Man contracted flesh-eating bacteria during a kayaking trip and is now left fighting for...

Life is unpredictable. Now you are at your best, and in the next moment things can get an unlike turn no one expects or can ever predict. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened to...

Man spots a freezing kitten at the side of the road and it turns...

Sadly, it's not unusual for animals to be abandoned at secluded places and dumping grounds by owners who are not willing to take care of them any longer. This tiny kitten, however, was dumped...

Great Dane Gets Jealous of the New Puppy and Throws the Most Hilarious Tantrum

No matter what breed they belong to, each dog is unique in some special way. But, one thing they have in common is the loyalty they show to humans.  Having one in your life is...

Family Dog Loves Helping Put Crying Baby Girl Back to Sleep During the Night

Sara Lebwohl and her husband Zach's story is one of those that makes everyone go 'aww.' This lovely family of three, the couple and their dog Prince, welcomed their bundle of joy two years...

Dog Sneaks Away From Home to Make Friends With Deer

That a dog is a man's best friend is something most of us know all to well already, but the truth is that these loving creatures are so outgoing that they can make friends...

Little Boy Takes Time to Play With the Neighbor’s Cat Other Kids Find “Scary”

Ace has to be one of the sweetest cats you've ever met. He's cute, loving, and enjoys humans' company. He is a rescue cat who was lucky enough to end up with a family...