People share the worst gifts they’ve ever received


Most people agree that “It is better to give than to receive.” When we give presents to someone we care for, whether it is for a holiday, a birthday, a wedding, or another event, it elicits positive feelings and emotions for both the giver and the receiver.

However, when we choose the perfect gift, we should always consider the true meaning behind it.

Sadly, some people buy gifts for the sake of buying and can’t care less about choosing the perfect present for the person. Sadly, some presents are so horrible, they leave those who receive them in complete shock.

Below are some stories of people sharing the worst gifts they have ever received.

A woman opening a gift | Source: Shutterstock

1. That’s Not My Wishlist!


u/P0werSurg3: My parents found the Amazon wishlist of someone with the same name as me but NOT me, thought it was a bunch of weird items, and decided NOT to check in with me or any other family member to see if they had the correct list. As a 24-year-old male, that’s how I got a maternity body pillow for Christmas.

2. The Beloved Dog


u/everyone1hatesme: My mother-in-law gave my 1-year-old daughter her dead dog’s bed as a Christmas present. She said it was for my daughter’s naps.

3. Gifts for the Couple


u/lunnrais: The very first holiday after my wedding, my MIL sent my wife and me, each separately, the same self-help book on how to survive living with an abusive spouse.

Not how to divorce or anything, but how to live IN the relationship with an abusive spouse. Not just to her, not just to me. To both of us. Two copies of the book.

4. Crockpots Every Year


u/sevensevensixseven: I received the same crockpot from my ex-husband’s mother three years in a row.

She gifted his new wife one last year. I’m confident this woman has a pallet of crockpots stashed somewhere in her house.

5. The Savage Present


u/[deleted]: The Christmas after my mum died, I got an alarm clock as my present. Her husband said it was so I ‘might wake up in the morning now and actually contribute something.’ Still salty eight years later. He’s dead now, though, so who is the real winner?

6. It’s Supposed to Be like That!


u/The_Brain_Fuckler: I got a rubber Hulk Hogan figurine (it looked like it was a Christmas ornament with the loop snipped off) glued to a very effeminate toy horse.

An elderly family friend gave it to me and wouldn’t stop mentioning how “they are supposed to look like that; that’s how it came from the store,” even though I didn’t voice any doubts. It’s also kind of the best gift I ever got.

7. Are You Afraid of Clowns?


u/mayonnaisejane: Clowns. Every year, a new clown. I tried to tell my Abuelito I don’t like clowns. They are weird.

I got a new clown figurine, doll, lamp, picture, or whatever every year for Christmas and birthday. I have BOXES of clowns.

Thankfully, sometime in my mid-twenties, my father managed to divert him to kittens. But that was only after four awkward years when he decided I loved cows. I don’t love cows, either.

On the bright side, since I kept them all on my dresser growing up, I was never afraid of clowns. They’re just background noise to me. I could probably walk into one in a dark alley and just be all, “Oh… it’s just one more clown.”

8. My Uncle’s Gift


u/ediaNS: My uncle gave me an Xbox Live points card for my birthday. When I went to redeem it, it said, “Card not activated.” This happened two years in a row until my mom told him about it.

9. Is That a Rock?


u/gennieb7: A few years ago, my aunt gave me a rock. She gave presents to me and my two older cousins and said it was time for the big girls to open their gifts.

She made my cousins go first, and they got scarves. When I opened my present and pulled a rock out of the package, I looked up, waiting for her to laugh.

Instead, she asked, “Isn’t it wonderful?” I said, “Yeah, I love it.” She told me she had dug it out of her garden the previous summer and said she knew I would think it was so cool.

The following year, she gave me acorn tops because “some people know how to use them to whistle, and I don’t know how to show you or explain, but I’m sure you can figure it out.” She is a tad eccentric. Both were pretty terrible presents.

10. One Pair of Socks


u/justatypo: The first year at family Christmas with my now-wife, her Nanna gifted me one pair of socks.

The best part was that it was one pair of sports socks you get in a pack of 10. So, she bought a pack and just wrapped one pair for me.

