Day to day we leave our houses for a large part of every day, to work, to run errands, or even to go round town to have a dinner date out with your significant other! When you do return...
As time passes by and you begin to get older it gets increasingly difficult to be comfortable with yourself, at least for some of us! However in the case that one of your children getting married then it's even...
Sadly diagnosed with dementia around five years ago, Jessie Bell, a grandmother, was moved into a nursing home this year as her condition worsened, for her own safety and wellbeing. At a ripe old age of 94 she had done...
So often in life its every man or woman for himself or herself and especially in this hard and difficult world, there are many people who don’t or won’t make the time to help others. It feels like we...
In life, there are many strange things that happen every day, to all sort of people, but for a teacher, in Seattle, he had a shock when he was put on paid leave, from the high school he worked...
One of the worse things is cancer, even more so when it's concerning children. Jonathan and Shelby thought that their daughter, Sophie, who is two years old, was suffering from allergies. She was finding it hard to breathe and her...