Husband leaves pregnant wife — Later, she finds this in the oven


For Amanda Sydney life was starting to look a little better again. Amanda comes from Australia and 2017 was set to be a great year for her, filled with love and greatness and a bright future!

Three long years is how long she and her husband tried for a baby until finally, she conceived and they had just moved into their house that they had been renovating for over two years.

Amanda was on top form, in fact, she couldn’t have been any happier if she tried. Her life and hopes and dreams were all but to be smashed in the worst way possible.
Completely out of the blue her husband dropped a bombshell on her, he told her he wanted to leave and without hesitation left, out of the door, gone! Without even having a chance to take a breath, Amanda was all alone, pregnant and bills up to the wazoo!

Without any money and a baby coming along soon, Amanda by herself, a complete emotional mess and not knowing what was in store for her or her child, pondered her situation. Her friend Anna was thankfully with her, and emotionally supporting her, but it was her that had a great idea to write to the local radio station, KIIS 1065 to ask if they would consider her for a spot in their “give back” segment.

The radio station learned of Amanda’s position and they decided to get involved and help. They knew that alone it would be hard to help so they brought local businesses into the picture to make an amazing show.

They invited Amanda and Anna to the radio studios to do a segment with them, but Amanda had no clue what was going to happen. As she spoke to the radio hosts she told them how the worse part was the uncertainty of the whole situation.

Amanda said:

“It’s been about five weeks since it happened” … “And the biggest thing is just the shock, I guess because it wasn’t really what we planned, or what I planned.”

Amanda finished telling her story then the radio hostess turned to her to face a television screen behind her, it was a video tour of her new house. They highlighted what they had done for her to help, to her surprise!

A vacuum cleaner was to symbolize free home cleaning for the next six months, the food in the refrigerator was a gift from Eat Fit Food, and a commitment to bring daily meals for the next three months! On the countertop was $4,000 of baby supplies for her, with a $1,000 voucher for baby pictures even!!

But when the camera came to the oven, and the door was open, everyone lost it!!

Inside the oven was a huge stack of cash… $10,000 so Amanda will not have to worry about her mortgage for quite some time, amazing right?

Amanda was in floods of tears, all she could muster to say was:

“It means I don’t have to move now…I can’t thank you enough, I really can’t.”

It’s definitely not the 2017 she had imagined, or even wished for, but because of the generosity of strangers, it was now possible to have such a great start, over again, for her and her baby.

What a completely amazing story, don’t you think? Please SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook!

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My in-laws told me to sleep in a barn – I wasn’t ready for such disrespect & took my revenge


The relationship with the in-laws can be a challenging one. The truth is that things turn even messier when the spouse sides with his parents instead with his significant other, and these ‘issues’ don’t necessarily get easier to deal with as time passes.

A woman named Evelyn took to Reddit to ask if she was in the wrong for revealing to everyone on the social media about the treatment she received by her in-laws during a visit prior to the holiday.

Namely, she and her husband were overly excited for the trip to his parent’s place because they were about to introduce the newest addition to the family, their twins, to the grandparents.

Once there, things seemed normal at first until the in-laws presented Evelyn with the sleeping arrangement for the night. As it turned out, she and her husband couldn’t sleep together, and neither the twins.

While her husband, Mike, was expected to sleep in his childhood bedroom, Evelyn was asked to sleep in the barn.

As expected, she got confused and upset and confronted her husband about it, but he dismissed her concerns and didn’t think it was a big deal.

As her in-laws insisted on separate sleeping arrangements despite Evelyn not being happy about it, she reached her breaking point. via Deposit Photos

At that moment, she documented the bizarre living conditions, booked a flight home, and shared what had happened on the social media, exposing how her in-laws treated her to her social media friends and followers.

Her husband and his parents got extremely mad and asked her to apologize for what she did.

She’s now even contemplating to spend Christmas with her own parents, who are very supportive and where she and her twins feel loved and cared for.

Evelyn asked Redditors to advise her on what’s the most appropriate thing to do.

What would you do if you were in her possition?

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Teacher gets the most ridiculous answer and would have be smart not to ask the question again 


Teaches stumble upon different kinds of students during their career. Some of them need some extra attention and help, and others stun them with their bright answers.

Many times, however, there are students who are naturally witty and add to the fun that is often times part of the lesson.

