Support Gabo and NEA K9 Training Group

If you would like to help support the needs of local K9s you can check out their page at


Help support our local K-9 Officers

K9 Units play one of the most important roles when it comes to the safety of the community members. Patrolling along the neighborhood streets, they make sure everything is in perfect order. Besides these patrols, these dog handlers and their professionally trained four-legged partners do a lot when it comes to locating missing people and sniffing narcotics.

Officer Gabo is one tough dog that won’t quit easily. He was shot four times by an armed suspect, but is now in the process of recovery.

Having heard stories like this, and realizing how important these dogs are for the community, many people felt the need to step in and help any way possible. As a result, we’ve came across a safe and secure way through which you can support K9 officers in Northeast Arkansas.

K9 officers endure highly demanding training which are usually done at night because dogs can track much better at night than people. This means they don’t really have working hours, but can be called upon whenever there is an emergency.

While on the job, these four-legged officers need full equipment, just like their human partners. That includes animal first aid kits, K9 Narcan kits, muzzles, training tools, and more.

All money donated here will be used for the need of the K9 local officers. You can make a one time donation or sign up for a recurring donation. 

K9 Cash received Officer of the Month for January 2018

K9 Gabo

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