery.

In his podcast Duck Call Room, Si spoke of his health and said that it started to decline ever since he contracted COVID-19 in 2021. He explained that the situation was alarming and that he didn’t think he would make it.

Both him and those close to him explained that Si didn’t do much to improve his condition as he refused to go to the hospital and later refused to take the medications prescribed to him.

Sadly, just as he thought he felt better, he experienced yet more health issues, this time, involving his lungs. As described in an episode of his podcast, Si could easily inhale, but hen he exhaled, one of his lungs did not function properly, so he was set to have surgery to implant a device that will allow the under performing lung to exhale the requisite amount of air.

“I had some tests in Houston,” Uncle Si wrote in a Facebook post. “There are a few more things we have to do, but it looks like I’m approved for lung surgery. Then I’ll be able to talk your ears off with even more stories, all guaranteed to be 95% true!”

As expected, his fans were there to send prayers and wish him a speedy recovery. “Prayers for your surgery and a speedy recovery may God Bless you Through all This I hope your family keeps us updated on how your doing you are one special gentleman,” a fan wrote.

Finally, in September 2022, Uncle Si underwent the surgery and it turned out to be a successful one, to the delight of his family, frands, and his many fans.

In an Instagram post, Si wrote, “The doc says surgery went great. I’m ready to get back at it, Jack! Thanks for all the prayers and support. It means the world to us,” along with a photo of him on the hospital bed.

Recently, however, fans raised concerns about their beloved reality TV star after he made a post on May 27 in honor of Memorial Day, honoring those who lost their lives and fought for the country.

“I ask God to bless the families of the fallen who protected our freedoms with their last breaths. We are forever grateful for your bravery and sacrifice, and we owe you a debt we can never repay. God be with you all,” he captured the video.

What caught the attention of many was Uncle Si wearing an oxygen mask and speaking rather slowly than usual. As expected, fans wanted to know what was wrong with him and if he has been experiencing health issues.

“What are you doing on oxygen? You doing alright sir?” one person inquired. “Thank you for your service si. Everything ok? Your on oxygen,” another added.

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Some of the fans were quick to respond, with one of them writing, “He’s been on oxygen for some time, he uses it more some days than others. He said its from smoking too many Winstons in nam.” Another fan added: ” Duck call room episode 11 from 3 years ago he had it on, you can see it on youtube.”

Another thing his followers noticed was that Uncle Si changed his appearance by shaving his beard on the sides, leaving a bushy goatee. He has also had a hair cut. 

We truly hope Uncle Si will no longer experience health issues.

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Woman loses her husband in a plane crash – Years later she bumps into him and his mother at a local store


Ava’s married life to Peter was far from ideal. They had their ups and downs, but she still had a hard time letting go of him, until one day when she learned he had an affair with another woman.

It was almost past midnight when Peter returned home, all sweaty and tired, claiming he was at work, working on a project. Ava knew he wasn’t telling the truth because he seemed distant over the last couple of weeks. There was certainly more to his story that he wished his wife to know.

No matter how odd it felt, Ava decided to follow him the next day. Her heart was racing and she questioned her decision, convincing herself that she should put more trust in her husband’s words, but that felt harder said than done. Her intuition was telling her something was going on, and she wanted to be fully aware of it.

When Peter made a stop away from his office and stood at a house’s door, Ava felt a pit in her stomach.

A nice-looking woman answered the door and gave Peter a hug. The two chatted for a couple of minutes before he entered the place.

Ava’s world crushed into a million pieces. Peter was having an affair, and that was the obvious answer to his indifference towards her in the past couple of weeks.

Heartbroken, she contemplated her marriage to this man she believed she knew. But at that point, he felt like a stranger, as someone she has never met before.

The obvious followed. Ava decided to confront Peter, and she did that once he returned home, again way later than he did in the past.

“Are you having an affair with that woman?” Ava asked, hoping to hear the truth, which deep down she wished to be different than she felt it was. But Peter didn’t even try to deny it. He said he did fell in love with someone else. What was supposed to be a one-night stand turned into something deep and more meaningful for him. He confessed he fell in love with that other woman, but claimed he loved Ava as well.

Sadly, he was quick to blame Ava for his affair, claiming she was cold and unsupportive.

His words felt like a knife. Ava had it enough. As he stopped speaking, she said, “Peter, I want a divorce.”