This teacher had an amusing story to share when she gave little Johnny a basic math task to solve. His answer will make you burst out laughing!

Teacher: “If I gave you two cats and another two cats and then another two, how many would you have?”

Johnny: “Seven!”

Teacher: “No, no, listen carefully… If I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?”

Johnny: “Seven.”

The teacher rubs her temples and takes a deep breath.

Teacher: “Come on, Johnny, you’re better than this. Let me put it to you differently. If I gave you two apples, and another two apples and another two, how many would you have?”

Johnny: “Six.”

Teacher: “Good. Now, if I gave you two cats, and another two cats and then another two, how many would you have?”

Johnny: “Seven!”

Teacher: “Johnny, where in the heck do you get seven from?!?”

Johnny: “Because I’ve already got a freaking cat!”

Please SHARE the story with your friends if it made you laugh!

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Donny Osmond kisses Susan Boyle after duet in Glasgow – and fans can’t get enough


Donny Osmond and Susan Boyle are incredible performers with millions of fans worldwide. They are both icons in their own right, but watching them share a stage together does feel like a dream.

Luckily for us, we got to witness that dream become a reality once again when Donny invited Susan to join him in Glasgow and sing a duet with him. This wasn’t the first time that these two created magic when their voices blended on stage.

Donny has been Susan’s idol since she was a young girl. When she reached for the stars and became a well known name in the world of music, Susan got to perform with her idol in 2013 in Vegas.

“It was my first time in Vegas and it was great fun, especially since I got to perform with Donny Osmond. If someone told me years ago I’d be performing on stage with him, I’d have laughed at them. He’s been my idol since I was 13, so I feel like I’ve grown up with him in a way. It’s all been a bit mind-blowing,” Susan told the Daily Mail.

NEW YORK, NY – DECEMBER 03: Singer Susan Boyle leaves the “Today Show” taping at the NBC Rockefeller Center Studios on December 3, 2013 in New York City. (Photo by Ray Tamarra/Getty Images)

Susan’s fans refer to themselves as to the Red Scarf Brigade in honor of her trademark red scarf. 

“Some people think they’re a bit mad, but they’re not. They’re very kind to me and they made me a blanket with Donny’s face on which I still have on my bed because it keeps me warm. This time they made a blanket with my face on it and gave it to him,” the singer said.

“I think people relate to me in some way,” she added. “Maybe they think, ‘If she can do it in her late stage in life, maybe I can too.’”

Well, Susan may have an army of fans, but when it comes to Donny Osmond, he and his siblings even caused a movement dubbed Osmondmania.

This term was written all over newspapers following an incident during which 18 girls were slightly injured and four were treated for their injuries at the hospital.

George Stroud/Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Namely, the day The Osmonds arrived at Heathrow on 21 October 1973 ended up being a serious incident that could’ve had some pretty dire consequences.

When their plane landed, more than 10,000 fans packed the roof garden at the Queen’s Building at Heathrow Airport, but as too many people were let onto the viewing site, a part of the balcony railing and wall collapsed. It was a miracles that the number of injured people was that low.

“The worst problem was hysteria,” a helper at the Queen’s Building medical center, where first aid was provided, said at the time. “It was difficult at first to distinguish between girls who had been hurt and girls who were screaming and weeping from fright or from disappointment at missing a sight of the group.”

Donny Osmond, The Osmonds, portrait, London, 1973. (Photo by Michael Putland/Getty Images)

Donny and his siblings weren’t even aware of what had happened util they arrived at the hotel.

“It was pretty cool, the screaming and the adulation, but I remember a moment right after the Heathrow experience where the balcony collapsed and we were banned from the airports,” Donny Osmond remembered in an interview with the Standard.

“I was in the hotel room with my brother Alan and we turn the television on that night and there was this programme with three people on – the presenter, a person from Scotland Yard and a child psychiatrist and they were debating whether or not Donny Osmond should be deported from England because of what he’s doing to all of our young kids. My brother turned to me and said, ‘You remember this moment because this never happens’. It was such a cool moment.”

Source: Instagram/DonnyOsmond

Donny once recalled another incident involving a group of fans. Namely, he and his siblings were chased after by some girls into an underground car park of the hotel and the security had to use a firehose to keep them out.

