Soulful Singing Firefighters In The Forest, Hear Their Words That Have...
Samoan Hotshot fire crew are completely accustomed to marching through the forest, most people don’t even give it a second thought. Their absolute favorite...
Teacher Creatively Defends Girl Picked On By Classmates
Kinsie Johns is a Teacher who adores her job, so when this third-grade teacher found out that in her safe space in the classroom...
Supposed To Deliver A Prayer, This Old Lady Has Everyone Rolling...
Mary Maxwell had a request to say a prayer before the dinner which honoured carers, but she found the opportunity to also bring a...
Son And Mother See Licence Plate At The Drive Through, They...
Getting up each morning, most of us think that the day is going to go just as planned, usually if we have a plan...
Something Feels Wrong When She Gives the Homeless Woman Her Leftover...
Carmen Mendez and her boyfriend were on their way to get some fried chicken when they spotted a homeless woman near the entry, the...
71 Year Old Lady Lives In Car In Front Of Her...
If there is one thing that is synonymous with family it's the worry because our family, siblings, parents and even friends are close to...
Hospital Canteen Worker Blows Everyone Away With What She Does At...
As an incredible surprise, a food service worker in a Chicago area children's hospital, Jessie Tendayi, saved up for an amazing surprise for the...
An Ultrasound Destroys Mom’s Dreams, She Prayed, But Was Completely Numb
The most incredible times in your life, as a new mom is when you get to know the sex of your baby, maybe as...