If you ever notice your door handle with a rubber band on it do not touch it


Our home is our sanctuary. It is the place where we should feel safest, a place where we get to get the rest we deserve after a long and tiring day. Our home is our comfort zone and we should never feel threatened when inside.

In order to be sure that no one is violating their privacy, plenty of people install surveillance cameras on their property, but even in such cases, robbers find ways to enter people’s homes.

Recently, a Texan woman named Kim Fleming Cernigliaro shared a story in order to raise awareness and warn others of the recent trick robbers use in order to get inside your home.

Namely, she was home alone when she heard someone knocking on the door. The knocking soon turned into what sounded like pounding. However, as she wasn’t expecting anyone, she decided not to open the door.

As the knocking became even louder, she got a bit scared and decided to wait for a while before she goes outside and checks if anyone is still around.

After some time, as it looked like the person had left, she went downstairs and opened the front door and that’s when she noticed a rubber band on the door handle. Puzzled and unaware of what that might be, she decided to call the police and report the incident.

When the officers arrived at her home, they explained that other people from the area reported rubber bands being placed on their door handles and went on to explain why would robbers place them there.

As it turned out, when a homeowner answers and unlatches the door to open it, the rubber band props the latch open. This way, the criminals can easily push their way through and get inside the house. As the latch is kept open by the rubber band, the homeowner is unable to close the door and lock it.

Kim is now trying to warn others to be extra cautious when they open their door to complete strangers.

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Woman gets the best of her obnoxious atheist neighbor


Nowadays, it seems that everyone is easily offended by everything. What’s most, many people object the idea that someone else could be right and that they could be wrong. Sadly, there are opinionated people all around us.

The following joke involves two people who have different beliefs and how they handle that. This is going to make you laugh.

A religious woman, upon waking up each morning would open her front door, stand on the porch, and scream, “Praise the Lord.”

This infuriated her atheist neighbor who would always make sure to counter back, “There is no Lord.”

One morning the atheist neighbor overheard his neighbor praying for food. Thinking it would be funny, he went and bought her all sorts of groceries and left them on her porch.

The next morning the lady screamed, “Praise the Lord, who gave me this food.”

The neighbor laughing so hard he could barely get the words out screamed, “It wasn’t the Lord, it was me.”

The lady without missing a beat screamed,

“Praise the Lord for not only giving me food but making the atheist pay for it!!“

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Mother delivers a compelling lesson on respect after receiving a call from her daughter’s school


Whether the following story is authentic or not, the moral behind it is that we should always stand up for our family, even when the system seems to fail us and when everyone we try to reach out to about our problems falls on deaf ears, just like one mother did.

I’m an ER Nurse. We’re not allowed to keep our phones on us, they’re to be kept in our lockers. A call comes into hospital reception on a private line for me.

Phone: “This is (teacher) from (school). There’s been an incident involving (daughter). We need you to come in.”

Me: “Is she ill or injured? Can it wait until my shift is over in two hours?”

Phone: “Your daughter has struck another pupil. We’ve been trying to call you for 45 minutes. It really is very serious.”

I go to the school and am ushered into the principal’s office. I see my daughter, a male teacher, a female counselor, the principal, a boy with blood around his nose and a red face, and his parents.

Principal: “How kind of you to FINALLY join us!”

Me: “Yeah, things get busy in the ER. I’ve spent the last hour administering over 40 stitches to a seven-year-old who was beaten by his mother with a metal ladle and then I had to deal with the police regarding the matter. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

After watching him try to not act embarrassed, he tells me what has happened. The boy had twanged my daughter’s bra and she had punched him in the face twice. I got the impression they were more angry with my daughter than the boy.

Me: “Oh. And you want to know if I’m going to press charges against him for sexually assaulting my daughter and against the school for allowing him to do it?”

They all get jittery when I mention sexual assault and start speaking at once.

Teacher: “I don’t think it was that serious.”

Counselor: “Let’s not over-react.”

Principal: “I think you’re missing the point.”


The boy’s mother then starts crying. I turn to my daughter to find out what happened.

Daughter: “He kept pinging my bra. I asked him to stop but he didn’t, so I told Mr. (teacher). He told me to ‘ignore it.’ (Boy) did it again and undid my bra so I hit him. Then he stopped.”

I turn to the teacher.

Me: “You let him do this? Why didn’t you stop him? Come over here and let me touch the front of your trousers.”

Teacher: “What? No!”

Me: “Does that seem inappropriate to you? Why don’t you go and pull on Mrs. (Counselor)’s bra right now. See how fun it is for her. Or on that boy’s mom’s bra. Or mine. You think just because they’re kids it’s fun?”