But Peter was against that decision. He didn’t want to divorce Ava, although he was in love with someone else. He started yelling at her, threatening her, and telling her he would never sign any divorce papers.

That evening, Ava couldn’t stop crying. She felt like there was no way out of the situation she had found herself in. Living with Peter under one roof knowing he had feelings for someone else was something she could never imagine. As she kept her head on the pillow, tears rolling down her face, she heard Peter’s footsteps, and the sound of a door closing.

The following morning, he wasn’t in their bed. She looked all over the house, but Peter was gone. At that moment, her eyes laid to the safe. Something urged her to open it; it was completely empty. The money, the jewelry, his passport. It was all gone.

Confused, she started the car and drove to Peter’s mom’s place. There was Martha, standing at the door and blaming Ava for her son’s decision to leave the country. “If it wasn’t for you and your stupid demand for divorce, nothing of this would have happened. you ruined your marriage and chased my son away,” Martha yelled.

Ava couldn’t believe what she was hearing and asked Martha if she was aware that Peter was having an affair.

“So, what?” Martha said. “You should have never tell my son you wanted to divorce hi, this is all on you.”

Realizing there was nothing Martha could help her with, Ava went back home. She was greeted by a strange silence. Everything in the house she had shared with Peter felt as though it never belonged to her. She felt like an intruder in her own home.

Days gone by, and there was no sign of Peter. His phone was switched off and he hadn’t replied to any of Ava’s e-mails. She started losing hope of ever seeing him again, and she was desperate for a closure.

Then, as she was switching through the TV channels, she heard the news that left her in complete shock. A plane crashed and Peter’s name, as well as that of his lover, were on the list of people who were killed. Ava couldn’t believe her ears. Peter was dead. As she was doing her best to come to her senses, someone was at the door. It was Martha, crying and blaming Ava for he son’s passing.

Fast forward to present day, around two years after the tragic incident took place, Ava decided she needed a change, so she took a trip to a nearby city. The afternoon was quiet, so she decided to run groceries, never assuming that her life would change yet again.

As she was reading the label of a product she was hesitant to purchase, she looked around and spotted a familiar face. The man standing not far away from her resembled Peter so much, that her heart started racing. “Peter…” she mumbled, but the man didn’t respond. That resemblance was too striking to be just a coincidence.

With her legs shaking, she decided to go after him, when there, just around one of the aisles, she spotted Martha.

What was happening, how could any of this be true? Ava was in complete disbelief. She yelled Peter’s name, and he turned around. Looking straight at Ava’s eyes, he said, “I can explain everything.”

He begged Ava to get inside his car, promising to tell her the whole story. Unwillingly, she agreed. As the three drove to Peter’s place, he told Ava that he was indeed involved in the plane crash and that his lover died, but he survived and managed to escape, granting a new identity for himself with the money he had stolen from Ava. He then made sure he purchased tickets for his mother, who helped him start his life over.

Ava recalled all her tears and the grief she had been filled in after she learned of Peter’s passing.

While she was mourning his death, he was living his life to the fullest. Ava felt betrayed and like the biggest idiot. She started yelling at Peter who was trying to calm her down.

He asked her to enter his home while telling his mother to wait inside the car. Ava was confused, she didn’t know what was the right thing to do, but she was already at a place she had never been to, and didn’t know how to get back to her hotel, so she agreed to get inside the house. But Peter turned violent. He didn’t want his secret exposed. He was aware that if Ava spoke, he would end up in prison, and he had gone a long way to allow something like that to happen. As he was yelling and threatening, he grabbed a heavy object and hit Ava on the head. She lost consciousness, and when she was able to regain it, she realized she was locked in the basement.

Her cries for help couldn’t be heard, and she was losing all her strength. She begged Peter to let her go, convincing him she would never report him to the authorities, but he didn’t trust her.

After a couple of days, Martha entered the basement. She told Ava that she would let her leave if she promised she wouldn’t hurt Peter in any way. All Ava wanted was to get home, she didn’t care about Peter any longer, and she assured Martha that she would never tell anyone that he was alive.

Martha feared her son would get in trouble with Ava in the house, so she let Ava free.

Ava rushed towards Peter’s car and started it. Martha ran after her and told her to get out of the car and walk to the nearest road instead, but Ava drove as fast as she could. Sadly, she was too weak to be able to get far. As she was driving, she felt ill and crushed into a tree. She then lost consciousness and the next thing she remembered was being in the hospital bed, with an officer waiting her to be awake in order to question her about the accident and about Peter, whom they were able to track down thanks to the car’s plates.

