Snow White steps in for a young boy having meltdown at Disney World

In the little children’s world, Disney World is the place where the real-life magic happens. Just imagine the joy of seeing all those characters from the books and the movies walking around you and greeting you. Isn’t that a dream come true?

Lauren Bergner and her family went to Disneyland in Florida and were hoping to have the time of their life, and guess what, they got what they hoped for all thanks to Snow White.

Source: Facebook/ Lauren Bergner

Namely, Lauren’s son Brody, who has autism and isn’t very comfortable around people, experienced a meltdown because of the crowd, and just when the family thought the day would come to an end before it even started, beautiful Snow White came to the rescue.

When she noticed Brody, she approached and sat next to him. In the next moment, after she spoke to the disturbed boy softly and gently, he felt so comfortable that he placed his head on her lap. Brody and Snow White then took a walk holding hands and she showed him around.

Source: Facebook/ Lauren Bergner

Lauren was extremely grateful to the young woman who saved the day. She didn’t only wore a princess’ outfit, but truly acted as one. “She held his hand, danced with him, took him over to a bench and sat with him. She went above and beyond!! She took so much time with him. She was a pure angel! She was magical and my family is forever thankful and touched!” Lauren said.

Source: Facebook/ Lauren Bergner

She posted the photos along with the story on Facebook. A lot of people took their time to comment and praise Snow White for stepping in for Brody.

“I am thankful these moments were captured. My heart is full. Please make sure she is recognized! We will never forget this moment,” the happy mother wrote.

Source: Facebook/ Lauren Bergner

You can take a look at the video below for more of this incredibly beautiful story.  

Monica Pop
Monica Pop
Monica Pop is a senior writer for Bored Daddy magazine covering the latest trending and popular articles across the United States and around the world.

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