Of course, at the time, I wanted to act super grateful, so I pulled off my current socks super enthusiastically and put on the new ones as soon as I opened them. (I think my socks were actually a little damp from the winter anyway.)

11. The Missing Packages


u/I_am_paperclip: I had some excess cash when I got home from college. I decided to invest in some new video games for myself and had them sent to my house.

The strange thing was I had only received half of the games. I emailed the suppliers and told them I hadn’t gotten my packages yet and was growing quite sad.

Well, Christmas morning came around, and I was opening up my presents. I got to the one from my older brothers.

I tore the paper away and opened the box. Inside it were several other packages that had been mailed to our house with my name on them.

It turned out my brother had taken half of my games and hid them from me until Christmas… Worst present ever.

12. The Difference in Treatment


u/77jeep: One Christmas, my millionaire dad and his wife gifted my brother a house and a new Escalade for his family while they gave me a gift card to Men’s Warehouse for $200.

When he turned 40, they gave him $100,000. When I turned 40, they bought me dinner. They provided him with a ‘college fund’ of $250,000.00 for his kids.

When his kids dropped out of high school, they handed him the money to spend on cars, etc. Meanwhile, when my kids (straight A) graduated high school, my father and his wife told me that it was my responsibility to pay for my kids’ education.

Once, when I asked why there was such a difference in treatment, my dad told me I was being ungrateful.

13. You Should Be Grateful!


u/morgueanna: I was a step-grandchild, and my grandmother sold Avon to feed her QVC addiction. So, while the other six grandchildren got genuine leather jackets, diamond jewelry, motocross lessons, and, one year, an actual motocross bike, I got plastic Avon jewelry.

For reasons too long to list here, I got placed with my grandparents two weeks before Christmas when I was 16.

I watched everyone open their gifts, and then one aunt gave me a Walmart bag with some socks. Another one told me I should be grateful that the family was taking me in instead of leaving me on the street, and that was my present.

Seven aunts and uncles and their spouses, along with my grandparents, and that’s how they treated me in a situation that was out of my control. Needless to say, I don’t talk to my family anymore.

14. Some Bizarre Gifts


u/MizSanguine: My brother got a pocketknife wrapped like candy in a small cylinder package (an old toilet paper roll). Excited, I started unwrapping mine that looked similar.

Underwear. There was only underwear inside. And once a bathroom faucet. That is when I knew my childhood was over.

15. Resolidified Chocolate


u/SquatChick315: I got expired chocolate on Christmas from an aunt who loved gifting her old presents to others yet always expected expensive, top-notch gifts for her children on Christmas and birthdays.

Not only was the chocolate expired, but it was also evident that it had melted entirely and resolidified.

When I noticed, I went to her and said, “OMG! This chocolate is so good, you have to try it!” in front of the whole family.

I watched her unwrap a piece of chocolate, and when she noticed how it looked, she was hesitant to eat it.

When she looked at me, I just smiled and said, “It’s the best chocolate ever!” Then, I watched her slowly bring it to her mouth and try to eat it.

She quickly walked to the kitchen immediately afterward. I think I’ve only seen her once since that moment almost nine years ago.

16. The Book


u/hickory-smoked: My friend’s wife gave me a copy of “A Night Without Armor,” the book of poetry by Jewel. Not that I actively dislike Jewel or anything, but it was so clearly something she saw on a discount gift rack the day of my birthday and said, “Yes, this is an object.”

17. The Cool Ball


u/BloodChicken: The only present I got for Christmas was a little light-up ball. You put your finger on the two metal tabs, or you and someone else while holding the other hands, and the ball lights up.

It wasn’t awful, but it was underwhelming. After I figured out what it was and how it worked and tried it with a few people, Dad asked me if he could try, so I said sure.

I passed him the ball, and he immediately threw it on the ground hard enough to break it. “I thought it was a bouncy ball!” he said.

18. That’s My Gameboy!


u/tall_where_it_counts: When I was about 12 years old, I mowed lawns to earn some money for myself, and I spent many months saving up to buy a Gameboy Advance.

I loved this thing and played it incessantly for hours every day. Two months later, on my little brother’s birthday, my parents bought him a Gameboy Advance game, just the game cartridge. He didn’t have a Gameboy.