“I had the time of my life!” Donny recalled. “Hundreds and hundreds of fans were able to get into the parking structure, and [because] I had long hair at the time, they were just surrounding us. Our security guard, he saw me, and because of my long hair, he thought I was one of the fans so he threw me back into the fans and realised what he had done, but he couldn’t get to me because of all the fans. So I got on the floor, and I was sneaking to the entrance of the hotel, and one of the other security guards thought I was a fan and grabbed me and threw me back into the fans. It was awesome!”

Recently, Donny performed in Glasgow. To the delight of the crowd, he asked a familiar name to join him on stage, Susan Boyle.

The two performed a version of This Is the Moment, which they recorded together in 2012.

A video of their performance, shared by Catherine Chisholm, shows Donny holding Susan’s hand, smiling, before giving her a big hug. He then thanks her and lands a kiss on her forehead.

“That was a treat – thank you, Susan. I love that woman,” he could be heard saying.

Donny himself posted a photo of him and Susan with the caption, “In Glasgow, Scotland and low and behold, guess who showed up to my concert? My dear friend, Susan Boyle! She was waiting in one of the dressing rooms backstage to go out to the audience and I heard this angel voice in the hallway. I walked up to the door and…”

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A baby girl who ‘never stops smiling’ is living with a rare skin condition that makes her skin crack


Those nine months a mom carries her baby are filled with joy, anticipation, and a dose of uncertainty. What the new parents hope for is their bundle of joy to be healthy. Sadly, that is not always the case.

Jennie Wilklow, from Highland, New York, couldn’t wait to meet her daughter. She and her husband were over the moon to hold her in their arms. All the ultrasounds and doctor’s appointment suggested the baby was healthy, so they were eased and never thought sweet Anna would be born with a condition that would change all of their lives forever.

Jennie delivered Anna via C-section at 34 weeks. Doctors told her she looked beautiful and that was all Jennie needed to hear at that point.

Shortly after, the proud mom heard her daughter cry, and that was just another sign that everything was right with her little jewel.

When her husband visited Jennie, he was strangely silent and looked worried and puzzled.

“My husband’s silence scared me; he just sat in shock as the doctor left, and I prodded for more info,” Jennie shared with Cafe Mom.

“He just kept saying, ‘It’s bad.’ What does that even mean? I thought in my head. He told me, ‘Jennie, I looked in her eyes, and she has the most beautiful soul.’”

Anna was diagnosed with harlequin ichthyosis, a rare condition that causes thick diamond-shaped plates that are separated by deep cracks. “As they tried frantically to help her, her skin hardened within seconds (of birth). After hardening, it began to split, causing open wounds all over her body,” Jennie told Cafe Mom

Although doctors weren’t sure she would survive, Anna beat the odds and is thriving. “She was beauty in the purest form,” her mom said.

There isn’t cure, and the treatment is quite demanding as it requires constant baths and keeping the skin as much moisturized as possible. “Every couple of hours I covered her with Vaseline and bathed her for many hours of the day. I had dreamed for years about the things my baby would wear, and though it seemed so trivial, it was what I struggled with most,” Jennie said.

In an attempt to raise awareness about this condition, Jennie posts photos of Anna on her Instagram page harlequindiva. She opens up about the everyday struggles and what it is like to have a child with harlequin ichthyosis.

“Anna captured everyone’s hearts because she is the purest form of perfection. Doing the work every day is simple when I’m doing it for her, and with every new accomplishment, the world celebrates with me,” Jennie told Cafe Mom.

She adds, “I now understand that I was given her because of the love I already carried in my heart for my daughter. Anna was meant for me, and I for her, and together we will show the world what true beauty is.”

Anna is beautiful the way she is and she’s lucky she has parents who do all in their power for her to have a normal life.

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Woman gave an ultimatum to her daughter after she said she couldn’t stop her son…


For most of us, Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. The holiday is a reminder of the love we need to share with those around us, especially our family and friends.

Sadly, in the case of one family, the Christmas celebration became a reason for a feud which ended with a mother giving her daughter an ultimatum and possibly uninviting her from the party she was hosting.

The mother shared her story on Reddit and asked fellow users if she was in the right or not.

JillWellington/ Pixabay

Namely, she explained that there is a huge age gap between her children. She had her daughter, who’s 25, with her ex-husband who was her high-school sweetheart. She later remarried and welcomed two children, who are now 7 and 9 years of age.

