We all love magic tricks and can’t help but wonder what’s the truth behind them. They mesmerize us and make us laugh. Now imagine doing magic in front of a different kind of audience – a bunch of sweet dogs from the shelter.
Magician John Stessel shows us that everyone needs to have fun every once in a while, even our furry friends whose reaction to his tricks is priceless.

The shows John performs at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter in New York, in partnership with director Rob Bliss and TBS, have the purpose not only to entertain the dogs, but also to provide potential adopters with the chance to see their vibrant personalities. This will probably increase the chances of the lovely pals finding their forever home.
“I’ve always loved the idea of doing magic with dogs,” Stessel told The Dodo. “Performing for them was nothing short of incredible.”
Who could have thought the dogs could be such an incredible audience.
“The reaction from the dogs was just amazing,” Stessel said. “They were just so cute. It was really special.”
Each dog is rewarded plenty of doggie treats after the shows. They love the magic and enjoy every single moment of it. Hopefully, they’ll be able to perform the most important trick themselves, that of vanishing form the shelter right in the house of someone who’ll love them until their last day.
“They just wanted to be loved,” Stessel said. “Each one of them would be perfect to find their own forever home.”