I was frustrated because I was forced to share my Gameboy with him, and when I was visibly salty about it, my parents told me to stop being selfish.

It’s not that I didn’t want to share with my brother, but it was unfair that they bought him a gift he could not use without borrowing my prized possession. When I expressed my annoyance, they made me feel guilty about it.

19. Taxidermy Gone Wrong


u/Tarsala3791: I received a taxidermied deer hoof with a candle holder stuck where the ankle would be. Only it’s bad taxidermy, so it is constantly shedding a fine white powder on the table.

20. I Was Excited


u/christinagleas: When I was a wee seven years old, my grandmother placed a long skinny box with my name on it under the Christmas tree about a week before the holiday.

For the next seven days, my small self drooled over the idea of a play baby stroller folded up in that box, just waiting to be filled with various stuffed animals.

On that magical morning, I ripped the box open only to discover it was a VACUUM CLEANER. Not a toy one, either. A real-life, serious, small vacuum cleaner.

My grandmother claimed it was a great idea because “I loved cleaning when I visited her house.” That’s because you’re basically a hoarder, and your house is disgusting, Granny.

21. Cotton Balls in a Bag


u/Thewrongbakedpotato: I got a Ziploc bag filled with cotton balls with the words “ghost poos” written on the bag with a Sharpie.

22. My Aunt Was a Re-Gifter


u/pixierambling: My aunt tried to re-gift me a bracelet and earrings I had bought for her a few months earlier. It was insulting to hear, “Oh Pixie! I got these ESPECIALLY for you!” in a saccharine voice.

The funny part is that she forgot we even gave it to her, considering my brother and I were the only people in the family who remembered her birthday and even bothered to do anything about it.

23. My Brother’s Present

u/[deleted]: My brother gave me a hand turkey that he drew minutes earlier for Christmas. This would have been okay if he was five or something. He was 21 years old. I framed it and gifted it back to him the following year.

24. Box of peanut butter cup cookies

Getty Images

Deleted user: My father-in-law gave me a box of peanut butter cup cookies, but the package didn’t mention peanuts anywhere. He pretended to forget about my severe peanut allergy.

I saw him laughing as my husband rushed me to the hospital. I GOT MY CRUEL REVENGE! Three days later, I received tons of angry texts from my furious mother-in-law.

At that moment, my husband burst into the room, his face red, yelling, ‘WHAT DID YOU DO TO DAD’S CAR?’ I had secretly filled it with dozens of air fresheners – the one scent he absolutely despises.

He couldn’t even sit in it without gagging. My husband was fuming, but I calmly explained it was a taste of his own medicine. Now, both our families are in a standoff, but I feel my point was made loud and clear.

25. A plastic pig


Deleted user: Every New Year’s since I was 6, my stepmom has given me a plastic pig. Yes, a pig. Every. Single. Year. I always acted surprised because she has some mental health issues, and I didn’t want to upset her.

But this year, my sister couldn’t take it anymore. She: “Are you seriously still clueless?” Me: “Clueless about what?” She: “Check the underside of the pig.” I looked, and my heart just stopped.

There was a tiny note – “Just because it’s funny!” Every year, it turns out, my stepmom thought it was a hilarious joke to give the same odd gift. There was no deeper meaning, no secret treasure, just a quirky sense of humor that I never quite understood.

Well, a gift is a gift, no matter what it is. Have you ever received a gift you despised? If yes, share your story in the comment section below.

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Morgan Freeman finally reveals why he wears gold hoop earrings, and the answer is not as lighthearted as you may think


It’s safe to say that actor Morgan Freeman is everyone’s favorite. Besides his unbeatable acting skills, he’s also known for his distinguishing deep voice and the freckles on his face.

Over the span of 50 years he’s played plenty of roles in a number of memorable films such as Street Smart in 1986, The Shawshank Redemption in 1994, and Invictus in 2014, all of which brought him Oscar nominations. He, however, received the prestigious award for his role in Million Dollar Baby in 2005.