Her eldest daughter has a son on her own, which makes the OP a grandmother, too.

As the holiday is approaching, she invited her daughter and her grandson to a Christmas party she will be hosting. However, there was something that eventually caused a trouble.

The woman explained that her grandson doesn’t believe Santa Clause truly exists and his mom is okay with that. However, the woman’s young children do believe in Santa Claus, so now OP is worried that her grandson could ruin the magic for her children if he mentions something about Santa Clause during the evening of the party.

“I asked my daughter if she’d please talk to her son, because I wouldn’t like the magic ruined for them. I still put packages under the tree with “from Santa” on them, and leave out cookies and reindeer treats (bird seeds.) My daughter told us she wouldn’t make her son lie, and my children are old enough to understand if her son decides to say something,” the woman posted.


When the daughter said she wouldn’t force her son to lie, the woman got mad and said that if that’s the case, then her daughter and her grandson should be spending Christmas all by themselves in their own apartment.

The daughter was devastated by her mother’s response and accused her of choosing her younger children’s happiness over hers, and that she was being completely unreasonable.

byu/No_Poetry7930 from discussion

The woman said her husband supports her because they both want to keep the magic alive.

Following her post, comments started pouring in, and to her surprise most of the redditors agreed that OP was in the wrong.

byu/No_Poetry7930 from discussion

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Once there was a little boy who lived in the country…


Living in the country can feel like blast for some. Others, however, don’t feel like that sort of place fits them, but there is simply nothing they can do to change that, just like the little boy from this hilarious story.

Where this little boy lived, they had to use an outskirt which he hated. During summers it was too hot, during winters it was extremely cold, and on top of that it always smelled bad.

The outhouse was sitting on the bank of a creek and the boy was determined to push that outhouse into the creek one day.

One time, while it was raining during a spring day, the creek was swollen so the little boy decided it was the day to push the outhouse into the creek. So he got a large stick and started pushing.

Noel McShane/ Pexels

Finally, the outhouse toppled into the creek and floated away.

That night his dad told him they were going to the woodshed after supper. Knowing that meant a spanking, the little boy asked why.

The dad replied, “Someone pushed the outhouse into the creek today. It was you, wasn’t it, son?”

The boy answered yes.

Leif Bergerson/ Pexels

Then he thought a moment and said, “Dad, I read in school today that George Washington chopped down a cherry tree and didn’t get into trouble because he told the truth.”

The dad replied, “Well, son, George Washington’s father wasn’t in that cherry tree.”

If this made you laugh, please SHARE this joke with your family and friends.

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My sister invited me to an upscale restaurant, vanished into the bathroom when it was time to pay the bills


The AITA Reddit forum uncovers plenty of real-life stories that attract the attention of a huge number of people who share their opinions and judge the original poster’s action as right or wrong.

A woman took to this forum to share a story involving her sister, which didn’t end up the way she expected to.

Namely, the OP’s sister moved closer, which OP saw as a way of having more opportunities for the two to bond and spend quality time together.

One day, the sister called the woman and invited her and her husband to a fancy restaurant.

The woman had second thoughts about the choice of place because she was aware it was very pricey. The sister, however, insisted they go exactly there.

Eventually, the woman and her husband agreed to go to the fancy restaurant with her sister and her sister’s boyfriend.

They had a nice time together and ordered what they felt like eating besides the high prices.

When the time came for the bill to be paid, the woman asked for two separate checks. But at that moment, the sister said she needed to use the restroom and her boyfriend followed her.

Some time passed by and neither the sister nor her boyfriend returned. The woman called her sister but she didn’t respond. It was clear they left the place in an attempt to avoid paying their part of the bill.

Getty Images

The woman payed her and her husband’s check only and texted her sister that in case she didn’t return, she would need to face legal action. Still, no response.

The following day, the sister called OP and instead of providing an apology for her childish behavior, she asked from OP to pay the entire bill, but OP refused and said she never agreed on such a thing.

Although she was the one to be blamed for what she did, the sister made her entire family put pressure on OP about covering the entire bill, but OP took a stand that she wouldn’t do such a thing no matter what.

As expected, fellow Redditors stood on the woman’s side telling her she was NTA.

It is a common knowledge that if not agreed differently, the bill should be split.

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