Principal: “Mrs. (my name). With all due respect, (daughter) still beat another child.”


Me: “No. She defended herself against a sexual attack from another pupil. Look at them; he’s a foot taller than her and twice as heavy. How many times should she have let him touch her? If the person who was supposed to help and protect her in a classroom couldn’t be bothered what should she have done? He pulled her bra so hard it came undone.”

The boy’s mom is still crying and his dad looks both angry and embarrassed. The teacher won’t make eye contact with me. I look at the principal.


Me: “I’m taking her home. I think the boy has learned his lesson. And I hope nothing like this ever happens again, not only to (daughter), but to any other girl at this school.

I was so angry I gathered my daughter’s things and left. I reported it to the superintendent, and was assured it was strongly dealt with.

This story just goes to show, a mother will do anything to defend her child, and it’s a powerful reminder that it is never okay to be treated with disrespect.

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BREAKING UPDATE In Charlotte Sena, 9, who disappeared during family camping trip at NY state park


9-year-old Charlotte Sena was camping with her family when she went missing on Sept. 30 while on a solo bike ride at Moreau Lake State Park in Saratoga County, about 50 miles north of Albany. When she failed to return after around 15 minutes, her family went looking for her. At at 6:45 p.m her bike was found, but Sena was nowhere to be seen. Her mother called the police and reported that her daughter was missing after which the law enforcement began an extensive search.

Early Sunday morning an Amber Alert was issued.

“Following our exhaustive search of the park we took that step of issuing the Amber Alert because we felt that that exhaustive search, when we couldn’t find her here, it was quite possible that an abduction had taken place,” said Lt. Colonel Richard Mazzone of the Uniform Force of the State Police.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children stated that Charlotte “was taken under circumstances that lead police to believe that (she is) in imminent danger of serious harm and/or death.”

New York Governor Kathy Hochul remarked at a press conference on Sunday, “We are leaving no stone, no branch, no table, no cabin unturned, untouched, and unexamined in our search to find Charlotte.”

Over a thousand people, including residents, police, and forest rangers took part in the search. Bloodhounds, drones, and boats were all being used in the search of the state park.

Breakthrough in the case came when the police watching Charlotte’s family home noticed someone dropping of mail in the mailbox. Police were able to pull fingerprints off the note, which led them to a man named Ross whom they linked to a property owned by his mother. The police made entry and found him in a camper by the evening of Oct. 2.

“After some resistance, the suspect was taken into custody and immediately the little girl was found in a cabinet,” Hochul said. “She knew she was being rescued. She knew that she was in safe hands.”

Jene, Charlotte’s aunt, told NBC News that until the girl was located, it seemed as if Charlotte had “disappeared almost into thin air.”

“I mean it was, minutes, minutes between when she was last seen and when she wasn’t there anymore.”

Luckily, the girl was found safe and sound.

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The man almost instantly regretted the evening he had spent with a stunning woman


A young married man met a woman and she agreed to spend the night with him for $500. However, once everything ended, he felt like the night wasn’t as good as he had imagined and believed the sum he agreed to pay was a bit too much.

Before partying ways, they decided that he pays her with a check designating it as “apartment rent” that he would mail to her.

Because of his lack of satisfaction, he decided to send her half the sum agreed along with a letter clarifying his reasons for it.

He wrote:

“Dear Madam,

Enclosed, you will find a $250 check intended for your rent. I sent a different amount than originally agreed upon because, at the time of renting, I had certain expectations: the apartment had never been occupied, I anticipated ample heating, and I imagined it would be comfortable and homely. However, last night, I discovered it had been previously inhabited, lacked heating, and was excessively spacious.”

After reading the letter she received, the woman returned the check on $250 and replied:

“Dear Sir,

Firstly, I’m astounded by the notion that you expected a beautiful apartment to remain vacant indefinitely. As for heating, it is available if you know how to operate it. Concerning the room’s size, it is, in fact, quite sufficient. If you find the furnishings unsatisfactory, kindly refrain from attributing it to the landlord’s negligence! Please remit a check for the full $500, or I will have no choice but to contact your current landlord.”

This story is a reminder that we should never make assumptions and hasty decision, or we would need to face the consequences.

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Dirty Dancing star Jennifer Grey opens up about the accident that changed her life and forced her to turn her back on Hollywood


Some movies just pass by unnoticed by the audience, and others remain classics and attract the attention of millions. Dirty Dancing definitely belongs to the latter. The love story between Frances ‘Baby’ Houseman and dance teacher Johnny Castle sold over 1 million copies on VHS. The original song for the movie, ‘I’ve Had The Time of My Life‘ won numerous awards, including an Academy Award and a Golden Globe.

