Swing Dancing has to be one of the most entertaining dance styles including some crazy routines that make everyone get on their feet and move their hips in the rhythm.
The term Honky Tonk on the other hand was used to describe loud and rowdy bars that served alcohol to hillbillies and the working class. These places often played country music that is now know by the same name as the bars. Over time, this didn’t really change much, as today the word still stands for “ a country western bar that offers live music.”

These two styles are a true American thing and many people enjoy the moves, but no one does it the way Katie and Jason did.
Their out-of-this-world talent captured the hearts and the eyes of millions of people who enjoyed watching the two perform.
Both Kate and Jason showed interest in dancing from a very early age. In her biography, this natural dancer says:
“Along with education, I have an extreme passion for the arts; specifically dance. I have been dancing since I was 2-years-old and danced my way through college.”
Jason Colacino was a talented and respected professional who started his dance career in country line dancing when he was still just a teenager. He went on to master many other dancing styles and became the best in each of them.

Known for their swing dance, this time they left the audience amazed by slightly adapting their dancing to something more challenging. The eye-popping moves they showed once they took the dance floor took the Internet by storm as this performance has been seen more than 5.5 million times. We are sure it’s that much smiles on the viewers’ faces.
Once the melody of the Rolling Stones’ classic ‘Honky Tonk Woman’ filled the air, Jason asked Katie for a dance, and the rest is history.

The routine is smooth and elevated to a whole new level. This dancing couple’s moves are in perfect sync and blend just perfectly.
The combination of East Coast Swing and the fun of classic Honky Tonk make the whole experience unforgettable.
These two make the whole thing look like a piece of cake. They are that good at what they do. People are left wondering if they even step on the ground as it looks as they are floating above the dancing floor.

Jason swings and dips his partner and lifts her above his head as the whole performance grows more and more energetic.
The mesmerized crowd cheers and treats the performers with loud applause.

It’s been long since we’ve last witnessed someone enjoying dancing this much.
We can definitely watch this video over and over again.
It will remain as a reminder of the enormous talent of Jason who passed away in 2009. But he left his legacy of numerous acts and performances that made people from all around the world fall in love with this dancing style.
It’s very sad that someone so vibrant left this world at such young age.

Take a look at the performance in the video below. We are certain you are going to love it.