The coronavirus outbreak that has been labeled a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) left millions in fear for their life. And as the situation is getting more severe with each passing day, people are panic buying supplies.  Sadly,...
When we hear the word school principal most of us think of a strict person who never laughs. Yes, I know this profession is in the group of vocations that we stereotype, but this incredible story is here to change...
If life isn't hard all by itself, some people face additional problems and struggle with their everyday activities because of many different reasons.  14-year-old Alex Johnson is a boy who suffers from skeletal dysplasia, a condition that affects the growth...
The names of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers spark elegance, flawlessness, and unflagging energy. This incredible screen duo fitted together so perfectly that the harmony they were able to achieve is unique and unmeasured. So, it doesn't really come...
I remember how much I enjoyed rollerblading during my younger days. In fact, I loved it so much that I don't really understand why I don't do it any longer. It's not only fun and relaxing, but it also...
The story of a couple, Joseph and Shanna Weight, reminds us that life is full of surprises and we can never know what awaits us around the corner.  Ever since these two got married, they knew they wanted to be...