Freeman’s path to fame didn’t come easy to him. In fact, he didn’t get his big break in Hollywood until Street Smart. Today, however, he has an impressive number of acting accolades under his belt.

Another thing Freeman is recognized for are his golden hoop earrings that he never takes off.

According to the actor, he got the earrings inspired by Burt Lancaster, who wore a pair in a pirate movie, probably 1952’s The Crimson Pirate. “I thought that was sexy. Then I learned that sailors wore gold earrings to pay for funerals if they died in foreign lands. I’m a sailor, so that nailed it,” Freeman told Fox News in 2016.

He also revealed that he has been questioned about the earrings many times throughout the years and that’s why he decided to share the story behind them and their significance to him.

“I’m constantly questioned about them. The fact is that my possessions are only valuable enough for someone to purchase a casket for me in the improbable event that I die somewhere unknown. That’s why I wear them, and why sailors do as well,” he wrote in an Instagram post.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Freeman has a net worth of $250 million.

At the 2023 Oscars, Freeman was spotted wearing a black glove on his left hand. And as those unaware of the real reason for it believed it was just a stylistic preference, Freeman’s fans knew the actor was wearing the glove because of the bad accident he was involved in years ago.

Namely, back in 2008, Freeman injured his arm while driving home late one night when his car veered off the road and flipped several times before coming to an eventual stop in a ditch.

Paramedics arrived quickly and he was conscious but needed to be transferred to a Memphis hospital located over 100 miles away from the scene of the crash.

Freeman ended up with a couple of broken ribs and was forced to undergo a four-hour long surgery for his hand.

Though he mostly recovered, the Shawshank Redemption star was left with a lasting physical nerve damage in his left hand known as fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, his arm was left paralyzed.

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Jane Fonda makes surprising admission about dating rule at 85 which has angered a lot of people


Jane Fonda is 85, but when it comes to dating, she would always choose someone younger to be by her side.

And as some would say she has the right to date whomever she wants, there are also those who slam her for her recent comment that if she were “to take a lover, he’d have to be 20.”

At her age, the famous actress is still as active as ever and serves as an inspiration for many young women who dream of following into her footsteps and making a name for themselves.

Of course, some might say that having Henry Fonda as a father, Jane had it easy, but the reality is that this incredible actress reached her celeb status thanks to her hard work and her undeniable talent.

Jane had her acting debut back in 1960 in the Broadway play There Was a Little Girl. For this performance, she earned herself her first Tony nomination. From that moment on, she landed plenty of roles and cemented her place under the Hollywood sky.


She’s also a cancer survivor. Last year, she took to Instagram to share with her fans that she had started chemo treatments six months ago and is dealing well.

“So, my dear friends, I have something personal I want to share. I’ve been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and have started chemo treatments,” the Grace and Frankie star wrote in her Instagram post. “This is a very treatable cancer,” she added, “so I feel very lucky.”

She further acknowledged her ‘lucky’ position because as she said, she realizes she’s privileged when it comes to having access to the best doctors and treatments. “I have health insurance and access to the best doctors and treatments. I realize, and it’s painful, that I am privileged in this,” she wrote.

“Almost every family in America has had to deal with cancer at one time or another and far too many don’t have access to the quality health care I am receiving and this is not right,” the actress added.

“Cancer is a teacher and I’m paying attention to the lessons it holds for me,” she wrote. “One thing it’s shown me already is the importance of community. Of growing and deepening one’s community so that we are not alone. And the cancer, along with my age – almost 85 – definitely teaches the importance of adapting to new realities.”

This wasn’t the first time Fonda to be battling cancer. Back in 2010, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and in 2018, she had a growth removed from her lips. Luckily, she’s now doing well.

Over the course of her life, Jane was married three times. In 1965, she married French filmmaker Roger Vadim. Their union lasted for three years. The couple share a daughter, Vanessa, who was born in September 1968.

She then wed politician and activist Tom Hayden (1973 to 1990) and with him welcomed her son Troy Garity, born July 1973.

Her third marriage, to media mogul Ted Turner, lasted until 2001.


Her relationship with record producer Richard Perry ended in 2017, after eight years of dating.

As of now, she’s single and happy.