For the lead actors, Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze, the door to a whole new world was opened. Suddenly, all eyes were on them and they found themselves under the spotlight. However, a tragic incident that preceded the film premiere prevented Grey from enjoying her enormous success and all the attention she was given by the huge number of fans.

Today, years after Dirty Dancing saw the light of the day and became one of the best movies of the decade, Grey speaks of her fame and her decision to turn her back on Hollywood at the age of 27.


In 1987, the year the movie premiered, Grey was living in Ireland with then-boyfriend Matthew Broderick. The two were were involved in a car crash in which a mother and her young daughter lost their lives. As per reports, Broderick was driving on the wrong side of the street and killed the family in the other vehicle. He was charged with dangerous driving, later reduced to careless driving.

Grey didn’t suffer any serious physical injuries, or at least she thought so, but she was never the same person she once was. The tragedy touched her deeply and she had a hard time moving on.

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, the promising actress said, “The juxtaposition of that deep sorrow, the survivor’s guilt, and then being celebrated as the new big thing just didn’t jibe. It didn’t feel good to be the toast of the town.”

“My head was never the same, my ambition was never the same,” she told People.

As she struggled with survivor’s guilt, Grey finally decided to do something for herself and underwent a nose procedure. However, it didn’t turn out as planned and instead of making her feel better about her looks, Grey’s face became unrecognizable.

“I went in the operating theater a celebrity and come out anonymous,” she revealed in 2012.“It was like being in a witness protection program or being invisible. It was the nose job from hell. I’ll always be this once-famous actress nobody ­recognizes because of a nose job.”

Some ten years ago, Grey felt that she wanted to be part of the film industry again. She won the TV show ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and that finally helped her leave her past behind. This show was exactly what she needed to feel alive again.


“It’s like I’ve starved myself because of what people could think about me. This is like eating a delicious steak after having been on a diet for 23 years,” Grey told People.

Today, she’s back on the big screen and starred in the movies Untogether, Red Oaks, Bittersweet Symphony and I am Patrick Swayze.


However, there was a time when she was going through severe medical issues. A medical checkup revealed Grey was at risk of being paralyzed.

“Her spine was actually literally falling off. One good fall or a rear end accident or throwing her head suddenly and it could have done serious damage to her spinal cord,” neurological spinal surgeon Dr. Robert Bray, Jr., told ABC. “We are talking about complete paralysis.”

Dr. Bray performed several operations on Grey and a titanium plate needed to be screwed into her spine. Unfortunately, more shocking news followed, Grey had cancer.

X-rays showed a cancerous growth in her thyroid, but according to the actress herself, doctors were able to remove it before the cancer spread to other areas.

In 2010, Grey underwent four major surgeries, including the one mentioned before. She was also forced to have her thyroid removed.

Luckily, she now feels great.

We are sure that Jennifer Grey’s career would take a completely different turn if it wasn’t for that accident that changed her life forever. We are, however, happy she’s back where she has always belonged, in Hollywood.

If you loved Dirty Dancing see the unforgettable scene from it in the video below.

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This teacher never expected this explanation of child birth


Children are the most innocent creatures there are. They always speak their mind and are honest to the core, which can easily put them into trouble. But that’s simply in their nature, and getting mad at them isn’t what grown ups should ever do.

A primary school teacher was witnessed an unforgettable “show-and-tell” presentation on childbirth by one of her students. The little one’s words were so interesting, that her story was shared on the social media and it’s circulating there for years, making many laugh.

Grammar School Teacher recounts: “I’ve been teaching now for about fifteen years. I have two kids myself, but the best birth story I know is the one I saw in my own second-grade classroom a few years back.

“Usually, show-and-tell is pretty tame. Kids bring in pet turtles, model airplanes, pictures of fish they catch, stuff like that. And I never, ever place any boundaries or limitations on them. If they want to lug it to school and talk about it, they’re welcome.

“Well, one day this little girl, Erica, a very bright, very outgoing kid, takes her turn and waddles up to the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her sweater. She holds up a snapshot of an infant. ‘This is Luke, my baby brother, and I’m going to tell you about his birthday. First, Mommy and Daddy made him as a symbol of their love, and then Daddy put a seed in my mother’s stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for 9 months through an umbrella cord.’ She’s standing there with her hands on the pillow, and I’m trying not to laugh and wishing I had a video camera rolling. The kids are watching her in amazement.

