Most times, when we are on our way to work we don’t really expect to come across someone who would change our life, but that’s exactly what happens every now and then.
Tegan Griffith, a woman from Wisconsin, was driving on a desolated country road when something strange caught her attention. A sweet puppy got out of a ditch. It was more than obvious that the poor soul was left there to die. But he was lucky enough to stumble upon someone kind-hearted like Tegan who took it with her at the office.

The cute puppy with floppy ears was malnourished and couldn’t wait to eat the cheese his new human friend had to offer. Tegan was more than happy to help the dog that she named Larry find his happiness.
Once she got home, Tegan called the authorities and some nearby shelters, hoping to learn who the cruel person who ditched sweet Larry might be. To her surprise, when she called one of the shelters and told them where she spotted the pup, they said, “Oh! You found NUMBER FOUR!”
Tegan knew there was something more behind Larry’s story and she was willing to find out what was going on so she paid the shelter a visit.

As it turned out, Larry wasn’t the only abandoned dog that day. His three sisters were previously spotted in the nearby area where Tegan found him.

Larry’s sisters were brought to the shelter the previous day, but he somehow got lost and spent the night out, all alone and freezing.

Tegan thought it would be great if the siblings are reunited again, so she took Larry and drove him to see his sisters.
The shelter staff were willing to treat the pups with the appropriate medical care until they are all cleaned from worms.

Once they fully recover, the siblings will be given for adoption.