Arlene Nickless had a hard time make ends meet after her husband Tim passed away and left her to take care of their three sons all by herself.
Tim worked as a critical care nurse but contracted hepatitis C from a patient and died as a result of the disease.

After a long period of struggling, it looked like this widow’s dream finally came true after her friends and neighbors entered her onto the reality TV show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Arlene was over the moon. Her kids were about to get the home they always deserved to live in and which their mom couldn’t afford to give them.

After the renovation was over, Arlene’s home looked awesome. It was a place everyone would like to be staying in. However, with the renovation came financial problems. Namely, over the course of nine years, property taxes tripled and this mom who already had a hard time keeping on top of her finances was now unable to pay them on time.

Arlene tried contacting the mortgage company and plead them to work out a payment schedule that would fit her, but she was given a silent treatment.
Sadly, that meant that Arlene and her children had to leave their home. An eviction notice came in to her mail and it was the end of it. Her friends and neighbors who helped her with the renovation couldn’t believe what was happening.

The family rushed to pack up all their belongings before the sheriff came on the eviction day, otherwise, they would be forced to leave anything unpacked behind.

Arlene’s story spread around like a wildfire and has been seen by over 7 million people who agree that what happened to this poor mother speaks of the flaws of the American systems.

Was it really possible for the mortgage company to refuse to step in for Arlene only because they wanted her house? Most people agree the answer to this question is a resounding yes. What country do we live in when a struggling single mother with three children is left on the street?
Take a look at Arlene’s full story in the video below? What do you think of it?