“Marriage is f—ing hard!” she told People. “You have to understand nobody is perfect…And you have to decide: Can I live with this? Can we work with each other on this or is this a deal-breaker? Force yourself to notice if there are any red flags. My life would be very different if I’d noticed red flags.”

Recently, Jane appeared on the podcast Absolutely Not and spoke to comedian Heather McMahan about her love life. In it, the Barefoot in the Park actor said, “I’m ashamed to say this, but if I were to take a lover, he’d have to be 20.”

@dearmedia Keep it fresh, keep it tight for @Jane Fonda #oldskin #youngerman #janefonda #janefondatok #relationshipadvice #absolutelynot #podcastclips ♬ original sound – Dear Media

When asked, “why specifically 20?” the actress responded, “Because I don’t like old skin,” causing the host to break into laughter.

Pulling herself together, the comedian then said, “I’m right there with you. I’m doing everything I can to keep it fresh.”

Many of the fans praised her for her humor and talent. “Jane Fonda can say this lol she’s the goat,” one user quipped. “Y’all are not about to try and cancel Jane plz, she’s being funny,” another added.

Some online users took her statement as an invitation. “I’m here Jane,” one wrote.

“Dammit, why [do I have] to be 30?” another wrote. “So you’re telling me there’s a chance…” a third added.


However, there were some who weren’t at all impressed by the actress’ comment.

“What about if the 20-year-old doesn’t like old skin?” one cyberfan asked.

“20? I’m not even half her age and I think 20 is too young for my age,” a second user wrote.

Her fans stood by her side and said they couldn’t understand how some don’t get her sense of humor.

“Love Jane Fonda, she’s completely joking around,” someone wrote, while another added, “Y’all don’t know Jane Fonda jokes around?”


The thing is that Jane spoke of this in the past and said how she has a thing about skin so we aren’t certain if she was joking or she was telling her honest opinion.

Speaking with Harper’s Bazaar in 2021, she explained “…the problem is that, like a man, I would want a younger man. Isn’t that awful? It’s a thing about skin. I would want a younger man, and I’m too vain.”

What are your thoughts on this?

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Cameron Diaz admits to feeling ‘whole’ again after retiring from Hollywood


When we first saw her in the now-classic movie The Mask, then 21-year-old Cameron Diaz took our breath away. Many kept wondering where the blonde beauty was “hiding” until then. From that moment on, however, she turned into American sweetheart we all love so much.

Prior to getting her first acting role, Diaz worked as a model. At the age of 16, she signed with Elite Model Agency and traveled the world doing shows and commercials for famous names in the fashion industry, including Calvin Klein and Levi’s.

Once she landed the role in The Mask, opposite Jim Carey, she needed to take some acting classes. For someone without any experience in the field, she nailed it.

Diaz became a celebrity almost overnight. All of a sudden, every director and producer wanted her in their movies. She continued being part of a number of romantic comedies, as well as critically acclaimed movies such as Being John Malkovich and Oliver Stone’s sports drama Any Given Sunday.

After receiving many awards and nominations, and a star on the Walk of Fame, just at the height of her career, Diaz made a decision many considered shocking. She left Hollywood, and it looks like it is for good.

Diaz opened up about this decision in an interview with Kevin Hart, during which she said that not being under the spotlight any longer gives her a chance to manage her life the way she wants.

“For me, I just really wanted to make my life manageable by me. My routine in a day is literally what I can manage to do by myself,” she said on his show ‘Hart to Heart.’

Source: Getty Images

“I think you probably can relate to this,” she added.

“When you do something at a really high level for a really long period of time, there’s a lot that — when you’re the person who’s sort of delivering on this one thing. You’re the person on the screen, you’re the person who’s ‘the talent’ — everything around you, all parts of you that isn’t that, has to be handed off to other people.”

Today, she’s focused on another career. She and business partner Katherine Power launched an organic wine brand Avaline.

But, most of all, the Charlie’s Angels star is focused on the best role in her life, that of being a mother. Motherhood was the best thing that has ever happened to her. Speaking to People, she explained that her baby girl Raddix, who was welcomed into the world in December 2019, is what she has been waiting for her whole life. Giving birth after 40, Diaz, who’s now 49, gave new hope to women who gave up on trying to get pregnant and have a baby.

