Professor babysits single mother’s kids so she can finish her exam

Thank you, Dr. Krebs. Your kindness is immense.


I have a feeling that as time passes by, people are becoming more and more self-centered. Stories of kindness are not as common as they once were, so stumbling upon any makes our heart smile.

Being a mom is one of the most demanding jobs. Despite the care they take for their children and the home many work regular jobs and attend university so they don’t have it easy. That is why we should do our best in order to make this world a much comfortable place for these special people.

Source: Facebook

Monica Romero is a 28-year-old single mother of two. At the same time, she’s part of the military and attends the University of Louisville. This Army ROTC student moved to Kentucky from South Korea where she served in order to pursue a bachelor’s degree.

She was about to take her last exam and arranged for a babysitter to take care of her kids, but then, in the last minute, the sitter canceled. Monica didn’t know what to do, but a friend of hers advised her to take her kids with her at the university. Although that sounded like a bad idea, it was the only thing she could do.

As she was going to the university, she prayed for Mikayla, five, and Marcus, four, to behave.

During the first couple of minutes the kids stood still in the hallway, but then Marcus came to the classroom and knocked on the door. Monica was sure she would be asked to leave the class, but just the opposite happened. When the professor, Dr. Daniel Krebs, spotted the kids, he told Monica he would play with them so that she could finish her test.

Source: facebook

This man with a heart of gold entertained Mikayla and Marcus for 45 minutes.

Once this lovely story was shared online, along with a photo of Dr. Krebs, he was dubbed a hero. He, however, believed that what he did was just a common sense and that the real hero here was Monica.

Thank you, Dr. Krebs. Your kindness is immense.