This has to be one of the most heartwarming as well as most entertaining wedding ceremonies you’ve ever stumbled upon. We are all perfectly aware that weddings celebrate the love of two people who decide to devote the rest of their lives to one another, but can we really call it a real wedding without all the family members and relatives getting involved and making sure everything goes as smoothly as planned? I guess not.
This particular wedding was so great exactly because of that. Family!
The bride’s siblings decided to treat their loving sister with an amazing dancing performance none will never forget.

The guests and the newlyweds formed a circle around the performers who resembled real professionals. The show started with the four boys dancing to Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way” and as though the whole thing wasn’t sweet enough, they ended the routine by posing next to each other with black sunglasses on. Some fierce boys, don’t you think so?
Now it was the time for the four sisters to take the “dance floor” and show what they got. Dancing on “Tell Him” from the musical show “Glee,” they put smiles on everyone’s face. Dressed in cute pink dresses, they were dancing to the rhythm in a perfect sync.

Both the brothers and the sisters got back with another act. Vibrant and energetic, they stole the hearts of everyone. The guests were clapping all along and the bride and the groom were more than happy with this perfect wedding gift.
At one moment, everyone was in anticipation to see what’s next. After the girls danced to an Indian song, “Radha” the boys joined them and now all of them were in the limelight. It’s obvious this was very well planed and it took them quite some time to practice and perfect every move, but it was definitely worth it.
The wedding guests were surprised and couldn’t hide their excitement by tapping their feet to the rhythm of the melody. This was a once in a lifetime experience.

Unique and unexpected, there was nothing more this bride could ask for. She was struggling to hold her tears back because this was all too emotional for her. Even the little ones managed to remember every single step, and they were all beyond adorable.
After the performance was over, the siblings and the newlyweds shared a group hug and nothing could take that huge grin off their faces.
To be honest, this is really something you should see it for yourself because it’s too good for words. Enjoy!