She and her husband, musician Benji Madden, the lead guitarist and backing vocalist for the band Good Charlotte, make the cutest couple and are described by their friends as “the perfect team” for parenting. As for Diaz, she says that having Raddix is way better than she has ever imagined.

She and Benji tied the knot back in 2015 and were introduced to each other by Nicole Richie, who is married to Benji’s twin brother. The moment she laid eyes on him, Diaz felt instant connection. She revealed to what her first thought was, saying, “I saw him walking towards me and I was like, ‘Huh, he’s hot. I haven’t seen him before. Oh, you, you, you’re special. You’re the guy. You’re the hidden gem in my life.’”

Although we miss seeing her on TV and new projects, we are happy Cameron Diaz is living her life the way she wants. She is happy and fulfilled, and that’s what matters the most.

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Poor father was almost in tears while explaining his personal problem to the salesman


This inspirational story took place some years ago, or in 2004 to be exact. It was shared by a man who explained how a simple encounter with a father and son turned into a meaningful event for the three.

The man explained that he was working at a sporting goods/automotive store at the time, at the customer service, when the father and the son walked inside the store and said they were looking for some camping equipment. The man pointed towards the gear when he heard the boy exclaiming, “I’m going on my first Boy Scout camp out!”


Now, if you’ve read my other stories, you’ll know that I’m an Eagle Scout, the man continued. I take this position very seriously, and will do everything in my power to encourage and help young scouts on their trail to Eagle. So I looked over at my boss, a nice lady who hired me because of my outdoor experience in scouting, and asked if I could go help these people personally. She smiled and said yes.

The father was COMPLETELY out of his element with camping gear. By his attitude and behavior I would guess that he had never gotten further out of the city limits than a highway in his life. Everything in the aisle perplexed him, but thankfully his son’s troop had given them a list of what equipment they’d need. So for about 20 minutes or so I went through the list with them, point by point, explaining what each thing was, what it did, what version to use, and how Kybo Tape is the scout term for toilet paper. That got quite a bit of laughter.

During this time I also talked with the kid. He was very new to scouting, only having joined a couple months prior. He was enthusiastic about getting to go out into the wilderness and camp and make campfires and fish and all the other activities he’d heard about. I talked about my experiences in scouting, which was all of what he was talking about and so much more. Climbing Mt Hood, going to National Jamboree, touring military bases, rafting down the Deschutes, the kid was very impressed. I kept telling him, “this is only the start, you have no idea how awesome it can get.”

So we finally have a cart filled with a small tent, sleeping bag, cooking equipment, small first aid kit, beginner backpack, rope, shovel, water bottle, etc. Quite a haul, but I’d done my best to get everything that the kid would need while still keeping things cheap. Well, cheap-ish.

The total was something like a bit over $200. Now, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but if I could have taken a picture of the dad’s face when the total came up, it would be worth a MUCH longer essay. It was a shock/fear/resignation combination that said, “damn, I didn’t expect it to be this much. But he’s so excited, I can’t tell him no, it would break his heart. Maybe if I just eat Ramen for the next couple weeks, I can afford this.” As dad reached reluctantly for his wallet, I flashed him a smile, looked at my boss, and knocked 20% off the total. “A scout is helpful and kind,” I quoted. The father thanked me profusely, as did the son. They left with a spring in their step and smiles on their faces. My boss said, “that was very nice, but don’t ever do that again.” I replied, “but boss, you do realized that, from now on, they are going to be in here on a regular basis to buy camping equipment, right? I know that kid’s look, he’s just like me at that age, and he’s going to be spending a LOT of dad’s money here.” She laughed, agreed, and the deed was put out of my mind as other customers approached.