“He’s been living with a false identity. Following the alleged plane crash, he took on a new name. We’re still working on putting all the pieces together,” officer Daniels told Ava.

She assured him she truly believed he died in the plane crash, and told him everything she knew.

Her testimony was the first step towards placing Peter in jail.

“The case is complex, but your testimony provides a strong foundation. George is looking at possible prison time for his actions, and Martha is also being investigated for her role as an accomplice.”

Ava felt relieved. She could finally start her life over, leaving the past behind.

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The secrets of an antique relic, unveiled


Whenever we stumble upon antique objects once used by our ancestors, we crave to learn more about their purpose. This provides a sense of nostalgia and a unique feeling of understanding what life looked like back in the day.

With the advance of technology, our lives became more simple and a number of gadgets became useless, thus stopped being produced. Many were modernized and look nothing like their ancient counterparts. For one, it’s quite rare that households possess food mills, as they have been replaced with blenders and food processors over time. The same goes for the typewriters, the pagers, the floppy disk, the old good rotary phones, and more. Nowadays, most of these are in our pockets in the form of a smart phone.

However, there are people out there who collect gadgets used in the past, and an item that seems to be capturing the interest of those who are eager to preserve pieces of historic and nostalgic value is the Classic 1950’s Rubber Bulldog Soda Bottle Stopper.

Revolutionized in the 50’s, this items served the purpose of preserving the carbonation of soda, acting as a reflection of the heyday of this carbonated beverage consumption.

During this period, soda fountains gained their popularity, thus soda bottles with eye-catching and whimsical stoppers stole the show.

Commonly embellished with a small rubber bulldog displaying a distinct expression, these stoppers added a fun element to the traditional bottle. Their purpose went beyond carbonation preservation as they were also shrewd marketing devices used by soda manufacturers to gain a competitive edge and distinguish themselves from the other manufacturers.

What made these Rubber Bulldog Soda Bottle Stoppers even more sought after were the floppy ears, wagging tails, or even movable limbs added to them.

Over time, most of these soda stoppers have been discarded or lost, making the surviving pieces increasingly rare and highly desirable.

Today, this items represents a lot more than just a sentimental keepsake but a piece of the American legacy.

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Update on Princess Kate as she battles cancer


Ever since Kate Middleton disclosed her cancer diagnosis with the public, the Palace has been receiving an outpouring of letters from well-wishers. Normally, the palace receives up to 1,000 letters each week from the public, but since Kate opened up of her cancer and the preventive chemotherapy treatment, that number increased significantly.

This overwhelming amount of correspondence has been challenging for the team to manage, but they do their best to respond to all well-wishers eventually. The Prince and Princess of Wales have a private office at Kensington Palace, but all the letters to the Royal Family are handled by the Court Post Office. 


As expected, the Britons, as well as people from every corner of Earth, closely follow every move the Palace makes when it comes to Kate as they eagerly wait for her return to the public life and her royal duties.

It was back in mid-January that Kate underwent a planned abdominal surgery which required a two-week long stay at the hospital. Even then, the public and the media started rumors regarding her health as the hospital stay seemed quite longer than expected. Following the surgery, the princess was nowhere to be seen. People questioned her whereabouts, and the only official statement the Palace issued back then was that she “was doing fine.”


Fast forward to March, Kate opened up about her health condition in a pre-recorded video in which she explained that doctors found the presence of cancer after running tests following her planned surgery. She and William asked for privacy.

Sources close to her spoke to the media and said her schedule has been empty. However, her recent appearances are seen as a positive sign.

She is not rushing when it comes to resuming her royal duties and engagements.

“There is no timeline, and there is certainly no hurry,” a source said. “It will be when Catherine feels ready and when she gets the greenlight from her medical team. But she will 100% be coming back to work, of that there is no question.”


To commemorate Mental Health Awareness Week, the Prince and Princess of Wales shared a video featuring the work Kate has been doing privately.

Despite the fact that she tries to stay out of the spotlight, the Princess of Wales is “excited” to be at the heart of the launch of a new project that could boost the UK economy by £45.5billion ($57 billion) a year. As per The Daily Mirror, Kate’s Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood would release a report this week from eight British firms that would identify five areas where businesses can support children under five and their caregivers. It will also highlight the significant future benefits of investing in early childhood.

