Simon Cowell might be a strict judge when it comes to singing and performing, but his love for dogs and animals makes him one of our most favorite celebrities. This multi-millionaire television judge and producer is also known as an animal rights advocate.
Now dog lovers love him even more knowing that he has given a significant amount of money to the Humane Society International (HSI) which is a protection organization whose aim is to help all animals—including animals in laboratories, animals on farms, companion animals and wildlife.

The generous donation of £25,000 is to help shut down one of the many dog meat farms in South Korea. These funds will help rescue around 200 dogs and puppies who are at the farm where they are bred over and over again for the sake of the dog meat industry. This is not the first time for the HSI to fight against these farms, and it’s been reported that so far, the organization saved around 1,400 animals.
Claire Bass, the UK executive director of the Humane Society International, said:
“Simon’s generous donation means the world to us and provides a huge boost to our appeal to close this horrendous dog meat farm. More than 200 dogs are languishing in the most appalling conditions, but we have a real chance to save them.”
With every dog farm we close and every farmer we help to switch to a more profitable, humane business, we’re showing the South Korean government that it’s possible to end this cruel trade. These poor dogs have had the worst lives so far, so we’re desperate to get them out of those dreadful cages and show them love, soft beds and loving arms for the first time in their lives.”
This is why Simon’s donation is of great importance.

The dog meat trade is one of the most serious animal welfare issues in South Korea, and Simon discussed this issue before in the media.
“It’s like eating your friend. Ironically, some of those people who are eating dogs, if those dogs were their pet, that dog would be protecting that person’s life, that’s the irony. The joy, the love they bring into your life, what they do for you, you can’t put it into words.
In South Korea, there are an estimated 17,000 dog meat farms.
It is a strength, in my opinion, to say we’re not going to do it. If they all could come together now, maybe through social media, maybe through a different generation who just say no, enough people will listen. That’s what happens in the world today.”
Although this violent trade doesn’t end, in recent years, this trend became controversial not only in South Korea, but all over the world mainly as a result of the actions by the animal rights activists. According to the newest information, consumption of dog meat is becoming less common among the young South Koreans so the practice is significantly declining. However, the number is still high.

A South Korean court ruled for the first time this years that it’s illegal to kill dogs for their meat. We hope that this practice of dog meat consumption will decline even further up to the point no dog will be killed for its meat.
Thanks to people like Simon Cowell who support the fight against the dog farms, less dogs will be caged and killed each year.