But the story isn’t done yet, dear reader! For about a week later, look who comes running through the door, but our little first-time camper, with dad trailing along. This kid very specifically wanted to see ME, because he had pictures and he wanted to show them to me. Awwww, sweet! Sure, let’s take a look…hey, I know this camp! I know exactly where you were! So we talked about being at that camp, and taking the hike down the hill to the old camp location, and how the fishing in the lake is, and the deer that just don’t care that you are around, and how the chow hall seems to be made mostly of sieves given how drafty it is. We had a brag board up for the hunters who had trophy hunts, so I pinned a couple of the better pictures to the board. This kid beamed with pride, then ran off to use the bathroom.

This is when dad chimed in, and thanked me for a much more personal reason. He and the kid’s mom had gone through a fairly nasty divorce, and she had majority custody. Scouting events were one of the few ways that dad could spend extended quality time with his son, and this camping trip had been very good for the both of them. He got a little choked up about it, as did I. I simply told him, “this is what scouting is all about. ‘Help other people at all times.’ This is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Over the next year+, they became regulars of the store. I knew which troop they were with, a large and active one, so they were pretty consistently in need of various consumable camping supplies. More pictures got posted to the brag board. His first summer camp saw him earn four merit badges and the Mile Swim badge. I started to volunteer with his troop as a merit badge counselor, and had a great time.

However, real life gets in the way. School, and a couple of new jobs meant I couldn’t devote the time I needed to to help his troop out. We basically drifted apart, and the other things going on in my life made me forget about him and his dad.

Until late in 2010. I get a phone call out of the blue. The voice on the other end is deeper, self-confident. “Is _____ there?” “Yeah, that’s me, who is this?” It’s that young scout from the store, calling me up to invite me to his Eagle Court of Honor. I stood there in my kitchen in mute shock. All those memories of helping him out came flooding back. “You better believe I’ll be there. I’ll even try to fit into my old uniform.”

And so I did. Though I eschewed the shorts and went for pants. This young boy, now turned into a young man, stood tall and proud as they pinned the Eagle Medal to his shirt, recited the Eagle Charge, and gave a short speech thanking people who’d made a difference in his life. He looked right at me as he gave the speech, pointed me out, and said, “this guy right here, he was the first adult to encourage me. His example as an Eagle was what I followed. I cannot thank him enough.” Tears flowed.


Following the ceremony, I found his dad. Scouting had made both of them better people. He’d decided that being bitter towards his kid’s mom wasn’t what a scout leader (oh yeah, he was now an assistant scoutmaster, the bug bites very hard) should be doing. This had allowed their divorce to become more amicable, and they had successfully renegotiated custody some time earlier. He was a happier man, and was so proud of his son I was pretty sure his chest was going to burst. His son, now tall, strong, confident, and an obvious leader, was destined to go places. He would be graduating high school the next spring, and was looking at getting into college for a degree in psychology with a minor in criminal justice. He wanted to live his Oath and Law by being a police officer. My own chest felt like it was going to burst at this point.

I still keep in touch with him. He’s now coming up on his 21st birthday, and is readying applications for various police departments around town. I’ve already told him that I’d gladly be his reference, because he’s one of the guys we all want to become a cop, someone with a strong and steadfast sense of duty, honor, integrity, generosity, and kindness of spirit. He’ll make a damn fine officer, and I can say that a little part of that, just a little part, is because of my willingness to help him choose tents one day several years ago.

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Bored Daddy

Love and Peace

People claim McDonald’s knows something we don’t after opening store in middle of nowhere without electricity


Being one of the most famous and most wide-spread chain of restaurants, McDonald’s is the first choice of many when it comes to fast food.

Most of its restaurants are located in populated areas. Well, nearly all of them.

Recently, McDonald’s sparked controversy after someone noticed they are opening a restaurant at a remote place with no electricity at 8075 Avenue Marcel-Villeneuve in Saint-François, Laval, Quebec.

“Officially open for business. Our staff awaits you at our new restaurant at 8075 Marcel-Villeneuve, Laval,” the restaurant wrote on Facebook.

McDonalds’ Jéremy Lévy shared the excitement over the new location, saying: “I am delighted to be involved with the community of Saint-François on the occasion of this opening. Growing up with a father who is also a McDonald’s franchisee, I have had the opportunity to see him actively involved in the communities in which he operates his restaurants.

“Today, I am very excited to follow in his footsteps and get involved in the same way.”

