Mom Gives Birth To Incredibly Special Set Of Triplets

The sudden realization that your having triplets would shock most parents, so that moment that doctors told the 23 years old Becki-Jo Allen that she actually has three babies in her tummy, she was...

Boy Gets On Bus Crying, Bus Driver Stops Him And Has To Take Action!

We all know that Washington is well known for its cold weather, it is after all quite far north, so in Kennewick its exceptionally cold too. Getting deep into the winter months it is...

After Birth Of Their Healthy Baby, 6 Weeks After Feels Something Wrong, Doctor Does...

Ben and Eliza Curby found out they were going to have a baby around three months into their dating, of course, they were in a panic but equally excited too! They always wanted to...

Little Girl On Santa’s Lap Says 4 Words That Makes Everyone Cry!

The armed forces fight to protect us and look after us in times of conflict too, but having a Loved on in the forces is a mixed blessing. On one side you're incredibly proud...

Dying Son and His Mom Return After A Visit To Santa To See Note...

Going to visit Santa is a special thing for any child, but for 7-year-old Garrett Coyne's it's both special and exciting, he really loves seeing Santa every year. So much so that the family...

Can you Believe They Fired This 88 Year old Walmart Greeter for This?

The strangest thing made the headlines the other day, an 88-year-old greeter in Walmart was fired because he let a “Wild Turkey” come into the building. This happened to be the Walmart in Waukesha,...