Chocolate can help with cognitive decline
Attention! We have some great news for you. Well, we do just in case you are mad about chocolate and all kinds of sweet treats. As you already know, dark chocolate is believed to...
4-year-old boy with Down’s Syndrome nicknamed ‘Smiley Riley’ captures thousands of hearts, only to...
4-year-old boy with Down’s Syndrome nicknamed ‘Smiley Riley’ captures thousands of hearts, only to land modelling job!
Whenever Down’s Syndrome was mentioned, lots of stereotypes emerged. People become compassionate and caring. In most cases such...
Young girl begs for massive ship to honk. 9 million have watched her regret...
Young children have a lot on their mind. They are constantly thinking of what toys to get or what game to play next. However, many times, those ordinary pastimes become pretty boring so they...
Dad gives sweet answer when he’s asked if he has Alzheimer’s
You never know when the life will turn the back on you. Imaging living the life you have been craving for, achieving all the goals you have set up and suddenly you have no...
Here’s a funny joke about a pastor and his donkey
I am sure you've heard people saying how the media is often misleading and tends to present the reality a bit different than it really is. If you wonder how they do it just...
Officer Goes Beyond The Call Of Duty To Help Teenager
Contrary to the common belief that police officers are only spending their days pulling people over and giving tickets while patrolling in their cars, the reality is totally different. These people do a lot...