The new restaurant vent viral after a TikTok user filmed it and shared it on the social media. @thumbs.up.canuck. expressed his confusion regarding the location. “It’s literally in the middle of farm field. It’s surrounded by farm, and there’s not even electricity yet. They’re running the damn place on a generator! That’s crazy!” he could be heard saying.

In no time, the video was re-shared by a huge number of users who started a series of speculations and conspiracy theories.

@thumbs.up.canuck McDiesel fumes #mcdonalds #crazy ♬ original sound – thumbs.up.canuck

Most claimed that McDonald’s Canada Corporate offices know something the rest of the world doesn’t know and they are hiding it from us.

“Then you know what’s coming, they wouldn’t put it there for nothing,” one person said.

Another added, “In two years it will be surrounded by houses strategically planned.”

A third claimed, “All the surrounding farms are about to be purchased and sold to developers.”

It is probably true that the area would soon become populated, and McDonald’s would be the first company to be operating there.

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Bored Daddy

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Martin Lewis issues urgent warning to couples who live together but aren’t married


Martin Lewis, the founder, discuss “unpleasant” money issues, such as the one related to one’s assets after their passing.

Lewis explained that when a person dies their spouse is entitles to their belongings, but the same isn’t true if the couple wasn’t legally married. So, unmarried couples don’t possess automatic rights to their partner’s assets in the event of death no matter how long they had been together or whether they have children or not.

This, however, can change in case of existence of a will, which represents a legally binding document.

“A special point to anyone who is cohabiting – you’re not married and you’re not a civil partner. If you’ve been living together for 30 years and you’ve got nine children, it still means nothing in law, when it comes to a will,” he said on his Martin Lewis Money Show Live broadcast on ITV.

“Your partner wouldn’t get anything under the intestacy rules which dictate what happens when you die without a will. A will is crucially important to you.”

In case of a passing of a person who hadn’t left a will, their estate is distributed under intestacy rules, meaning those who inherit are the married or civil partner and some close relatives only.

In England and Wales, for example, the married partner is the first to inherit. Based on intestacy rules, they receive initial £322,000 of the estate. If the value is higher, then the spouse gets half of the remaining assets and the rest is divided among surviving children.

According to Lewis, the best way to settle who inherits what is to get a gold standard solicitor-drafted will. Further, he provides information on where and how to get this for free.

Free Wills Month is held twice a year, in March and October, for those aged over 55 and provides a free will in return for a charitable donation after death. The donations are around £300 to £500.

Will Aid, which happens annually, encourages donations to charities for basic “mirror wills” in a similar manner as Free Wills Month.

Basically, Lewis’ advice is that every person, married or not, should have a will.

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Bored Daddy

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I jokingly wrote a message on my husband’s chest before his work Christmas party


Travis was to attend the work Christmas party, but knowing that he’s a light drinker, his wife, Micaela, decided to do something fun that the could could laugh about later.

On his chest, she wrote, “This is my husband—touch him, and you’ll pay- M.”

Her husband got ready and headed to the party, assuring her he would be home early. She wished him to have fun and couldn’t wait to see if someone would actually read the message.

However, the following morning, she was stunned to see that someone added, “Keep the change,” under her writing.

At first, she thought someone was pranking her, but as she wasn’t as ease, she decided to seek advice from her mother.

Her mother told her that she should follow Travis, just to make sure he wasn’t actually cheating on her, and that’s exactly what Micaela did.

She tracked Travis’ car with a GPS, and suspicions arose when she noticed he wasn’t going to work one day as he claimed, but headed to another direction.

Micaela followed after him. When he entered an apartment, she was quick to enter the place as well, seeing her husband with another woman.

“So, you’re the woman who left a message on my husband?” she asked. The other woman didn’t seem too concerned, and simply said, “Husbands like this deserve to be treated like spare change.”

That incident marked the beginning of the end of Micaela’s marriage to Travis. She was aware she deserved better than that and filed for divorce.

Eventually, she met someone new and is now happier than ever.

Below are some of the comments under Micaela’s story of how she caught her husband cheating.  

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Bored Daddy

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