Woman Sings ‘Amazing Grace’ to Celebrate Her Last Chemo

Some people's perspective of life is so positive and optimistic that it makes others believe how any obstacle they come across can be overcome with ease. These people are a true inspiration and guidance...

Matteo Bocelli Sings Love Me Tender

It's an undeniable fact that talent runs in the Bocelli family. Andrea is a chart-topping singer whose perfect vocal skills have the power to captivate our senses and his son Matteo following into his...

Funny story: Old man gets revenge on town that cut down his beloved tree

An elderly man from Redondo Beach, California, was in distress and in disbelief when he learned that the tree he planted 30 years ago was about to be cut down. Knowing how important trees are...

Man Waters Wife’s Plants Even After She Passed Away, But He Discovers Something Else

He religiously watered them every single day until.. The death of a beloved family member is truly an unbearable part of life and one of the most difficult experiences which many of us had gone...

Dad Teaches Stranger A Lesson After Making Rude Comment

Little Emma is facing a cruel battle most of us hope to never deal with. At just six-years-old, she will soon begin her seventh round of chemotherapy because she's fighting a brain tumor. Fortunately,...

‘Are You Ready?’: Deaf Toddler Is Introduced to the World of Sound for the...

Annie and her parents were excitingly looking forward to the life changing moment that was about to bring the little one into a completely new world, that of sound. This beauty was born deaf...