“‘Then, about two Saturdays ago, my mother starts going, “Oh, oh, oh!”‘ Erica puts a hand behind her back and groans. ‘She walked around the house for, like an hour, “Oh, oh, oh!”‘ Now this kid is doing this hysterical duck-walk, holding her back and groaning. ‘My father called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesn’t have a sign on the car like the Domino’s man. They got my mother to lay down in bed like this.’ Erica lies down with her back against the wall. ‘And then, pop! My mother had this bag of water she kept in there in case he got thirsty, and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like psshhheew!’

“The kid has her legs spread and with her little hands is miming water flowing away. It was too much!

“‘Then the middle wife starts going push, push, and breathe, breathe. They start counting, but they never even got past 10. Then, all of a sudden, out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky stuff they said was from the play-center, so there must be a lot of stuff inside there.’

“Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and returned to her seat. I’m sure I applauded the loudest. Ever since then, if it’s show-and-tell day, I bring my camcorder – just in case another Erica comes along.”

If you like this story, here’s a bonus story with a beautiful message.

“When God created Woman, he was working late on the sixth day.

An Angel came by and asked, ‘Why spend so much time on her?’

The Lord answered, ‘Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her?’”

“‘She must function on all kinds of situations.

She must be able to embrace several kids at the same time, have a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart.

She must do all this with only two hands.

She cures herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day.’”

“The Angel was impressed. ‘Just two hands? Impossible! And this is the standard model?’

The Angel came closer and touched the woman. ‘But you have made her so soft, Lord.’

‘She is soft,’ said the Lord, ‘but I have made her strong. You can’t imagine what she can endure and overcome.’”

“‘Can she think?’ the Angel asked.

The Lord answered, ‘Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate.’

The Angel touched her cheeks. ‘Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her.’

‘She is not leaking. It is a tear,’ the Lord corrected the Angel.

‘What’s it for?’ asked the Angel.

The Lord said, ‘Tears are her way of expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride.’”

“This made a big impression on the Angel. ‘Lord, you are a genius. You thought of everything. A woman is indeed marvelous.’

The Lord said, ‘Indeed she is. She has strength that amazes a man. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness, love and opinions.

‘She smiles when she feels like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying, cries when happy and laughs when afraid. She fights for what she believes in.

‘Her love is unconditional. Her heart is broken when a next-of-kin or a friend dies but she finds strength to get on with life.’”

“The Angel asked, ‘So she is a perfect being?’

The Lord replied, ‘No. She has just one drawback.’

‘She often forgets what she is worth.’”

—Author unknown

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‘Fresh Prince’ star Alfonso Ribeiro shares devastating photo of his daughter a day before her 4th birthday


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air star Alfonso Ribeiro‘s daughter Ava Sue was involved in a scooter accident which led to injuries that required a surgery. The incident took place just a day before the girl’s fourth birthday.

Ava Sue sustained the injuries after falling off of her sit-down scooter. Unfortunately, she was left with bad scaring, extensive bruising and bad burns on her right elbow, shoulder, and around her right eye.

Both Alfonso and his wife Angela Ribeiro posted updated on Ava Sue’s condition.

“Not the kind of day you want the day before turning 4. Just want to give a heartfelt thank you to [Kare MD Skin Health] for the emergency service and procedure to help lessen the likelihood of [scarring]. So proud of how brave my baby girl was during the surgery,” Alfonso wrote, along with photos of his daughter, as he thanked the medical staff for their quick reaction.

NEW YORK, NY – SEPTEMBER 29: Actor/TV personality Alfonso Ribeiro attends the BUILD Speaker Series Presents Alfonso Ribeiro discussing “America’s Funniest Home Videos” at AOL HQ on September 29, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Jim Spellman/WireImage)

Angela on the other hands said that she had a feeling that something bad would happen, calling it a motherly instinct.

“I announced to the fam, kids, sitter & friends helping out getting ready for Ava’s birthday party that ‘we are not doing anything crazy or dangerous today that could potentially end up with an ER visit.’ I literally made everyone lock eyes to me when I said these words,” she posted.

The girl fell off of the scooter shortly after her mom’s prediction.

When Ava Sue was taken to Kare MD Skin Health, doctor Dr. Raffy decided she need to undergo a surgery in order to minimize the risks od potential scaring.

“Not a fun way to spend your last day as a 3-year old, but she was a trooper,” the mom wrote. “Giving this sweet girl some extra cuddles tonight.”

The staff at Kare MD Skin Health took their time to wish their young patient a very happy birthday through their Instagram and thank Alfonso for trusting their daughter to them.

“Thank you for the very kind words [Alfonso]. We are so honored to take care of your precious princess Ava. Best wishes for a speedy recovery,” they wrote in the caption. 

We wish sweet Ava Sue a speedy recovery and a very happy birthday.

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