Kate has been the “driving force” behind the charity which is believed to had been started before her cancer diagnosis.


Although there are no images published on the social media, it has been reported that Kate has been seen “out and about” with her family in recent days. However, this isn’t something the public should get too exited about because Kate still needs “space and time.”

“No one wants to put any pressure on Catherine,” an insider told MailOnline last week. “The only thing that matters at the moment is her getting better. She has been through an ordeal this year.”

To the delight of many, she attended this year’s Trooping the Colour, a meaningful event celebrating the monarch’s official birthday, as well as the Wimbledon’s final.

Catherine, Princess of Wales smiles as she travels by carriage during Trooping the Colour at Buckingham Palace in London, England, on June 15, 2024. | Source: Getty Images

However, ever since then, she’s been again keeping a low profile.

According to reports, Kate will be spending the rest of the summer at Balmoral, along with her husband and children. King Charles, who’s also battling cancer and finds Balmoral his sanctuary, and Queen Camilla will be there. This journey would be Kate’s longest since her cancer diagnosis, Daily Mail reports.

Many see this as a reassurance that Kate is doing exceptionally well.

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She became a household name & global phenomenon but her sudden death was a huge shock


An out of this world creature like a witch marrying an ordinary man and wanting to lead just a normal life of a typical housewife sounds like something I would like to see unfolding on the TV screens. But wait, the series Bewitched which ran for eight seasons between 1964 and 1972 is exactly about that. If you haven’t seen it yet, maybe you should search it and check it out.

In the show, the role of charming Samantha Stephens, who enchanted millions with her nose twitch, was played by gorgeous Elizabeth Montgomery. This actress rose to stardom in the 1960s, but her life ended way too early in a tragic manner.

Wikipedia Commons / ABC

Montgomery was born in Los Angeles on April 15, 1933 to a Broadway actress and film star. Her father was proclaimed actor Robert Montgomery and she followed into his footsteps.

“Dad tells me I often climbed on his lap after dinner and remarked, ‘I’m going to be an actress when I grow up.’ I don’t know whether he encouraged me or not, but he told me he would humor me and would tell me to wait and see what happened when I grew up,” the actress said in 1954 interview with the Los Angeles Times. ”I’ll be real honest and say that Daddy did help me get a break in TV and I’m really grateful for his assistance and guidance. He’s my most severe critic, but also a true friend as well as loving father.”

Montgomery had her television debut even as a teenager on her father’s show, Robert Montgomery Presents, and had several more appearances.

At 20 years old, this stunningly beautiful actress had her Broadway debut in Late Love, and two years later, she appeared on the big screen when she landed a role in her debut film The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell.

Plenty of other movies followed for Montgomery, who had become a household name. Among the rest, she starred in Mrs. Sundance (1973), A Case of Rape (1974), The Legend of Lizzie Borden (1975), Black Widow Murders (1993), The Corpse Had a Familiar Face (1994), and Deadline for Murder: From the Files of Edna Buchanan (1995), yet her role in Bewitched remains one of her most famous one. ”I’d never thought much about a series because I liked the idea of picking a script I liked with a character I thought I could sustain for an hour. In a series, you live with one character day in and day out – and you only hope it will be one that will not drive you crazy,” Montgomery told AP in 1965.


The actress was married four times in her life. She first tied the knot with Frederick Gallatin Cammann, but the marriage didn’t last. She then married Gig Young, an award-winning actor, but divorced him in 1963. Montgomery met her third husband, William Asher, with whom she had three children, while filming Johnny Cool. Her forth husband, with whom she stayed until her death, was Robert Foxworth.

“Before Jane Seymour, before Lindsay Wagner and before Valerie Bertinelli, Elizabeth was the first Queen of the TV movies; she went from queen of the witches to queen of the TV movie and it was no longer a struggle to break away from Bewitched,” Herbie J Pilato, author of two books on Elizabeth Montgomery, said of the actress.

American actress Elizabeth Montgomery (1933 – 1995), circa 1965. (Photo by Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images)

Montgomery died in 1995 of colon cancer that she believed was free from. When she was checked out, it was already late as the cancer spread to her liver. She died in her sleep with her husband and daughters by her side. Her body was cremated at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles.

Elizabeth Montgomery was an incredible actress. She’s still dearly missed.

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Actress Jennifer Aniston is loved by millions


Even 16 years after the final episode aired, Friends still remains one of the most popular TV shows of all time. The life of the six friends living in Manhattan and going through troublesome but fun time together became a synonym for true friendship and attracted millions of fans from all over the world.


