Great Confucius once said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” and although not many of us are lucky enough to pursue a career in our dream field, there are those who complete their desire of doing what they truly love. One of those fortunate people is Mark Gilberg. This incredibly dedicated man spent 37 years and three weeks working as a trooper at the Department of Public Safety, Arizona.
After that many years, Mark was about to retire, and his last day on the job was so emotional that it touched the hearts of millions who heard him making his last radio call to his colleagues.
Mark announced, “Badge 2988 began his career March 11, 1981… this will be my final 10-7” as tears were rolling down his face. The dispatcher then said, “10-4, and you’re making me cry too, did everyone copy that?”

The trooper went on to thank his colleagues saying, “It’s been an honor and a privilege. And a great career, it’s been a great adventure.” Neither he nor his coworkers could hide their emotions. It’s been a very special day for the whole unit. “Badge 2988, Thirty-seven years and three weeks later – it’s been a great ride, thank you very much and keep smiling” Mark said. The dispatcher responded that they all appreciated everything he’s done during his career of almost four decades.
We thank trooper Mark Gilbert for his service and wish him a happy retirement.
You can see the video of the touching farewell below. Don’t forget to share it with your friends.