The role of Rachel Green, a young woman who left her fiance at the altar and suddenly entered the life of the rest of the characters, was portrayed by incredible Jennifer Aniston.

This role was a breakthrough for the young actress who ended up earning $1 million per episode towards the end of the series. Speaking to Emire Magazine, Aniston later said how Rachel Green was both a blessing and a curse because it took her long to move on to new roles without people see her as just Rachel from Friends.


Today, Aniston is 51 years old and still as beautiful as she has ever been. Since the role that probably marked her life, she moved on to many other films and projects and became the highest-paid actress in Hollywood. Her remarkable talent and outstanding performances along with her genuine character made her America’s sweetheart and one of the most popular people ever.

Wikipedia Commons / Andres Useche

Being a daughter of a famous actor, John Aniston, who is best known for the role of Victor Kiriakis on the NBC daytime drama series Days of Our Lives, didn’t mean she was given everything on a plate.

Instead, she had to work hard for what she is today. After taking part in many movies she refers to as failures, Aniston, who was born in Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, moved to New York where she worked as a waitress and a telemarketer.

“I had moved away from home, I had been on six failed television shows. I waitressed for years in New York before I got anything. And I was a telemarketer selling time-shares in the Poconos. I didn’t make one sale. I was terrible at it and I was like, ‘Why do we have to call people at dinnertime?’,” she told Harpers Bazaar.


However, Friends changed her life completely. ”I’d done about seven hundred failed shows before Friends, and there was no reason to believe that Friends would be any different. Right before it aired, the director, Jimmy Burrows — or Papa, as I call him — flew the six of us to Las Vegas. He took us out to dinner and said, “You don’t know what you’re about to embark on. You better take care of each other,” Jennifer said.

As her fame grew, Aniston started dating one of Hollywood’s heartthrobs, Brad Pitt. The two were considered the perfect couple and their every move was closely watched by the paparazzi as fans were eager to learn more of what was believed to be the ultimate love story.


Aniston and Pitt tied the knot in 2000, but the marriage only lasted for five years. Pitt moved on eventually and married Angelina Jolie, but the two split in 2016. Ever since, fans who couldn’t get over the relationship between Aniston and Pitt wished to see them rekindle their romance.

Aniston, however, moved on and is happy with her life. She’s very lucky as each of her movies is a huge success.

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In recent years, she openly spoke against the appearance fixation that exists in the entertainment industry. “The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing. The way I am portrayed by the media is simply a reflection of how we see and portray women in general, measured against some warped standard of beauty,” she wrote in an essay for The Huffington Post.

Last year, she posted a photo of herself on Instagram wearing no make up and millions agree that she looked totally stunning.

Jennifer Aniston / Instagram

Ever since, she’s sharing photos wanting to highlight the importance of natural beauty.

Speaking of her latest movie, Cake, she said she enjoyed doing a role without having to use a lot of make-up. “It was so empowering and liberating to just put scars on my face. The only time I had to sit in the makeup chair was just for scars,” she told E!Online.


Aniston is a true inspiration for millions of women from every part of the world. She wants everyone to know that real beauty comes from the inside and that every woman should love herself the way she is and embrace her natural looks. As for her, make up or no make up, she is still one of the most beautiful and most attractive women on the planet.

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Man stumbles upon a car at the bottom of the river and calls the police

After missing for nearly 12 years, a couple from Russia, Ilya Zhirnov, 25, and his girlfriend Kira Cherkasova, 22, were found inside a car in the river Volga in central Russia in 2017.

The couple disappeared in December, 2005, after Ilya borrowed his father’s car to pick up Kira from work.

At the time, an extensive search had been conducted, but due to lack of evidence, the case was eventually closed and the families were left without answers. But they never lost hope that ilya and Kira would be found.

The car, along with the bodies of the couple, was accidentally found by a local diving enthusiast. He was exploring the waters near a local beach when he stumbled upon the car, Daily Mail reported at the time. The man immediately alerted the authorities.

The car was winched out of the river the following day.

Ilya and Kira were identified by their personal documents, such as IDs that were inside the vehicle.

Authorities believe that the accident occurred due to the icy road, but the investigation is ongoing. Their theory is that the couple lost control of the car which ended in the river.

We are so very sorry for the tragic loss of two young people. May they rest in peace.

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